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Winamp 5.04 (rant)

Started by j0k3r, August 20, 2004, 09:58 PM

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You can build gentoo from the ground up so it can be as light as you want it. But I guess you can do that with just about any distro.
To lazy for slackware.



Quote from: Archonist on August 22, 2004, 10:00 AM
For one, redhat sucks..(based on my opinion, i'm not arguing it) but anyway! I have a 558mhz machine, I use gnome//WindowMaker on Slackware 10.0. I have never had a problem with xmms, it used to run a little slow because my media was on an NTFS partition, which not suprisingly are slow with linux, so I made a fat32 partition for all music//movies, and it runs perfectly fast.
Here is why Red Hat sucks: because, like me, you got the x.0 versions (7.0, 8.0, 9.0). The developers of Red Hat don't even use those ("I always wait until at least the .2 version"). Aside from that, Red Hat is good for building what you want and keeping everything else the way it is (unlike Gentoo where you have basically two options: build everything yourself or don't use it).
The problem with non-RH distros is that they tend not to like Gnome (how can you not like Gnome?).


So how do the developers work the bugs out of the X.0 versions if they don't use them?
To lazy for slackware.


Quote from: Undeference on August 27, 2004, 01:53 PM
Quote from: Archonist on August 22, 2004, 10:00 AM
For one, redhat sucks..(based on my opinion, i'm not arguing it) but anyway! I have a 558mhz machine, I use gnome//WindowMaker on Slackware 10.0. I have never had a problem with xmms, it used to run a little slow because my media was on an NTFS partition, which not suprisingly are slow with linux, so I made a fat32 partition for all music//movies, and it runs perfectly fast.
Here is why Red Hat sucks: because, like me, you got the x.0 versions (7.0, 8.0, 9.0). The developers of Red Hat don't even use those ("I always wait until at least the .2 version"). Aside from that, Red Hat is good for building what you want and keeping everything else the way it is (unlike Gentoo where you have basically two options: build everything yourself or don't use it).
The problem with non-RH distros is that they tend not to like Gnome (how can you not like Gnome?).

That reminds me of my friend xar's quote, "For redhat, I'd wait till .1 or .2, because redhat sucks.  For Slackware, get the .0, it's built like a tank anyway."
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
