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.NET is our future

Started by Grok, January 29, 2003, 03:33 PM

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Yes, all we need is a couple nands and we can make up some flipflops, make about 1000000 of them for a meg of ram, then we'll have to program up some registers that can do all the basic operations like shift, add, subtract, multiply, etc.  I figure that'll take up the rest of a large building, then we can do whatever we want! Woo!
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

Still, no one uses .NET or Java anyway ;)

I don't see why Delphi isn't more successful. I mean, if you look at its features, it should be a big winner.


I don't know much about Delphi, but APBot was a big memory hog as a result of ewwish Windows API wrapping...we'll see how it compares to APB2 once Arta's ready to trot it out into the world.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Delphi doesn't generally hog much memory.


QuoteDelphi doesn't generally hog much memory.
I'm guessing you've never disassembled a Delphi program... Borland's compiler/linker sucks.  ResHacker is 828KB, and APBot is 1.4MB.  There's no reason why those programs should be anywhere near that large compiled.


QuoteYes, all we need is a couple nands and we can make up some flipflops, make about 1000000 of them for a meg of ram, then we'll have to program up some registers that can do all the basic operations like shift, add, subtract, multiply, etc.  I figure that'll take up the rest of a large building, then we can do whatever we want! Woo!

Preferably you'll put them all on the same chip. That's the charm about it, making a chip that does your bidding. A program on a floppy is nothing compared to a program in a chip.


QuotePreferably you'll put them all on the same chip. That's the charm about it, making a chip that does your bidding. A program on a floppy is nothing compared to a program in a chip.

But chips are so darn small! :-(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


You just need small tools to work with them then...


QuoteYou just need small tools to work with them then...

This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:

Banana fanna fo fanna

Here's a thought...

Why don't all the processor vendors settle on one instruction set? That would be 1338 (leet++).


That would be nice, this 68k bullshit is pissing me off.. I HATE it! :-(

instead of nice ol' mov eax, 3 we have to do move.b 3, d0.  That's assuming we want to move a byte.

So instead of mov, it's move!
Instead of the register denoting the size, the instuction does!
Instead of src = dest, it's dest <- src!
The only thing that's the same is that they all have a comma! It's stupid! :(
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


QuoteHere's a thought...

Why don't all the processor vendors settle on one instruction set? That would be 1338 (leet++).
x86 has been pretty much the de-facto standard for many years, at least for PC.  PPC uses a completely different architecture; you're back to the age-old CISC vs RISC debate with respect to that.


68k is much nicer though, just two types of registers: Dx and Ax.


Where's the fun in only having two registers with normal sounding names?  Give me eax, ebx ,ecx, edx, ebp, esp, esi, eip, etc. any day! :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Don't forget the debug, control, and FPU registers plz
