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Driving distractions (ie cell phones)

Started by CrAz3D, February 05, 2005, 02:41 PM

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I was going along the high way, about to exit & get on Main st to head home.  I exit & this Dodge Caravan with a woman driver & her, I assume, daughter pulled up next to me at a stop light.  The woman had her hand raised like she was waving (many ppl around here waving by just raising their hand).  I think nothing of it but then her daughter opens the passenger side door & spits.  I thought "that is a rude little girl..." then notice the mother still has her hand up.  Next thing I know the mother opens HER door & spits!

We leave the stop light & go along, then hit another stop light.  After it turns green the mother, who was in the other lane slightly ahead of me, just sat @ the light.  I drove by & to my surprise BOTH of the ppl in the car had their hands raised & the daughter seemed to be reading out of some book.  Who prays & drives!?... if they ban cell phone usage I want them to ban DWP (driving with praying) also.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...



They are banned in britain, while driving. On the spot fines etc.


rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...



Quote from: SoR-Mephisto on February 06, 2005, 09:44 PM
Quote from: CrAz3D on February 06, 2005, 03:15 PM
Praying is?

Cell phones, idiot.
My bad, I assumed that but wanted to make sure since my story/post wasn't about cell phones, I only used them as an example.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Btw, are you sure they were praying?  And what did spitting have to do with praying?


Quote from: SoR-Mephisto on February 06, 2005, 10:21 PM
Btw, are you sure they were praying?  And what did spitting have to do with praying?
Beats the junk out of me.  The were reciting something from a book while holding their hand up & performing odd rituals...sounds like some odd form of praying to me.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Haha.. I see people text messaging & reading them while driving all the time here... I don't think they'll ever ban it though.


This thread has no glue.  Looking to read something about distractions, i.e. cell phones, and it's some incident about two females spitting out of a Dodge while raising one hand.  To make things worse, it is described as praying.  Now I am really lost.


Quote from: Grok on February 07, 2005, 10:37 AM
This thread has no glue.  Looking to read something about distractions, i.e. cell phones, and it's some incident about two females spitting out of a Dodge while raising one hand.  To make things worse, it is described as praying.  Now I am really lost.
The woman WAS distracted while she was driving.  She missed that the light had turned green & the other cars infront of her were moving.  By the things they did it looked as it was some sort of religious ritual, ie praying. 

I just thought it was an amusing story, not to be taken so seriously.
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


speaking of unusual hand signals

once this asshole in a huge ford truck pulled out in front of me while i was going around 40 miles an hour, he pulled out into my lane, the 2nd lane over (left lane) rather than the right, he then stayed there!!!

blocking both lanes with his huge freaking truck, and then i notice he is giving me the finger while looking the other direction

he continues to do this for about a minute

blocking me and 4-5 other cars, while giving us all the finger
we were honking and shit and this fagget just sat there blocking both lanes of traffic and flipping us off

i think he was praying ;)
Left here since creation...
Forgotten in the river of time...


rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


Women by nature are poor drivers, I know this is sexist but... I have never seen a woman who can merge into traffic properly. They do not need cell phones getting in their way.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


I have to stand in defence. My mum is one of the best drivers I have seen. She passed the test first time. Yet her mother took 8 times to pass.