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Started by Probe, February 09, 2004, 02:03 PM

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how are everyones grades in school? i have straight a's, except for my spanish class


I pulled off a 3.52 last semester.  Not too shabby.


uh 1 F (English II)
1 D (World History)
the rest are A's (Chemistry, Web Design II, Geometry, Engineering II)
(10th grade)


GPA this half-trimseter was 2.5 :)

Damn I pwn. :P
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.



(10th grade)

1) C in English (Should be an 88% B+, but missing 20 points because teacher is stupid and said I plagerized (how do you spell that?) on this one vocabulary paper...)
2) B in Algebra
3) - Study Hall
4) A in Computer Programming (C++)
5) - Lunch
6) A in PE (How can you not get an A?)
7) D in Spanish (...)
8) D in Chemistry (Should be a C but my teacher's a dumb bitch who likes to pick on me)

As far as 1-7th grade, straight A's


Quote from: UserLoser. on February 09, 2004, 04:01 PM
6) A in PE (How can you not get an A?)

You could be me, I have a C. Although, I received either an A or a high B on all of the tests/quizzes. But, my teacher got a job at the college and when he left I had a D becuase I was absent or something and missed physical fitness testing; thus, getting 4 0's. And then somehow the grade stayed on the next progress report (even though I missed no time and got no bad grades) then he left for his new job prior to us getting that progress report so it could never be changed. I've had to work my way back up. :(

My grades (I'm horribly sucking this year...worst ever, I'm used to all A's except for math):

(Where I live E is an F)

Algebra II: E
Biology: B
Auto-CAD: A
English: C
Government: D
French II: E

Well, that was last grading period, as of now I beleive I have all A's except for French.

Go me, I have the whole grading scale. :(
The only thing that is keeping me from being completely miserable about my grades is my PSAT score, I scored 140 points higher than the expected score of an IB student for my grade. ;D


It actually worked out almost exactly like this:
CS courses: A or A+
Other sciences/math (calculus, physics, etc) B+
Philosophy: B
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I'm in 10th Grade.  ;D

1st Hr. - Spanish 1 (B) Bitch teacher...
2nd Hr. - Drivers Ed (B) Stupid Coach/Teacher...
3rd Hr. - Geometry Pre-AP (B) Blah...
4th Hr. - Web Design (A) Computers = Easy (I know more then the techer about web designing etc and computers in general.)
5th Hr. - English II Pre-AP (C) Hate this teacher...
6th Hr. - Physics I (Pre-AP) (D) This was my sleeping hour...  :-\ Gotta sleep at least in one period eh..?
7th Hr. Varsity Basketball (A) Psh  ;D

Pulled a bad 2.78 GPA This first semester...

As for all my other years they have been above 3.8 GPA... :-\ I was lazy this year heh. Oh well... I'm gunna do much better next semester.


Quote from: hismajesty on February 09, 2004, 04:30 PM
...Well, that was last grading period, as of now I beleive I have all A's except for French.

Go me, I have the whole grading scale. :(
The only thing that is keeping me from being completely miserable about my grades is my PSAT score, ****I scored 140 points higher than the expected score of an IB student for my grade. ;D****
Cheater...?  :P J/k


Quote from: Chopz on February 09, 2004, 07:27 PM
Quote from: hismajesty on February 09, 2004, 04:30 PM
...Well, that was last grading period, as of now I beleive I have all A's except for French.

Go me, I have the whole grading scale. :(
The only thing that is keeping me from being completely miserable about my grades is my PSAT score, ****I scored 140 points higher than the expected score of an IB student for my grade. ;D****
Cheater...?  :P J/k

Would you *stop double and triple posting*?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


PE is easy in my school. they grade us by wether or not we participate, not our performance


Quote from: Probe on February 09, 2004, 09:10 PM
PE is easy in my school. they grade us by wether or not we participate, not our performance

Same, but since I wasn't there I got a 0 for participation.

QuoteCheater...?   J/k

Nah, if I had I'd of done better. :P


Material science - 3.0
Modern Physics - 3.0
Linear Algebra / Differential Eq (2nd time) - 3.0
History 17B - Failed for the 3rd time, I dont understand history.
ME 110 (Metalurgy) - 4.0 w0000t of a class!

Dont become an Engineer if you dont love it to death, because it loves you to death... literally.


Im in the 70s, got to fix some stuff though, my teacher marks so weird. We only get one quiz then our test is 45% of are mark. and he doesnt even count the work we do.


COMP 102 (Java) A+
INFO 101 (Information Systems) A-
PHYS 130 (Introductory Physics for people who've never done physics or maths even though I did both all through high school) A+
COMP 103 (More Java) A+
MGMT 101 (Management bullshit) B+
MATH 114 (Discrete Math/Linear Algebra) B-
