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Funny Clips from Channel Op [vL]

Started by Invert, December 27, 2002, 07:45 PM

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Do these people think we are Blizzard?

[17:34:03] <pop-n-pop> Hello
[17:35:01] <pop-n-pop> I am here to appologise on the behaf of Q(o.o)lllD@useast for that message earlier
[17:35:19] <pop-n-pop> I want to state that it was a dare
[17:35:27] <pop-n-pop> And that if u can unmute that key
[17:35:31] <pop-n-pop> please its his only 1
[17:35:46] <pop-n-pop> he ment no harm, and has learned his lesson
[17:36:15] <pop-n-pop> Also the dare was from a much more - non noob person who told him to say it
[17:36:21] <pop-n-pop> this person was Cyst[ac]


Apparently so. Can you add me to the WoW Beta please Mr Blizzard?
^-----silly Brit


Quote from: Eternal on October 20, 2004, 01:52 AM
Apparently so. Can you add me to the WoW Beta please Mr Blizzard?

Are you serious


^-----silly Brit


[23:04:06] Search results: darkxir.fe => darkxir.fe: F.
[23:04:35] No references to database entry darkxir.fe.
[23:04:35] /listrefsto darkxir.fe
[23:05:06] <Spht> no db reference to entry darkxir.fe? am i missing something
[23:05:18] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> No no..
[23:05:22] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> The eyeneed* guy
<From: darkxir.fe@USEast> [ 6:31:31 PM ] <From: eYenEEd0daYz> 3y3 aKs3D th1z d00d n4m3d BX @ #blackhats but h3 w4z t00 3L1t3 f0r m3, s0 h3 wuZ LyKe "no way man ur a kiddie" 3yE wuZ inSuLt3D
[23:05:56] <To: darkxir.fe@USEast> i've gone cross-eyed
[23:05:58] <darkxir.fe@USEast> He called me bx instead of dx, what a comedian :p
[23:06:20] <
Spht> darkxir, when you were F'd by vL?
[23:06:30] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> I'd say..
[23:06:33] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> About 8 months ago
[23:06:43] <
Spht> hmm
[23:06:50] <
Spht> ah
[23:06:54] <
Spht> zakath F'd you
[23:06:57] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> mhm
[23:06:58] <
Spht> well, darkxir
[23:07:13] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> yes?
[23:07:19] <
Spht> you were F'd by zakath
[23:07:31] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> I think so
[23:07:53] <
Spht> was it your idea or his
[23:08:05] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> I don't think I asked for a +F
[23:08:20] <
Spht> he F'd you without your permission?
[23:08:40] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Yep, I didn't think it was wrong.
[23:08:44] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> He was nice about it..
[23:09:03] <
Spht> did you tell anyone about this?
[23:09:21] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Hmm, I actually wrote an essay about said events and posted it at my old work.
[23:09:29] <
Spht> ah
[23:09:38] <
Spht> zakath shouldn't be F'ing people without their permission
[23:09:45] <
Spht> nor should anyone for that matter
[23:09:50] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> I agree
[23:10:04] <
Spht> i will see that it stops
[23:10:19] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Ahh..
[23:10:24] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> So you're going to stop all the F'ing?
[23:10:42] <
Spht> no, just the unwanted F'ing
[23:10:47] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Oh.
[23:10:56] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Well, You're a good man for that
[23:11:03] <
Spht> i don't want anyone F'ing people that don't want to be F'd
[23:11:13] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> That might cause some unwated problems you know..
[23:11:21] <
Spht> only for the F'er
[23:11:34] <
Spht> i don't care for the F'er who F's
[23:11:35] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Ahh, you can't really get in trouble for getting F'd, can you?
[23:11:47] <
Spht> no, it's not your falt you've been F'd
[23:11:57] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> Well, I keep telling myself that...
[23:12:07] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> How was I suppose to know Zakath was going to F me
[23:12:23] <
Spht> that's the idea.  you don't know until it happens
[23:12:37] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> I mean, I couldn't stop the F'ing..it was too late
[23:12:51] <
Spht> he F'd you more than once?
[23:13:10] <
darkxir.fe@USEast> He messed up the first time he F'd me, I think it took a couple trys
[23:13:21] <
Spht> what the fuck?


rofl. That was great. I wasn't sure he got it at first (maybe he didn't.)


I was aware of where he was going with it


At this point?

Quote[23:07:19] <Spht> you were F'd by zakath



Quote[23:06:54] <Spht> zakath F'd you


I think it was around: [23:08:20] <Spht> he F'd you without your permission?


Damn straight I did.

And I would do it again! :P
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.





Quote from: Grok on March 27, 2003, 04:06 PM
Well being that "Funny Clips From Clan [vL]" has been 90% "Funny Things Invert Thought Were Funny About What Invert Said", I didn't see any harm in this.

I just laughed at this for about 5 minutes straight. Epic.
