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EternalChat fix by Hdx (replace the .exe file)

Started by thebigred, October 16, 2006, 05:23 PM

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I don't see why the exe can't be directly modified since (as far as I know) the only thing causing EternalChat to not work is its mis-reading of the MPQ name?


Thats what I would of done, but I don't have IDA (*hint* send me it >.<*/hint*)
All you need to do is change a 0c to a 0e, and a 22 to a 24 >.<
Same goes for SB, Ugh I wish I still had the full of IDA (I don't like Olydbg)

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Quote from: Hdx on October 24, 2006, 03:51 PM
Thats what I would of done, but I don't have IDA (*hint* send me it >.<*/hint*)
All you need to do is change a 0c to a 0e, and a 22 to a 24 >.<
Same goes for SB, Ugh I wish I still had the full of IDA (I don't like Olydbg)

Why not get the IDA full version? Get a torrent for it? Or, maybe I missed something?


I got a copy of IDA pro full today (Someone who views these forums sent me it)
And I downloaded EC, so I'll work on it tomarrow at school and then post my results.
Hopefully I can make it so you do not need to use sockscap and SBFix. I'm hoping to just release a hexed EC exe.
But we'll see :P (I jsut finished hexing Sb to work w/o SBFix)

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
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Quote from: Hdx on October 25, 2006, 03:01 AM
I got a copy of IDA pro full today (Someone who views these forums sent me it)
And I downloaded EC, so I'll work on it tomarrow at school and then post my results.
Hopefully I can make it so you do not need to use sockscap and SBFix. I'm hoping to just release a hexed EC exe.
But we'll see :P (I jsut finished hexing Sb to work w/o SBFix)

Well, if you successfully hexed StealthBot, then I'm sure EternalChat shouldn't be a problem.


Quote from: Hdx on October 24, 2006, 03:51 PM
Thats what I would of done, but I don't have IDA (*hint* send me it >.<*/hint*)
All you need to do is change a 0c to a 0e, and a 22 to a 24 >.<
Same goes for SB, Ugh I wish I still had the full of IDA (I don't like Olydbg)

In http://forum.valhallalegends.com/index.php?topic=15759.msg159088#msg159088 I figured where the MPQ dll number check was, and changed the position from 0x8 to 0xa (IX86Ver#.mpq to ver-IX86-#.mpq), as well as updated all the version codes, but I'm told that didn't work.  Updating the version codes wasn't really necessary since EternalChat gets them from BNLS, but it saves time.

What is 0c to 0e and 22 to 24 supposed to be?


There was two problems.
EC assumed the length of the MPQ name, (Was 12 bytes long and is now 14 (0x0C to 0x0E))
And it assumed the Value String started at 0x22, it now starts at offset 0x24.
EC jsut grabs EVERYTHING from 0x22 on and sends it to BNLS as the value string, so its sending:
q\x00A=123 B=123 etc...\x00
When it should be sending:
A=123 B=123 etc...\x00

Ok, so I took the time to really look at it, and I found it so Here you go
Just replace your old EXE with this one and <3 it works:
Quote[08:28:41] Entering chat environment as Hdx.
And for future referance this is what I did:
0x000320a5 c7 cf 'STAR
0x000320b1 c7 cf 'SEXP
0x000320be 4f 4f 'W2BN
0x000320c9 09 0b 'D2
0x000320e2 a9 a9 'JSTR
0x000320e7 0d 14 'WC3
0x0006737b 08 0a 'MPQ Number position
0x00066b8c 22 24 'Value String Position


Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


Thanks for the fix Hdx!  /bow /praise /worship


fix by Hdx (replace the .exe file)  HDX WERE THE FILE? I need the new EXE 


Quote from: themaker on January 24, 2007, 04:25 PM
fix by Hdx (replace the .exe file)  HDX WERE THE FILE? I need the new EXE 

Send me a message on AIM (x999gamer999x). I'll send it to you. Keep in mind that by using it only Warcraft III and Diablo 2 plus their expansions will work.


You're gonna have to rehex it for the new verbyte, keep in mind. If you post it, ill do it.


Ok ill post it hope i dont piss someone off by trying to get Eternalchat fixed Here the site for the exe thats been hex for 120e If you can hex it please email me a copy at [email protected] thanks for the time reading this.

As of now all you get is this [21:18:51] Connecting to the Battle.net Chat Server,
[21:18:52] Battle.net asserts that game must be patched to a later version with patch file "WAR3_IX86_120E_121A_enUS.mpq"!
[21:18:52] Disconnected.

Would be nice if you could change the BNLS TO JBLS just a ideal I dont know it maybe to hard.


#28 bnls.valhallalegends.com Not that hard...
Put that in c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts

Note: SC bots wont work now. And I don't think you need a new exe, but I uploaded it

Proud host of the JBLS server www.JBLS.org.
JBLS.org Status:
JBLS/BNLS Server Status


I think you but what's point to? And i was looking at a old fool ops bot and its set where you can change your BNLS to JBLS its kinda kool but. I'm kinda new to hex edit but i will try maybe i can get the old fool op back up. does work for it two lol i have to try but still whats this address ? why cant you just point that to a jbls server ? Thank for looking and postin   
