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Messages - Denial

ha ha ha ha :) let me know if youll be relocating ill tell you all the good spots.
General Discussion / Re: Alive and Dead
February 22, 2010, 02:36 AM
Quote from: Hostile on January 22, 2010, 09:11 AM
I'll be back state side in about 2 months, hurry up and make them release SC2 and D3, Denial! You're failing at your task!

anything else you need now? done.
General Discussion / Alive and Dead
January 22, 2010, 01:57 AM
I realize this forum still exists i wonder if anyone still exists
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: I am alive...
June 09, 2009, 03:13 PM
ah its fine was just making sure it was you.

Btw your name on battle.net still exists :)
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: I am alive...
June 09, 2009, 03:31 AM
Quote from: [vL]Chewbacca on June 08, 2009, 08:16 PM

I was just reacquainted with this forum and decided to register and let the vL community that I am alive and well. Circumstances have led me back to the realm of professional programming, and I'm moderately curious to revamping C# and Java knowledge.

As such, I might be found poking around the forum from time to time. Not sure if I'll be taking on any vL-development projects.

For those of you whom I knew from ages, ago, a sincere and long-overdue "Hello."

Same phone number or who did i text last week?
lol soulburner oh that name brings back memories. damnbot!

channel bounty hunters
General Discussion / Re: ventrilo
May 30, 2009, 05:06 PM
lol dont i? im cool i like to give out stuff

so if your intrested contact me or Pm on the forum ill set you up with a channel public or passworded it can be anything related gaming clan whatever.

and kane i even do it better i made it so mac users can login to it
General Discussion / ventrilo
May 27, 2009, 11:51 PM
I recently aquired a 200 slot vent incase any of you need a channel public or private for chatting or gaming let me know and i will set you up
General Discussion / Re: Suggestion Needed
May 27, 2009, 01:33 PM
you could steam it via webcam buy a webcam and click play and let her watch it through webcam simple solution this way you cant mess up starting it at the same time theres 2 ways of doing it point the webcam at the laptop/tv or you could just setup a program to play webcam from a dvd / video file its called fake webcam
I will have to look through my stuff but im sure i have screenshots from atleast 1999 and such but for now ill give you guys this one

spht you used to hang out in bounty hunters i dont remember you ever in that channel

The website as usual is being overloaded all that i can recommend is try and try again every few hours but there is no hurry to signup right away it will be up for a while.
General Discussion / Starcraft 2 beta signup
May 07, 2009, 12:46 AM
I figured i would let you all know that the beta signups are public now and you can signup at www.blizzard.com

although i think blizzard is having trouble handling the load or something of that nature
which bar theres a few over here... scooners maggie o tools? those are the biggest bars over here i think i know im forgetting some of them
ya i noticed no one from vl anwsering the question but if those people from vl pm me that they are intrested then i will go from there. im just trying to get an estimate cause i wish to know who is intrested in so i can conclude them on updates that will happen as they come. and other ventures that i wont display publicly but i will pm you about them hostile.
i guess skywing has grown since he stopped visiting battle.net. we shall see if he can make a difference although im curious to how much he was offered