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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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[21:42:10] Can[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:42:10] Can[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:42:10] Can[vL] left the channel.
[21:42:16] I[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:42:17] I[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:42:17] I[vL] left the channel.
[21:42:21] Join[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:42:22] Join[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:42:22] Join[vL] left the channel.
[21:42:26] Clan[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:42:26] Clan[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:42:26] Clan[vL] left the channel.
[21:42:30] Valhalla[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:42:31] Valhalla[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:42:31] Valhalla[vL] left the channel.
[21:43:06] Legends[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:43:06] Legends[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:43:06] Legends[vL] left the channel.
[21:44:37] Please[vL] joined the channel using Starcraft.
[21:44:37] Please[vL] was banned by [vL] (Autoban).
[21:44:37] Please[vL] left the channel.


[17:08:12] <Lord`Bacca`[vL]> Skywing thinks in ASM / so does Adron / it sucks / makes me feel stuck with English.


[00:14:24] <Acid~Angel[vL]> i am now an ordained minister
[00:14:32] <Acid~Angel[vL]> would anyone like to get married?
[00:14:59] <jigsaw[vL]> yes
[00:15:04] <jigsaw[vL]> I want to marry Cuphead
[00:15:46] <CupHead> Sorry, jigsaw, only virgins need apply.
[00:20:58] <Acid~Angel[vL]> i can only marry you if both of you agree
[00:21:00] <Acid~Angel[vL]> sorry


[16:29:47] <[vL]Grok> acid~angel what are you working on lately?
[16:29:54] <Acid~Angel[vL]> masturbation techniques


[21:30:24] <Lurker[iK]> Why does the webbot im using, keep freezing?
[21:30:42] <[vL]Grok> because its late december.


Hehe nice. Is this going to be updated as they roll in Invert?


hahaha I was there for the first two, but the last one is new and funny! :-D
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Yes, i guess i'll post them here if i find some more funny stuff in clan [vL]


^^ two & three are good ones

we normaly get people with the quick entrance and leave
with commwnts like.

[01:20:11] {SI-I}~^DadDy^ joined the channel with a ping of 204 using Starcraft Brood War: 132 normal game wins..
[01:20:15] <{SI-I}~^DadDy^> if u woke up in the woods and u didnt remember anything and u had a condom in your ass would u tell anyone>?
[01:20:31] {SI-I}~^DadDy^ left the channel.




New Clip


This new clip comes form Spht.  ;D


Here's another, perhaps Invert would like to move it to the top :)

Quote[06:07:00] <Gen0_> Any one know why the new vl bot says it's missing files?
[06:07:09] <[vL]Kp> Elaborate.
[06:07:22] <Gen0_> did u just call me a lab rat?
[06:07:32] <Arta[vL]> Probably hashfiles
[06:07:38] <Arta[vL]> Wow, was that a joke?
[06:07:47] <[vL]Kp> No, I think he's really that dumb. ;-)
[06:08:13] <Gen0_> looks spanish..
[06:08:18] <Arta[vL]> Good lord, that's like, a whole new level of dumbness
[06:08:21] <Gen0_> El Labor Rate
[06:08:36] <Gen0_> sigh..
[06:08:38] <Arta[vL]> except there's only one L, and you're a freakishly stupid person
[06:08:41] <[vL]Kp> Elucidate your problem.
[06:09:01] <Gen0_> did u just say u date some guy named cid?
[06:09:09] <Arta[vL]> Yes; Please shed some light on your predicament
[06:09:11] Gen0_ was banned by [vL] (terminal stupidity).


priceless lol


Quote[16:20:33] <Group> I have a question, What clan is Cupboard in?
[16:20:45] <BinaryChat> cupboard?
[16:20:50] <Group> I know ive seen a cupboard before
[16:20:51] <Group> :/
[16:20:56] <BinaryChat> you mean cuphead?
[16:21:00] <Group> lol
[16:21:03] <Group> Accident*
[16:21:06] <BinaryChat> heh


Quote[23:22:43] <Invert[vL]> EnteRpRisE_1: who are you?
[23:22:58] <EnteRpRisE_1> Invert[vL]: A user of B.net
[23:23:15] <Invert[vL]> .ban EnteRpRisE_1 You will now go where no man has gone before!
[23:23:15] EnteRpRisE_1 was banned by [vL] (You will now go where no man has gone before!).
[23:23:15] EnteRpRisE_1 left the channel.
[23:23:52] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> oh dear
[23:23:56] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> i was banned from a channel!
[23:23:57] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> OMG!
[23:24:24] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> i'm glad you are so observant
[23:24:27] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> Hi i am Invert[vL], I like to ban ppl from channels, cus Enterprise owns him
[23:24:48] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> I thought vL, was a clan for L337's, apparently not lol
[23:24:51] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> Enterprise of the Star Fleet Federation owns me!
[23:25:10] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> Im glad you know and speak the truth
[23:25:42] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> Oh, and by the way, change your name, its faggish
[23:25:45] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> Why do you whisper me if you do not care that you were banned?
[23:26:09] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> since you banned me for no reason, i thought i had a reason to to whiseper you
[23:26:15] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> ok i'll make my name InVeRt[vL] so i can be as leet as you :)
[23:26:28] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> until i get an explanation why i was banned from Clan [vL], i will not stop talking to you invert :)
[23:26:56] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> you have a reason to whisper me? I just think you are sexually attracted to me
[23:27:17] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> oh yes that's it, i am cyberly, sexually attracted to you invert
[23:27:17] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> here is why...
[23:27:33] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> i banned you because...
[23:27:47] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> all i wanted to do is make some friends, but mr. let's abuse ops, happens to ban me
[23:28:06] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> By the way, i know GheTTo[vL] i was looking for him
[23:28:12] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> you know why i'm still talking to you?
[23:28:39] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> Because you are sexually attracted to me, like I am to you?
[23:28:54] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> Yeah GheTTo[vL] is our leader, but do you know NeGRo[vL]?
[23:29:34] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> hmm Maybe? maybe not?
[23:29:52] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> yes i am sexually attracted to you, i hope your a man, because i only like man ^^
[23:30:11] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> are YOU NeGRo[vL]?
[23:30:16] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> you must be him
[23:30:19] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> well what can I say, your in luck, i happen to be a man
[23:30:42] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> great i love big black guys :)
[23:30:58] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> my friend Cuphead also likes big black guys!
[23:31:11] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> Wonderful! I love Transparent white kids too
[23:31:14] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> he made a friend with one named Bob in Jail :)
[23:31:18] <From: EnteRpRisE_1> We must have something in commoN!
[23:31:59] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> anyway, i must go post this on our forum now.


[23:30:58] <To: EnteRpRisE_1> my friend Cuphead also likes big black guys!


Mesiah / haiseM

hahahahahahaha cuphead picked up the soap, and there was bubba in the shadows, hit him like a rocket...

im sorry, but as they say, He'll get over it.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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Absolutely awful...but funny. :)
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


MesiaH, get it right... It's not bubba, it's Big Black Bob
