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Messages - Fapiko

I made that bot ages ago just to prove you could make a bot in PHP that could keep the connection alive for a substantial amount of time and not have the script timeout.  The bot uses both AJAX and live PHP output.  The AJAX kicks in when you type and hit enter which thus sends the text to a script that puts it in a queue to go to bnet.  When you load the webbot view script it creates a socket which connects to the backend script and echo's then flushes text as it comes in.  A more efficient way would be to set the PHP INI setting that turns on flushing after every output, can't think of it off the top of my head, but I didn't know about this setting when I coded the bot.  Also, I think my debugging code should still be built in which creates a hex and string representation of all the packets as they go in and out.  Just uncomment the debugging lines.
General Discussion / Re: Laptop
December 22, 2006, 10:36 AM
Yeah man.  Watching DVDs, porn, gaming, video editing, anything with intense hard drive usage, anything with intense network card usage - plug it in plug it in.

I have to say I agree with the Dell people.  I just got a Dell Inspiron Core 2 Duo.  It's quite nice.  Has a real gfx card in it so I'm running games like Battlefield 2142 and Oblivion with higher gfx settings and they run fine.  Dells are one of the top rated companies for laptops year after year.  Also, I hear Sony Vaios are good.  PC Magazine and PC World both review laptops about every six months.  You should check out their websites for more detailed info on some of the more popular models.

Btw.  Please, for the sake of yourself and your loved ones, don't get a Compaq (HP).  Unless you want to install a pirated version of Windows plan on using a spyware laden operating system because they ship with about 65 processes running on boot  ::)

As for whoever made the statement about the Alienwares being bricks... Alienware laptops are just Dell XPS series laptops with cooler cases ever since Dell bought them about a year ago.
Lol Thank me for that domain :p  Should have expired by now unless Arta renewed it.
I think somebody else may have beaten me to it, but I figured I would post these for everybody's reference anyways.  Basically, these scripts establish a backend which connects to battle.net and maintains the connection, parses packets, etc, and a frontend which users can view which establishes a connection with the backend to send and recieve chat.  They are very sloppy so don't pick on me for messy code ><  I made these a couple months ago and always intended to improve upon them and make things more user friendly, but never actually did anything so I decided to release it in its raw form to the public because I remember seeing a lot of posts requesting information on how to create a PHP Bot.

Anyways, here's the download link:

Hope you don't have too much trouble figuring them out :p
Well, I was really just checking to see if it was messing my key up once it got it into the decoder since I was getting the Invalid Key response from battle.net after changing my packet buffer to use a byte array.  Anyways, I suppose I'll do some more testing to make sure I'm doing everything like I'm supposed to, I was just curious as to what I was supposed to be getting back from the Key property because I didn't recall reading that it gave me the decoded key in the MBNCSUtil documentation.
Well, I think I finally got it working, but now it's sending me Invalid Key every time.  When I call Decoder.Key, it gives me some random string that is definatly not the key I put into it.  Isn't it supposed to give me the cdkey I initialized the decoder with?
You don't need the EXE info to successfully achieve a hashed connection to battle.net.  Neither my VB6 bots nor my PHP bots ever include it, which leads me back to my previous belief that it may be the conversion from a byte array to a string that is causing the problem.  How should I convert it to a string without using Encoding.ASCII?  I tried Encoding.Unicode and Encoding.UTF8, but they got me IP'd.  From reading previous posts on these forums, I know that MyndFire insists on people using byte arrays for their packet buffers but I would prefer to keep this one as a string for now.
Battle.net Bot Development / [VB] Sending 0x51
July 02, 2006, 11:56 PM
Just guessing that somebody is going to complain about where I posted this because it has to do with the sending of a battle.net packet, or involves MBNCSUtil, or some other goofy thing like that, but I'm working with .NET so I chose to place it in the .NET forum.

The problem I am having is that I keep getting the 0x101 Invalid Version response to battle.net, and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.  I thought it might be the conversion from the byte array to messing up some of the characters in the key hash, but in the end I don't think that's the problem.  Here is my sub, if you can figure out what I may be doing wrong please reply.

Friend Sub Send0x51(ByVal Index As Byte, ByVal ServerToken As UInteger, ByVal HashCommand As String, ByVal MPQNumber As Byte)
        'see packet reference: http://bnetdocs.valhallalegends.com/content.php?Section=m&Code=4

        Dim CRevision As Long
        Dim ClientToken As UInteger
        Dim Files(2) As String
        Dim KeyHash As String
        Dim HashLength() As Byte
        Dim Decoder As MBNCSUtil.CdKey

        Files(0) = Application.StartupPath & "\Hashes\W2BN\Warcraft II Bne.exe"
        Files(1) = Application.StartupPath & "\Hashes\W2BN\storm.dll"
        Files(2) = Application.StartupPath & "\Hashes\W2BN\battle.snp"

        CRevision = MBNCSUtil.CheckRevision.DoCheckRevision(HashCommand, Files, MPQNumber)
        If CRevision = 0 Then
            QueueAddC(Index, Color.Red, "Hashes did not pass check revision.")
            Exit Sub
        End If

        ClientToken = Right(GetTickCount(), 5)

        Decoder = MBNCSUtil.CdKey.CreateDecoder(Profiles(Index)(3))

        HashLength = Decoder.GetHash(ClientToken, ServerToken)
        KeyHash = Decoder.GetHashCode()

        With PBuffer
            .InsertDWORD(Len(Profiles(Index)(3))) ' CDKey
            .SendPacket(Index, &H51)
        End With
    End Sub

Also, here is the log:

Flappy Chat Bot v1.0
OUT [0x50]:
0000: 50 3A 00 00 00 00 00 36 38 58 49 4E 42 32 57 4F  P:.....68XINB2WO
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 53 41 00 55 6E 69 74 65  .......USA.Unite
0030: 64 20 53 74 61 74 65 73 00                       d States.       

IN [0x25]:
0000: 25 08 00 0B 3F 2F 40                             %..?/@         

OUT [0x25]:
0000: 25 08 00 0B 3F 2F 40                             %..?/@         

IN [0x50]:
0000: 50 62 00 00 00 00 00 37 3F 3F 3F 3F 3F 24 00 00  Pb.....7?????$..
0010: 3F 41 43 25 0B 3F 01 49 58 38 36 76 65 72 34 2E  ?AC%.?IX86ver4.
0020: 6D 70 71 00 41 3D 31 30 31 32 34 33 34 32 31 38  mpq.A=1012434218
0030: 20 42 3D 31 33 39 37 36 35 39 37 31 20 43 3D 34   B=139765971 C=4
0040: 30 37 30 32 33 33 20 34 20 41 3D 41 5E 53 20 42  070233 4 A=A^S B
0050: 3D 42 2B 43 20 43 3D 43 2D 41 20 41 3D 41 2B 42  =B+C C=C-A A=A+B
0060: 00                                               .               

OUT [0x51]:
0000: 51 44 00 3F 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 3F 3F 5E 01  QD.?g......???^
0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 64  .............d
0020: 48 01 00 00 00 00 00 3F 6B 05 3F 7A 3F 2D 3F 43  H.....?k?z?-?C
0030: 3F 69 3F 3F 3F 4D 76 52 11 3F 3F 00 46 61 70 69  ?i???MvR??.Fapi
0040: 6B 6F 00                                         ko.             

IN [0x51]:
0000: 51 09 00 01 01 00 00 00                          Q.....

[MyndFyre edit: added code tags (to remove smileys), removed packet reference and replaced with link to BnetDocs]
Blizzard is hardly a small company?  They probably don't even have 100 employees..
...how the fuck does the e in the front mean E-Mail?  Does eBanking mean E-Mail banking?  Dumbass.
...yall are just retarded.  Somebody posts, speaking however is comfortable with him, and is making an attempt at being friendly.  Then you go and post shit against it.  I think you are all eRacists.  I thought after Germany and the Jews, Japan and the Chinese women and children, that people would look through the differences in skin color, cultures, languages, and typing styles and finally be able to live together in harmony.  This brings to mind The Hackers Manifesto, which states that "outsiders" are the ones hating each other, causing chaos and war, while the online community is peaceful and only pursues to gain knowledge.  You are proving The Mentor's last words to be false, you are a mockery to all netizens everywhere.  You discriminate against people simply because of how they type.  This discrimination must STOP, once and for all!  Let the people of the internet unite!

l0l and how did he go about doing that?  Complain to the web host?  I don't believe mine really cares, as Blizzard has complained about illegal content on my website several times and nothing has been done.  If they brush off a small company like Blizzard, I certainly don't think they will care about a piece of shit little nobody over in Great Britain who *thinks* he has all this copyright shit.  Technically, I could make a site that had all the same content as Arta's, and it would not be copyright infringement.  I did a little brushing up on my copyright law after selling bnetdocs.  It turns out I could have kept the domain, and even if he did decide to take me to court the judge would most likely have ruled in favor of me because no commercial value was gained or lost as a result of the website, and would have seen Arta as a vengeful prosecutor.
...do tell me what site he took down? By the way, I say Fack because I'm guessing Fuck is filtered.
It has been brought to my attention that some questions are going around, so I will make you all a FAQ.

Q: [07:30:48] iL MyStiCaL: ROFL I dunno why you sold arta bnetdocs.com

A: This answer comes in two parts.
1) I sold it for more than I paid for it, so I made a profit.
2) Within 5 minutes I had purchased BnetPackets.Com

Please alert me to any updates or changes that need to be made to the FAQ.
Fack you Mystical.  You are a god damned nublet non-geek.  What a something to be not proud of.  Facking idiot.  You need to go lose a life dood.  You can't chill with the no-life eGirlfriend cool kids.  But you know what?  I still love you, because you are my British Schoolgirl. =D

By the way, Arta makes me laugh like a British schoolgirl.  I'd like to inform you all that http://www.bnetpackets.com will be opening soon.  Go ahead Arta, try to slap me with the copyright infringement bullshit =D  It's most fun when you play rough.  Grrrawrrrr.

I'd also like to extend my gratitude to the fine members of vL.  They are so fine, I just want to creeeam myself right here and now...  but I don't have a vagina =o  Sorry, but no eSex for you horny kiddies today :x  Maybe some other time... I'm sure Squeak would be happy to pleasure you in a one on one or group AIM session.
