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Messages - Theghosty

Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 14, 2007, 09:16 PM
Quote from: betawarz on September 14, 2007, 03:38 PM
i hope that everyone in this thread grows up to be English, and grammar, teachers. this is what we need - people that care.

Vouch..  Anyone can use a spell checker and trash/flame a post based on grammer.
I have yet been destroyed In a battle of wits and insight on this post.  Pointing out
something that is already known is rather redundant.  Poster made a Thread about
mythos. I reply with insight and thoughts based on personal experence. I get flamed
based on my grammer....  :) :D ;D....... :P  ... Im still waiting for invert to actually post
usefull information about the game he has requested to "beta test"... Invert , you
have shown me that this forum must just randomly select people to be mods based on
NOTHING at all.. You lack Wisdom , Leadership , integrity and self-respect.. The only thing
You have done is point out my grammer.. I doubt You are a harvard grad.. or even a local
community college grad.. So please stp with the.. I am invert the human spell checker mod
takes...  Yes I spell bad... So what.. I challenge you to a debate of wit... Pick the topic..
And I will battle wits with you anyday.. Hell i might even use a spell checker.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 14, 2007, 02:15 PM
LOL.... If I cared. I would have used a spell checker.
Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 13, 2007, 08:30 PM
Look.. Im just going to end this right now.. Oobbbvvvviioooooooooouuusslllyyyy
aallll yyuuuoppp ccouuulladd comeee upp withhh ississ a attaccck on my spellllliinnng.
Grow up man. Why in gods name are you a mod. This is YOUR post. I posted a reply. And you flamed
my response to your statement. Again.. You have failed to back up your claims. All you do is attack my
grammer.. And insult me. As for having my spelling attacked all the time.. The answer is no.. I usually dont
Have conversations with childish arogant holyer than thou inmature people. When Are yu going to validate claims to mythos?.. When will you admit that It is "like" diablo and saying it has a similar feel are indeed different based on the conversation at hand?. Like is such a vast word when comparing two things... Saying it has a similar feel is not implying that is is like.. Remember.. feel is an individuals own impression based on emtional value.. Like is saying it is almost the same based on initail estimations and observations.
Fact.. Yes i have the worst grammer on the internet. Does that mean I am ignorant or intillectually challenged..
No... Thanks for letting me be a member on this forum.. Thanks for having the sack to at least let me reply without closing or banning me.  Good day sir....
Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 12, 2007, 09:36 PM
Quote from: Invert on September 12, 2007, 03:11 AM
Blah, blah, blah... I'm not here to argue with you; you can argue with yourself.

Before my post: "It is nothing like diablo"
After my post:  "Yes the game has a simalar feal to diablo" <- I'm sure you mean "similar" and "feel" but let's not go there...

Since you and I both agree that you are wrong, incorrect, mistaken, erroneous, off beam, and wide of the mark, you can stop replying to this thread to save yourself any more embarrassment.

I salute you for contributing so much to Mythos. Everyone here cares.  :D

Ok.. I am not a good speller.. like and saying it has a "similar" "feel" are not clashing statements..
I know your a mod and all.. But.. ummm.... MY penis is still bigger than yours... ;)
And You should sharpen up the flame skills.. they are very weak and so over used.. I mean.. what person has not gone to the you caint spell card?... T.T...
General Discussion / Re: Workstation Monitoring Tools
September 11, 2007, 08:22 PM
lol... all that information is already in the computer dude... You just gotta know where to look..
with a few "task" setups and changing a few paths and sending the logs to a spot of your choice
your done.. Thats the "non GUI " way .. also the free way..  google the info man.. its out there..
Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 11, 2007, 08:14 PM
You should be impressed.. I devoted alot of time to testing. Looking for exploits , flaws , bugs and general theings that involve "beta testing"... I was just pointing out to people the things they will notice if they have not
"beta tested" the game.

1. You are incorrect.. The view perspective is nothing like diablo.. Define  "like" to me...
2. Click to stash and the use of potions is common in "most" rpg's.
3. Skill tree.. You have a valid point.. 3 sets of skill's variations .. and the use of , strength , dexterity , mana , and life are also used. AS they are in diablo.
4. Almost all the levels do not look alike.. Perhaps You are playing the game and not "testing".. There are simalaritys and common grounds, yet as you get to higher "epic map levels" .. There is a signifacant change in the texture and mapping..

Yes the game has a simalar feal to diablo , guildwars , and runescape... But it is a different game indeed.
I think that the 67' camaro and the 67 firebird look the same to.. But looking closer and further into both cars..
They have ther own very unique styles and feal. Perdon me , But please Use a little more insight and elaborate further when trashing a reply. All I see are points that were mentioned before hand.. Have a take.. Dont suck...
Gaming Discussion / Re: Mythos
September 10, 2007, 08:14 PM
I have a lvl 53 bloodletter.. It is nothing like diablo.. It is like
runescape and guildwars combined.. The quests are boring.. Not enough
act bosses... You have to buy epic maps for better exp.. and the characters
are very unbalanced still.. Yes it is beta... PvP is not implemented yet.
Freaking classic... RACK EM..
Fun Forumâ„¢ / Re: Well?
September 10, 2007, 08:04 PM
memo to self.... Lock daughter in house and keep safe.
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Re: Making my mark
September 10, 2007, 08:00 PM
Quote from: Rule on August 14, 2007, 02:54 AM
1. Valo made his introductory post in the wrong forum
2. Valo and Boo write and format in a very similar style  (the '...'s, the spacing, the emoticons)
3. Both Valo and Boo are brand new accounts registered within 1 minute of one another
4. Amongst other somewhat unusual information in Valo's introductory post, he mentioned that he did Judo, which in most settings would be intended to elicit some sort of response, but it is vaguely out of place here.
5. Boo responds to the Judo comment by making rather unusual/incorrect/out of place remarks: the sort of reply someone who didn't know anything about Judo but said they did it would want as a response.
6. Valo mentions poker
7. Boo follows up by advertising a poker site
8. Valo and Boo each only have 1 post total, and their posts are in this thread only.
9. Valo and Boo are both short, seemingly arbitrary, non-descriptive names
10. Most forum spam is related to, in this order: prescription drugs, penis enlargement, online gambling, porn.

This list is not exhaustive.

1. Valo and Boo are the same person (99% certain)
2. This person created an account for the sole purpose of advertising (90% certain)
3. Valo and Boo are bots.  (85% certain)

Please tell me who stole my dog last year!!!! Your good... gezzz...
/WHOAMI -- Introductions / Hi..
September 10, 2007, 07:48 PM
New to the forums... Hope Its a good stay on here.. And I like what I see.
I have been bnet gammers since 2000.. So far I have not been able to
contribute to any projects yet.. I really want to learn language and develop
some skills of my own. I am currently in the satalite modding sceen. everything
from emulation , vid mods , making jtags , and unlocking nagra1 and 2 cards..
got 3 kids ,wife , and a blue pit.. Been a custom/collision repair painter for 10 years.
Thanks for letting me in the forums.