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Messages - Death_Ryder

By the way, I noticed a little problem with your original asm code:

Quote from: iago on March 14, 2004, 06:23 PM

   mov     eax, 1  
   retn    8
   xor     eax, eax
   retn    8

Isn't it a tad unusual for a __fastcall function with only 1 param to be returning 8 bytes to the stack?

Ooooh. . .tasty!

If I won the lottery. . .

I dunno.  I think I found the perfect place to spend my money.  ;D

General Discussion / Re:Money = Imaginary?
October 02, 2003, 05:59 PM
Yeah, I read about these two new companies that are starting up. . .

I think it was in Wired magazine.  Apparently these guys can make flawless diamonds at abotu $5 a carat.  This is why the other diamond companies don't like it, because their diamonds aren't flawless.

Worship the same God, techincally, yes.  But interpret him the same way?  No.  Interpretation has a lot to do with worship, so I'd have to disagree with you there.

General Discussion / Re:Some new screenshots
September 22, 2003, 01:50 AM
Holy crap. . .that's awesome  :o

Very nice looking.  Each time I see these shots, they're getting better and better.

This last shot. . .there's one area that looks a little weird, toward the bottom left.  I don't know if its the angle or what, but it looks a little less precise than the rest of the terrain.

Other than that, it looks pretty good.

General Discussion / Re:A tree falling in the woods...
September 15, 2003, 04:12 PM
But. . .what if a deaf person is there?  Would it still make or not make a sound?  Technically, the vibrations are produced, but the deaf person is incapable of detecting them and realizing the sound has been made, so. . .It throws out the theory that it doesn't make a sound if no one is there to hear it.  Because, technically, someone was there to hear it, but they just didn't hear it.

Or, it proves that it doesn't make a sound, because the deaf person didn't hear anything.  :o

Fun Forum™ / Re:Castle Game!
September 02, 2003, 09:25 PM
To expound on that a little bit. . .make sure you have enough money to support your guys at the beginning of the turn.  You may make enough money to support your guys, but they'll only survive if you had enough money at the beginning of the turn.

Fun Forum™ / Re:Castle Game!
September 02, 2003, 05:16 PM
This game is so frickin boring.  I have 1k archers, 1k craftsmen, and 750 magi.  My castle defends itself for the most part, and if anyone gets through, they have to do 300k dmg before it dies (which the 1k craftsmen very quickly repair).

I like to start the game, and minimize it.  I barely break even with upkeep each turn, since its at 400k, so I never spend any points.  I have somewhere around 2.5mil spendable points, with a total score of 12 mil.

General Programming / Re: A few questions
December 17, 2002, 01:03 PM
K, I have that sniffer. . .'cept I don't really understand it too well.  It appears that it sniffs the correct packet, but I'm not too sure what's doing what.  Is it the same protocol as what's listed in the BNLS file?  If so, then I think I can figure it out.  If not, could someone direct me to the proper packet information?

General Programming / Re: A few questions
December 16, 2002, 11:49 PM
QuoteThe packets themselves are the same, yes.  But the way the server handles them on closed is different than the way they are handled on open in the respect I stated above.

Mah bad, should have registered earlier.  Sorry about the double post, but I can't let a blatant grammatical error like that go.  It should read:

The packets themselves are the same, yes.  But the way the server handles them on closed is different than the way they are handled on open in the respect to what I stated above.
