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Messages - themaker

well it was nice that you guys look at my post but you can remove this i fixed it myself i needed office10 if any one wanted to know thanks and god bless
when i start eteralchat windows install comes up saying installing i can keep  cacal and the bot will pop up after about 6 popups of installer.Can someone tell me what is missing.I have this bot on other computers and it works find. So im not sure but something is missing a file or something i have download the stuff off Eternalchats web site and still not working right its a pain in the butt.Thanks for any replys.God Bless!     
Spht's Forum / Re: JBLS SETUP
February 02, 2007, 11:29 PM
yo you can remove this post I got it setup thanks to hdx THE GREAT. Peace thanks to all who reply
Spht's Forum / Re: JBLS SETUP
February 01, 2007, 06:03 PM
wow i have told you if you read i have email message whatever and he wasnt clear. 
Spht's Forum / Re: JBLS SETUP
February 01, 2007, 05:48 PM
Well if you would have read the post you would have seen i have and he wasnt clear so read then reply.
can someone tell me how to set the hashes files for jbls hdx wasnt to clear on how this is all i see
Under [Main] should be a HashPath.
Set that.
And then under each product, it has a HashPath vareable
THE DEFAULT for IX86 hashes are:
For example:
. being your JBLS folder.

The vareables is what im asking about i never had to set vareables on old verison the hashes was all you have to set on the old jbls i used So if anyone can tell me how to set the vaeables If i set the hashes like This C:/Hashes  <and in this folder i have like folders with war3 and star d2 and the other folders with the hashes for each game were do i put the Vareables?
Spht's Forum / Re: JBLS SETUP
February 01, 2007, 03:23 PM
Spht's Forum / JBLS SETUP
January 30, 2007, 01:59 PM
can someone tell me how to set the hashes files for jbls hdx wasnt to clear on how this is all i see
Under [Main] should be a HashPath.
Set that.
And then under each product, it has a HashPath vareable
THE DEFAULT for IX86 hashes are:
For example:
. being your JBLS folder.

I guess im dumb i set the hashpath to my hashes but how do i go about the vareable please be clear on this !I have been out of the game to long i guess when i used this before you didnt do anything but make a folder for hashes and put your hashes in it . Im sorry i wasnt sure were to post this. hdx site no longer up i guess.
I see thank you very much for your time
I think you but what's point to? And i was looking at a old fool ops bot and its set where you can change your BNLS to JBLS its kinda kool but. I'm kinda new to hex edit but i will try maybe i can get the old fool op back up. does work for it two lol i have to try but still whats this address ? why cant you just point that to a jbls server ? Thank for looking and postin   
Ok ill post it hope i dont piss someone off by trying to get Eternalchat fixed Here the site for the exe thats been hex for 120e If you can hex it please email me a copy at [email protected] thanks for the time reading this.

As of now all you get is this [21:18:51] Connecting to the Battle.net Chat Server,
[21:18:52] Battle.net asserts that game must be patched to a later version with patch file "WAR3_IX86_120E_121A_enUS.mpq"!
[21:18:52] Disconnected.

Would be nice if you could change the BNLS TO JBLS just a ideal I dont know it maybe to hard.
fix by Hdx (replace the .exe file)  HDX WERE THE FILE? I need the new EXE 
Spht's Forum / Re: Eternalchat??
January 24, 2007, 04:23 PM
yes i have seen that but guess what the link to download the new exe is no good. And its outdated i bet
So anyother? or does someone have the exe, if so please send me a copy at [email protected]  There no bot like eternalchat im not trying to say the other suck but there not good at clan makein.
Spht's Forum / Eternalchat??
January 23, 2007, 05:21 PM
Can someone tell me where i can get a Eternalchat bot that works or the exe to fix it i really love this bot for clans and makeing clans its the best there is and it looks like the bot people or leting it die out.I have use this bot for years untill the last one year i have been offline came back and now the old way to use it is gone. By useing jbls is your think what old way. Are there any new ways to use this bot someone please HELP! :'(
Spht's Forum / BNLS help With Eternalchat
September 22, 2005, 12:58 PM
i was told a way to use JblS long ago but why dont This work anymore ?Start > Run > notepad.exe > File > Open > C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Add the line " bnls.valhallalegends.com" (without the quotes)
Spht's Forum / Re: EternalChat SpHt's look here
March 13, 2005, 12:00 AM
Thank you ever so much man. LMAO still cant use JBLS ? SOmeone please help me on this?