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Confirmation today!

Started by Mitosis, May 30, 2004, 07:36 AM

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Dante's Divine Comedy is a good read for any of you that have yet to read it, I think you would all find parts you can connect with.

I could never be Catholic, something just bothers me about being led by a Council of hypocrites, but then I guess I'm hypocritical, because I live in America  :P ::) ;D ;). Oh the irony!
Quote from: Edsger W. DijkstraIt is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.


I enjoy a tight butt hole far to much to ever be catholic.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Quote from: Forged on June 01, 2004, 05:57 PM
I enjoy a tight butt hole far to much to ever be catholic.
That wording could easily be taken the wrong way. :P


Quote from: Mitosis on May 30, 2004, 07:36 AM
Well, it's time for my classmates and I to be Confirmed. Im somewhat nervous, thinking that I am going to screw up when I am asked a question. I have to memorise; The Catholic Beatitudes, The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, The Appostles Creed (That's very easy) and last of all the Nincene Creed (Very hard).

Pretty much what you do for Confirmation, if you don't know is that your saying "Yes I do believe in God the Father the Almighty." God will enter your life, when you were Baptized, you could not take control and say "Yes Baptize me!" Your parents did it for you.

If you dont get Confirmed, you dont have that key into Heaven, so you go to Hell.

Congradulations, with a few more years of watching the 700 Club and being brainwashed by Pat Robertson you'll be a full blown prejudice and closed-minded nutcase just like them.
- Hostile is sexy.


Pat Robertson isn't catholic.  I don't even think pat robertson or fred phelps are even christian...
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Quote from: Dyndrilliac on June 01, 2004, 03:16 PM
Dante's Divine Comedy is a good read for any of you that have yet to read it, I think you would all find parts you can connect with.

You can't use this to prove anything, it's a work of fiction.  The entire book is symbolic of his journey to overcome sin (hell) and temptation (pergatory) and reach happiness (heaven).  It was never meant to be a guidebook to hell, just an interesting poem.  

I very much wish I could read it in its original language, though, or at least read a better translation.  The one I read was pretty crappy.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Send me to hell or heaven for a day and I'll believe it's there and convert.  I do believe there is a god, but his name is Murphy.  That's the only 'divine force' I've ever witnessed in my life.
