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Am I crazy?

Started by iago, August 08, 2003, 07:09 PM

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Quote from: Adron on August 11, 2003, 01:15 PM
That kind of dream has happened to me too. Like a nightmare, except you know that you're dreaming, and each time you die, you get a little further next time because you know what to watch out for. I had one of those over an extended period of time, years I think (not sure now, it was long ago), and I kept getting a little further each time. I suppose I'd been playing too many games and saving/loading...

I love those dreams; I remember when I was little I would often dream of being in the second floor of a house with all kinds of traps and I had to get out. I really enjoyed that one as it had extremely challenging puzzles, which is odd considering my mind came up with it all.


Quote from: iago on August 15, 2003, 04:53 PM
Another thing I noticed: when you dream, it's possible to dream of something that you don't necessarely know.  For example, in the first dream I mentioned, I don't really know what EvilCheese looks like, and I'm pretty sure I had no visual representation of him in any way in the dream, but I knew he was there.

From what I understand, the visual representation doesnt come until after one wakes up and conciously think sabout the people in his dreams.


I have a reoccuring dream which I usually have before christmas for some reason.. anyways I'm at the start of my living room, the air is purple, and there is an erie noise like you hear in horror movies during a scary part.. i walk up to a christmas tree at the other end of the room and look at this purple christmas light on the tree.. then I wake up.. But the dreams seems be getting shorter and shorter each year...


I had another fun type of dream Sunday night.. I fell asleep at about 4pm with my tv on, and at 9pm my vcr automatically started taping Law & Order: Criminal Intent.  In my dream, I could hear Goren's voice, which I recognized, and tried to apply it to what was happening in my dream.  I had about 2 mins of this before actually waking the rest of the way up and realizing that the L&O episode wasn't taking place on a beach, as well as a couple incorrect assumptions I made in my dream :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I had one dream afew nights ago about being in school (it wasn't really my school, but for some reason i new it was school). One of my friends came up to me with a shit load of pot, like 3 pounds (just some crazy amount) that he seemed to pull out of his pocket. I then took a handfull and put it in my pocket and went on with my day. A friend came up to me and asked me to go work out with him and his older brother at the gym, so i agreed, and I 'went' (kind of just appeared there) to what i thought was the gym, and met up with my friend and his brother. I looked around and saw it was just a bunch of bars you climb across which was over about a 2 story drop above my school. At this point my dream ended, I don't understand it at all :-\
(i don't do pot btw)

Another relativally short dream I had was me and an aparent friend (I had no idea who this guy was, but for whatever reason I knew he was my friend). We were in an italian restuarante behind a counter aparently doing some kind of deal, and all of a sudden we heard gun shots and we all ducked down laying on the floor, I could see some mexicans outside doing a driveby, but the driveby went on for 9 or 10 minutes, and all I could think of laying on the ground was what a bullet felt like when it hit you, Then I woke up.

Also, I don't know about all of your dreams, but my dreams never have spoken dialoge, It's always like you are telepathic, you know what they are saying, and they know what you are saying, but no one ever talks, they're always completally silent.


Quote from: FlAsH on September 03, 2003, 07:59 AM
Also, I don't know about all of your dreams, but my dreams never have spoken dialoge, It's always like you are telepathic, you know what they are saying, and they know what you are saying, but no one ever talks, they're always completally silent.

That's an interesting thing to notice. I can't say for sure if I've ever heard things in my dreams, or spoken. I'll try to remember to listen carefully next time I dream...


Actually, that IS a really good point.  I dont' specifically remember ever talking, but what I'm sure of is that I very often have communication problems; I have trouble explaining stuff to people and stuff like that.  Also, when there's text in my dream, I can never read it, or I can only make out one word at a time and can't put together a sentence..
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: FlAsH on September 03, 2003, 07:59 AM
Also, I don't know about all of your dreams, but my dreams never have spoken dialoge, It's always like you are telepathic, you know what they are saying, and they know what you are saying, but no one ever talks, they're always completally silent.

I agree. I think people who talk in their sleep are people who decide not to communicate with other actors in their dreams telepathically, but instead speak as they normally would. I find that when I try and speak normally in my dreams, I wake up. You must learn the art of telepathic communication in the dream world. Then, and only then, can you enjoy imaginary conversations!


Tonight, I had a dream...

I was working against a dictator in some african country. In the first part, I was part of a squad. I've forgotten mostly about it since it was early, but I remember being on top of a tower, trying to throw down a grenade on someone below while keeping my head down.

Sadly though, we were pulled out, not sure if it was because everyone died but me, but anyway, I found myself on a one-man-war. After beefing myself up with a shield belt to soak up some of the damage, I went back in. Trying to find the way back (At this time I'm not sure if I knew I was dreaming, but I did know that I had to focus to find the place I wanted to get to), I had to dodge what I at the time thought was green laser blasts, very odd. In retrospect I bet it was just Skywing.

Finally getting my focus right, I snuck into some type of compound, around a few corners trying to avoid land mines. I wasn't extremely worried about the mines, because I figured my shield belt could take one or two mines and there'd be time to despair later.

Either way, I found myself in the evil boss's office. There I arranged a bunch of mines. On top of that, and here comes the interesting part, I tried to write "FUCK YOU" with torn pieces from some cloth-ish thing. I was having real trouble getting the shape of the C right and readable. Maybe the ability to write that was just because the expression is so graphic, but I did eventually. The plan was that the evil boss would be so outraged that he rushed over to wipe the letters out, and get blown up in the process.

Unfortunately, the boss showed up with some guards far away but in sight of the door at that time, so there was no way for me to get out. I decided that I'd stay and make sure I got it done, so I waited for the boss just inside the door. When he appeared, I grabbed him, and was just going to pull him over to step on the mines (I figured maybe my shield belt would protect me, and if not, it was worth it anyway) but then he turned into someone I know in real life. I was so surprised that I woke up, and no matter how I tried, I couldn't resume the dream.

Then I remembered that I had been writing in the dream and decided to share that fact with you here to feed the discussions.


I can't remember the last time I've written in a dream, although I do remember trying to type before, and I almost always have problems getting the letters right.  I'll almost always hit the wrong key, be unable to find the correct key, or just get confused when I try.

Oh, and I think somebody else has been playing too many video games :-)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:
