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Asians invading North America?

Started by ChR0NiC, July 31, 2004, 02:27 PM

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Do you think there are too many Asians in North America?

9 (36%)
7 (28%)
You racist bastard
9 (36%)

Total Members Voted: 17


So now you know what it feels like to be a minority?  In a lot of schools, counties, cities, etc. that are predominantly white, and even some that aren't, the same sort of behavior goes on towards black, hispanic, etc. minorities.

I'm not saying they're right for treating you poorly, but can you expect them to treat you better than they've been treated?


It seems to me that the people of different ethnic groups have an American attitude.  In Canada, we don't even differentiate between white and non-white people.  When I talk to people, or have friends, colour doesn't even come into play.  But tolerance and kindness is more of a Canadian attitude.


Quote from: Negotiable on August 01, 2004, 12:48 PM
It seems to me that the people of different ethnic groups have an American attitude.  In Canada, we don't even differentiate between white and non-white people.  When I talk to people, or have friends, colour doesn't even come into play.  But tolerance and kindness is more of a Canadian attitude.
Yes, I find that one on one with people it doesn't matter what race they are, they are easy to deal with. It's when you get a power hungry minority that becomes the majority where the problem occurs (sorry, really bad sentence). 5 years ago, my school was 90% white italians, a racist group albeit but nothing really happened (fights etc). This past year there was maybe a 10% white italian population, and 25% white population in my school. What did I notice about the ethnic groups (races do hang out together)? (Speaking in general) The blacks stand around the main hallway talking like morons and thinking they're too good for classes, browns form smelly little cliques that sit around the side halls, and asians go outside to talk and smoke. The white people generally hung out in the cafeteria/classrooms talking/doing work. Of course, there were exceptions to all these. When different ethinicities move into a new area, it's not like nothing is going to change, alot changes, so it is a big deal.

I for one somewhat enjoyed being in the minority, as you get to represent more what your culture is like. I also enjoyed the standoffs which occured a few times because you could distinctly identify the (uh, stronger?) white males standing on their side.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Quote from: Stealth on July 31, 2004, 09:23 PM
No, it sure as hell hasn't had any impact on our quality of life here. There is certainly a large population of Hmong immigrants here in Madison and elsewhere in Wisconsin, but they're largely good people.

ChR0NiC, Your example with the asian kid and the teacher, where the asian kid did well on the test - so what? If you don't like that Asians tend to do well in school then there's one clear solution: do better than them yourself. Or you could make friends with them and have them help you. Hating them is not going to fix things.

There's no reason to discriminate against someone because of their race. They're just as good a person as you are from the start. A person's actions should determine how they're treated, not their skin color or place of origin.

I am not complaining because they do well on tests, I am saying even the teachers make byased decisions when it comes to which kid they will help out if they are being bullied by others. An asian who gets bullied is almost sent to court, where as a white being bullied by a group of asians in a simple two day suspension IF THAT. The whole education system still seems to think white is a majority and we are treated as if we are complete asshole and it's time for payback from these asian people. Why is this?


Quote from: Eli_1 on August 01, 2004, 12:03 PM
That's the point though, Arta. Everyone _doesn't_ treat everyone else with respect. Have you been in a highschool recently where you're surrounded by Mexicans? You get treated with everything but respect. They also seem to make it quite clear they don't want to be in the US to begin with.  :-\

Sure - but I don't accept your premise. It assumes that all Mexian people are disrespectful. The problem is that these particular (probably young, adolescant) Mexians are disrespectful. That disrespect has nothing to do with their race. It may have something to do with their socioeconomic background, or their age, but those things are influences on all people.

Race just isn't ever an issue if you look at a situation logically - it's just a really convinient label for people who can't be bothered (or just can't) look at a situation and think about it in detail .


Quote from: ChR0NiC on August 01, 2004, 01:19 PM
I am not complaining because they do well on tests, I am saying even the teachers make byased decisions when it comes to which kid they will help out if they are being bullied by others. An asian who gets bullied is almost sent to court, where as a white being bullied by a group of asians in a simple two day suspension IF THAT. The whole education system still seems to think white is a majority and we are treated as if we are complete asshole and it's time for payback from these asian people. Why is this?

I doubt that much of that is really true, most stories like that are built from misconceptions, but let's assume for the sake of the argument that your factual statements are in fact the case.

If a bias does exist in the system towards a particular race, I agree that that's bad. It is not, however, justification for dislike of that race or hostility towards people of that race. If the bias you mention is present, and you care this much about it, you should look into it. Ask for the records of suspensions and other disciplinary procedures. Get numbers. Really look into it and do your research. Make sure that your assumptions & conclusions are not themselves biased by your experiences. If you find something, take it to the school board.

Prejudice towads white people is just as bad as any other kind, although it can happen when people with the right idea do the wrong thing (so-called positive discrimination, which I think is dispicable). My point is, you've started out with some facts, but instead of deriving a logical conclusion from them, you've started talking about assholes and payback, which just makes you look prejudiced yourself.


QuoteThat's the point though, Arta. Everyone _doesn't_ treat everyone else with respect. Have you been in a highschool recently where you're surrounded by Mexicans? You get treated with everything but respect. They also seem to make it quite clear they don't want to be in the US to begin with.
I thought they were Puerto Rican. Maybe that's why you think you are getting treated with disrespect. If you're surrounded by a group of people that you don't know about maybe you should study a little bit about them. Maybe one of these Puerto Rican people heard you refer to them as a mexican. It's kind of like Asian people don't like to be refered to as oriental.
To lazy for slackware.


Honostly, not being rascist but there is too many hispanics here in Michigan, more then whites almost.


Quote from: Eli_1 on August 01, 2004, 12:03 PM
That's the point though, Arta. Everyone _doesn't_ treat everyone else with respect. Have you been in a highschool recently where you're surrounded by Mexicans? You get treated with everything but respect. They also seem to make it quite clear they don't want to be in the US to begin with.  :-\

That's whats it is here. would you not think if they come to this country for a better life then they should'nt be rascist? I don't see alot of white people proclaiming superiorty over anyone, just look at these messages, most people here live with and respect other races, but when hispanics come here and push thier wieght around, get free money/health care/welfare while we pay for it, the least they could do is be respectfull.


Isn't that more to do with being poor than being hispanic? What about poor white people? Do you feel the same way towards them? I still think the disrespect is the issue. The race is irrelevant.


Quote from: Arta[vL] on August 03, 2004, 03:16 AM
Isn't that more to do with being poor than being hispanic? What about poor white people? Do you feel the same way towards them? I still think the disrespect is the issue. The race is irrelevant.

Just about every hispanic here is supported on welfare/healthcare etc when they are doing fine, it's bullshit I am sorry. I can provide examples too.
I am not rascist, I do not approve of poor white people doing this either but the majority of it is mexicans.


So what if most of them are mexican? It's not because they're mexican...


Arta's right, respect is the issue.  :-\


It's funny how you say most of them are on welfare. How do you know this? And we have the worst healthcare system out of most of the civilized countries in the world. I may be wrong someone please correct me if I am. It's almost impossible to get free healthcare even if you are a low income American citizen.
To lazy for slackware.


Maybe if we took the money that we absolutely waste on welfare we could give everyone cheap or free healthcare. Would $5 trillion cover it?
