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A few questions

Started by Death_Ryder, December 06, 2002, 01:32 PM

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Hello all.  I've heard about your clan, and greatly respect your work.  I've been looking into some stuff regarding Diablo II, and figured that since many of you are the top in hacking it, (from what I've heard) I should ask you.

What I'm looking for is any and all information you guys might have on anything that could even have the slightest probability of affecting a drop.

And, a small question. Would you be able to better affect some drops by knowing the exact ids of item that are going to drop, beforehand (not the items themselves, just the IDs)?

In addition, I was looking for any information anyone might have regarding the way the server balances loads, and processes incoming and outgoing messages.

Thanks in advance guys.  I know I'm still a newbie  ;D, but, I'd like to try to improve.



I'm dont think this will answer your questions, but a good source of information about D2 packets would be in the D2HackIt! source code.  It's been a while since I've looked at it, but I believe there is a lot in there about packets sent in game and out of game, like I said this probably isn't answering your question, but it might help you.


You're right, it really doesn't. . .I've been working with packets for awhile now, so I feel pretty comfortable with them.  Heck, a friend of mine dissembled the open bnet packet handling code, and provided a list of every sent packet and its format.  

In other words, I'm looking to get deeper than just the "party tricks" of DII, if you know what I mean. ;)



um, open bnet and closed bnet are the same thing except for the fact that YOU host the computer and not bnet


Not exactly. . .closed bnet has a lot more restrictions on things than does open.  For example, you can still do the imbue dupe on open, without a hitch.

Closed bent is a lot harder to crack.  Hehe. . .I guess I've outgrown most of my "circles"  It seems now that *I'm* the one who knows what he's talking about, and I still don't know enough.  I guess I just want to learn more, so. . .why not learn from the best?



Beware the advice of the successful: they do not seek company. ;D
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Heh, that is a good point.  However, not all the successful are this way.  If that were the case, none of us would ever learn anything, because the successful would keep it all to themselves.  Anyway, the only reason I have come here is I feel that I've outgrown my other "circles"  I go asking for more information anywhere. . .and I get replies saying I'm one of the few that "know anything" anymore, but I feel like I barely know anything.

I dunno.  I think I'm just one of those people who likes learning. . .this stuff intrigues me.



you've gotta be kidding me. the only reason you can do imbue dupe is because *YOUR* the host

all the packets are *exactly* the same

and you obviously dont know what your talking about.

/me is d2 guy


theres no "cracking" to be done on closed bnet, seeing as you dont have the server software. the only thing possible would be to find loop holes that you can exploit..pretty much everyone has been patched

the best one was where you could send the buy packet (0x32) and replace the id of the item you want to buy, with the id of the item you want to dupe. also, changing the last dword to 0x00 so that it didn't cost anything

to the average joe the dupe was known as "the matrix" because you could pretty much dupe anything with out even having the item

(you could log the 0x9C packets of a guy joining the game, and steal his items too)


...Are you still sore at me about flaming you on TGN about HukChat?  Jeez.  If you read what I said, I said you can still do alot of these things on open bnet.  That is not because "*YOUR* the host" as you say, but because the server software that is in the current client version is the unpatched 1.09.  Its the same software the servers had before the latest server-side patches were implemented.

The packets themselves are the same, yes.  But the way the server handles them on closed is different than the way they are handled on open in the respect I stated above.  

And, fyi, I know about the matrix, and how it worked.  I have been looking around for some time now, and I was directed to come here by someone I respect, out of respect for the people of vL.  But, back to my point. . .I have been looking around for some time now, and I've learned almost all the old dupes. . .its not dupes I care about anyway.

However, since I've found most of what I was looking for, originally, now all I ask is what is a good tool to get started with the whole login process on bnet (good sniffer, editor, etc)  I have looked around, and haven't found any good freeware ones, so I'm under the assumption that a good one is going to cost.  However, I don't really care. . .All that I ask is that you guys point me in the right direction.

And Noodlez. . .chill.  Just because I attacked you once, doesn't mean you have to remain all hostile. . .I apologized, but I sure didn't hear anything back from you. . .until now, which makes it obvious that you don't care.  

So much for common courtesy, I suppose.



QuoteThe packets themselves are the same, yes.  But the way the server handles them on closed is different than the way they are handled on open in the respect I stated above.

Mah bad, should have registered earlier.  Sorry about the double post, but I can't let a blatant grammatical error like that go.  It should read:

The packets themselves are the same, yes.  But the way the server handles them on closed is different than the way they are handled on open in the respect to what I stated above.



http://fly.to/mtc   = super sexy packet sniffer.

the packets are handled the same, there are only small sanity checks, for example

int SID_IMBUE(packet){
int success[1] = 0;
if character.inposesionof(packet[6]) {
success = imbue(packet[6])
return success;

as opposed to open bnet
int SID_IMBUE(packet){

this is purely an example... i dont even think the 6th byte is the item ID

and, no i dont even remember you posting on tgn


K, I have that sniffer. . .'cept I don't really understand it too well.  It appears that it sniffs the correct packet, but I'm not too sure what's doing what.  Is it the same protocol as what's listed in the BNLS file?  If so, then I think I can figure it out.  If not, could someone direct me to the proper packet information?
