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Stock Market Simulation

Started by hismajesty, July 10, 2005, 11:49 AM

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QuoteThe ratio for near-term options as of Thursday showed 344,000 call contracts compared to 238,000 put contracts, according to data provided by Schaffers Investment Research. Just four months ago, there were more puts than calls on the options. Call options show investor appetite to buy the stock, while a put indicates a willingness to sell.

If google does well stock will see 325+ next week, however and hint of negative news in the earnings and GOOG could be back below 265 a share. One thing GOOGLE does NOT DO is announce its outlook for the next earnings report.

This is a bit risky, but I'm going to buy it. I really wish my family (like I told them to) had bought google when it went public for $82/share, even $266/share would be a really good earnings. Oh well.

Edit: Or not, damn Investopedia diversification rule. :(


Hitmen is winning now, I'm in second, and then Darkness in third.


I was talking to my dad and he said that he'd give me $1000 to invest in this VoIP company I like. He said that he'd like for me to find an IPO (meaning, a company that is about to go public...initial public offering.) Then I could do like people did with Google, buy it for cheap and watch it grow then make a small fortune. Then, a few minutes later, I came down stairs with information on this oil surveying company that is about to go public for $11-13 a share. Jim Cramer is saying that technology, oil, and real-estate are the best things right now. My dad said that he'll set me up with $10,000 instead, but of course it will be in his name since I'm not 18. My mom told me to stay up stairs since every time I come down he's increasing the amount. I asked if I could use some money from my trust fund to help pay for it (as my grandpa said you should never invest less than $5k if you plan to make a profit) but they said no, so I might use my 'car/spending' account to help some maybe.

Anyway, what is everyones opinion on this? I'm looking at Superior Well Services. I'm not too informed on how oil mining works and such, but apparently these people are surveyors and they handle stimulation or something. I'm also looking at maybe Bronco Drilling Company. I'm going to look into a few other IPOs too, does anyone have any suggestions?


Baidu (Chinese equivilant of Google) announced it's plan to go public a few days ago. This is something to watch, it has the potential to boom as much as Google has in the past year.


hmm, looks like I was playing in the wrong game. How do you get to the rankings?


Ah, was wondering why you still had 100,000 and no buys. At the bottom of the portofolio page there's a link to go to the rankings.


All of you Google investors just got OWNED. Down over $12 after-hours (was up $10  and some change at market close, 35 minutes later it lost it all). Yahoo pwned it.

Edit: You all probably still are in postive numbers with GOOG though considering WHEN you bought it, but it certainly didn't get the boost that was expected. (up over $365) You might bounce back, or dip further, after Google relases it's earnings.


google has got me$1.2k I think, good enough for now...too bad it ain't more & real
rebundance - having or being in excess of sheer stupidity
Quote from: Spht on June 22, 2004, 07:32 PMSlap.
Quote from: Adron on January 28, 2005, 09:17 AMIn a way, I believe that religion is inherently evil, which includes Christianity. I'd also say Christianity is eviller than Buddhism (has more potential for evil).
Quote from: iago on April 19, 2005, 01:06 PM
CrAz3D's ... is too big vertically, at least, too big with ... iago ...


GOOG and MSFT release their figures tommorow. This could be very interesting.