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Moderate Flame Wars!

Started by n00blar, January 01, 2003, 12:28 PM

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I would appreciate moderaters if they would moderate the flames more! I have seen people flaming someone simply for asking for help or simply for asking a question of interest! I admit i have participated in the flame wars and i should be ashamed =P so please moderate these forums closely and delete any posts or replys that are non-friendly or non-constructive!


You're talking about warz, aren't you?  He flames every person who asks for help.  

To him: Knock it off! :'-(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I think alot of people are afraid to post here because they afraid of being insulted for asking a simple question. I myself fit into that catergory... :-/


Flaming? No, that'd mean I'm wasting my time. It's more or less constructive criticism... forcing others to research on their own, before making a fool of themself on some forum, or any other place.


Dont be afraid, im not and 'warz' has "flamed" atleast 3-5 times....


What a load of crap. You can't force anyone to do anything. It's just trolling, it's really irritating, and I wish you'd stop it.


I thought this forum is a place where others help others with their problems, not telling someone to go figure it out on their own.  many of us had to figure things out by our selves, but if someone asks you something, atleast helpe them with what you could...


QuoteI think alot of people are afraid to post here because they afraid of being insulted for asking a simple question. I myself fit into that catergory... :-/

Obviously it's working. You can ask for help, as long as you know what you're asking for help on, right? Why go in depth, when a simple referal to a website that will be able to explain the subject 100x better than I'll ever be able to, is just as simple?


i dunno...

but I can see where your coming from, I would find it annyoing when someone asks for code that they cannot edit themselves because they have no idea what there doing


i can see maybe if you have either bits and parts of those sources on your site, giving out other people sources i dont think is right w/o asking them, it looked like Noodlez was mad when he found out an entire source of his was released and still is...just having an entire source sitting there...really wont do much to people who are just learning the basics, some of those sources are too advanced and really confusing to others except the author who made it and understands every little part to it.  if someone asks for help, dont tell them to goto your site, thats not going to help them learn as much, it will only show the way its done, it wont tell *how* it is done, and what it means, and other ways to do things....also it does not explain the subject 100x better


Not if they honestly want to learn how to do it, rather than find it, and copy it. A good skill to develop is the skill to read, and comprehend. Look at how it's done, and figure out what it does, then recreate it.
I'm sure noodlez was mad, but then I'm also sure he downloaded other files from there too.


The way i learn from it is, see how they do it, and then packet log it and compare, tahts the way i learn how to do most of these packets...im sure he probably did download other things on there, but you have to lighten up a little and not sound like some big old mean guy or something, youve seen what others have said to you, and about you..


You just admitted to doing what you were saying was so incorrect earlier. Take this to a private message, or something. [or get over it...]


I will get over it, im just trying to help the problem  :-X


How are you gonna know what their gonna do with the code? Everything ive learned ive learned from Planet Source Code. In my opinion sources are a lot better then docs. If you dont wanna help people, then just shut your mouth ok? So if somebody asks for source for say... a botnet client... then dont say "why dont you just look at the doc and learn it yourself", your just being ignorant. And whoever said people are afraid to post here cuz they will just be flamed, your probaly right, cuz even good programmers get flamed, even for something like a spelling error or stuff like that.
I am back! aINC is dead, ThinkTank PRO is alive.
VB, JAVA, ASM, C, its all yummy to me.