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Random Drug Testing

Started by Mephisto, May 25, 2004, 01:36 PM

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For my English final I have to debate on random drug testing.  I'm not sure what role I'll take in the debate yet (attacker, stater, defender, etc.).  Anyways, I was just wondering if any people here have been randomly tested (whether an athlete or not) and wouldn't mind either explaining the process, what happened, and how you felt about it by reply, forum PM, instant message, e-mail, etc.  It would be helpful so that I can use examples in my debate.  Also, it'd be helpful of you make some explanations on your view/stand-point on the subject.



I think it depends on whether or not a) you do drugs and b) if you know that you might be, at some point, tested.

Since I don't do drugs (and I have a feeling that this might turn into a debate about this -- let's try not to do that again), I have no problem with it.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I was randomly drug tested at my school by probation officers last year. They sit at the table outside the main office and randomly pick out people and give them a cup and make them go to the bathroom and piss in it(yes they watch you do it). Then they ask you if you've ever done drugs and they usually look at your eyes and the spores on your tongue at this time because your eyes turns red and the spores on your tongue gets larger when you're high. After the questioning they stick a reader thing into the cup and make you stand there and they start to explain about what a line across THC or other stuff means and what no line means. After the five minutes it takes to do that they look at the results and if it turns out negative then they escort you to your class. If it turns out positive, they take you to the principal's office and give you a ticket for public intoxication. In our school district if you're charged with public intoxication at school you will have to attend an alternative school for the remaining of that semester or at least 50 days. I don't really mind them because I don't do drugs, I hope this helps you and good luck on your final. :)


Quote from: LW-Falcon on May 25, 2004, 01:53 PM
I was randomly drug tested at my school by probation officers last year. They sit at the table outside the main office and randomly pick out people and give them a cup and make them go to the bathroom and piss in it(yes they watch you do it). Then they ask you if you've ever done drugs and they usually look at your eyes and the spores on your tongue at this time because your eyes turns red and the spores on your tongue gets larger when you're high. After the questioning they stick a reader thing into the cup and make you stand there and they start to explain about what a line across THC or other stuff means and what no line means. After the five minutes it takes to do that they look at the results and if it turns out negative then they escort you to your class. If it turns out positive, they take you to the principal's office and give you a ticket for public intoxication. In our school district if you're charged with public intoxication at school you will have to attend an alternative school for the remaining of that semester or at least 50 days. I don't really mind them because I don't do drugs, I hope this helps you and good luck on your final. :)

More help than a lot of the pointless crap on the internet.  Thanks.  :)


Just because you have THC in your system doesn't mean you're intoxicated. How can that be classified as 'Public Intoxication?' THC stays in your system for roughly 30 days, and the effects don't _fully_ go away ~3 days iirc. All that test proves is that you've done x drug in the last y days. And when you say watch you pee in the cup, do they actually...fully watch or can you at least turn around? :P


I have no idea why its classified as public intoxication and no, they just stand at the door and make sure you don't fill the cup with half water. ;D


do they let you go into a stall? They could put toilet water in the cup :p.


I didn't get to go in a stall :o, and toilet water? ewww :P


If I did drugs and was being tested I would do whatever it took to not be caught, even if it meant sticking my hand in a toilet.


Be for it - I so wish they did that at my school on the sports teams..  I can't stand all the kids who drink/smoke on the baseball team - if theyu gave random drug test, there would be about 5 left out of the 18 on the team and i'd be one of them who's left


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on May 25, 2004, 02:24 PM
If I did drugs and was being tested I would do whatever it took to not be caught, even if it meant sticking my hand in a toilet.

What about your head?  In a soiled toilet?
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


My school does tests for varisty sports, but I know for a fact that if they did _random_, like LW's school, there would be a hell of alot of kids in trouble.


Kids should be not doing drugs because they're worried about their body or some other reason, though, not fear of being caught.  It's just like spanking a child - ask a kid why they shouldn't yell and scream at the store, and they might say because they get spanked (or even punished) if they do.  So in a way, random drugs tests might force less people to do drugs, but it wouldn't be for the right reasons.  

It's just like stealing -- "Why don't you steal?" "Because if I get caught I'm in trouble" -- that's totally the wrong reason.  "Why don't you steal?" "Because it's a sin" -- that's also the wrong reason.  You shouldn't steal because it's morally wrong.  If I stole anything (I never have, but that's besides the point), I would feel terrible knowing that somebody else has lost something because of me.

I lost my point somewhere, but hopefully I said something useful there :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I am personally against random drugs test, and drug test in general.  I can understand a place of buisness doing a drugtest to see if a worker is comptent and reliable, but after that if they are doing a good job who cares if they are doing drugs?

As for the school scenario that is ridcoulous, unless it is a private school I consider a drug test a violation of my privacy, what buisness does the school have knowing what drugs I use.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


Because drugs are illegal.
