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Messages - Wolf

Wait a minute, thats just basic a Sock 4/5 connection routed through someones proxy server isn't it? These proxies that people log onto are just other peoples proxy servers left unsecure. I would imagine that the people who leave there servers like this open to the world don't even realize that others are massing with them. If they don't realize, then mostlikely the ports to connect to are at default (1080 and 26662) like what Mystical just said. So they can be anything, true, but the majority of the connections are on the 2 ports. If you blocked the 2, there is only a small handful of ports that people would leave open to the world that others would connect to, wouldn't it? If there were only a small handful, it doesn't correct massing completely but wouldn't it reduce it a whole lot?
Quote from: Yegg on January 11, 2007, 03:21 PM
Quote from: dlStevens on January 11, 2007, 12:55 PM
Quote from: UserLoser on January 11, 2007, 12:24 PM
I heard Skywing was already adding stuff to block massloaders like this in the next revision

Couldn't he just block an IP that has over 8+ open connections to battle.net?

Block as in, don't allow the login.

Not if the bot connects to proxies.

You know I was just kind of thinking of something, you know how some IRC servers scan you to see if port 1080 or 1050 (I can't remember which port it was) is open? Could bnls be setup in the same way to detect that open port, if so just simiply prevent it's connection?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 22, 2006, 10:54 PM
Quote from: l)ragon on November 22, 2006, 07:38 PM
Quote from: Joex86] link=topic=15968.msg161578#msg161578 date=1164176068]
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 21, 2006, 11:35 PM
Quote from: Ersan on November 21, 2006, 11:30 PM
Why is there a command line BNLS client written in ASM?

To make Wolf look like a dumbass?

I find it funny how a few of you are so quick at ragging on wolf.
I can tell you this much, he has been into the electronic engineering for quite some time now.

I just want to take a moment to thank Dragon for the comment.

to add to Kp's response...
Your right and wrong. Your right when you say my programming is limitted, however that doesn't mean that I don't understand how to program. First of all I want to ask, if someone was so nice to realease SampleBNLS before, how come someone won't do that again with the nessesary corrections to get it going again?

To get back to Kp, EE's there not programmers. Well they are and there not at the same time. They do program but not to the same extent as a true application programmer would. For example, say you get a brand new video card for PCI Express 16x in your computer. It would be the responsibility of the EE or the Comp. E' to develop a series of working functions and drivers that would let an application programmer trigger and use that hardware. You don't often see an EE's writing some graphical code for an user to use. Now, i'm not totally up to date with my programming, like I have never worked with .NET before but I do know VB6 quite well (and earlier versions of basic) and C/C++. I have many books in programming such as stuff for Power Basic, C/C++, VB6, VHDL/AHDL and when they have a function in it that is similar to what I am doing (and I won't lie to you because I haven't yet and I am not about to start), then I will copy out that function into my code and use it and credit for it, after all, why re-invent the wheel when it still works just fine? As for the binary bot I had before, that started out a fue years ago, and all this time, all I needed to do to keep it working was to tweek 1 little byte in my code (the version hash), I have never done anything with a bot other then have 1 bot sit in a channel and do a fue commands that I wipped up to do what I require it to do. Most of the time it would just keep my illigal accounts active. Now that bnet hashing is different, I require the use of BNLS. Now, I don't know why, but for some reason, getting BNLS to work to so that I can use the same bot to do what I require it to do isn't as easy as it was to just get a regulare binary bot to connect. I figured, that "IF" someone were to do what I said in previous messages, I could get BNLS to work on a bot in windows, which I can transfer the same idea/principals to a microcontroller since they require a completely different programming structure.

Also they were right in saying that I "SHOULD" be able to program both ways, but I program THIS way because this is the way I know how. Like I said before, if someone was kind enough to release SampleBNLS in the past, what is so wrong with doing it again? From what I see, thats a chance to get branging rights.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 21, 2006, 10:51 PM
Quote from: Hdx on November 21, 2006, 05:44 PM
Quote from: Wolf on November 21, 2006, 05:30 PM
That doesn't mean anything, some people learn better from seeing how something works rather then just reading about it in a book.
True, this is usually how I learn, but you should be able to learn BOTH ways -.-
Quote from: Wolf on November 21, 2006, 05:30 PMParsing IRC, or data that comes off of bnet is by far the simplest thing you can ever do connection wise, theres no "Statstring", or "Product Version", no "CD Key to process" its just data is and data out if say you get 1007 TALK *some user* *some text* well there you go send that in a series of IF's and Select Cases and you have a product.
The telnet protocol of BNCs (Defunct now) is nothing more then an expanded 0x0f. If you read the packets + bnet docs you will relizer that all the values sent to you while on a telnet session, are the same exact values sent to you when on a binary connection.

Quote from: Wolf on November 21, 2006, 05:30 PMnow second thing is this what you need to change in a BNLS Code?

Case &H1A '&H9 'change
        Version = Val("&H" & StrToHex(StrReverse(Mid(Data, 8, 4))))
        Version = CLng(Version)
        'Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved Version: " & Version
        CheckSum = BNLSChecksum(BNET.Password, Version) 'Val("&H" & StrToHex(StrReverse(Mid(data, 12, 4))))
        CheckSum = CLng(CheckSum)
        'Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved CheckSum: " & CheckSum
        ExeInfo = Mid(Data, 16, Len(Data) - 16)
       ' Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved ExeInfo: " & ExeInfo
          If Prod = "PX2D" Then
            With PBuffer
                .InsertDWORD &H0
                .InsertBYTE &H2
                .InsertDWORD &H1
                .InsertDWORD Servers
                .InsertNTString Form2.keyimput.text
                .InsertNTString Form2.LODKey.text
                .SendBNLSPacket &HC
            End With
            With PBuffer
               .InsertDWORD Servers
               .InsertNTString Form2.keyimput.text
               .SendBNLSPacket &H1
            End With
          End If
          Debug.Print "&H9 - Sent CD Key info: " & Form2.keyimput.text

For 1) Use the code tags. For 2) Compair This to This you will see exactly what you need to do! (If you are not a compleet and utter moron -.-)
I also suggest you look into a 'De-buffer' class. Its the exact opposit of your PBuffer class (Removing things insted of adding)

lol, well let me know when you get thoes two "This" links up and working so I can see what your actully trying to tell me, then I don't have to stay a "compleet and utter moron" because the links don't work "We're sorry, but BnetDocs is currently unavailable. Please try again later." ^.^
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 21, 2006, 05:30 PM
Quote from: l2k-Shadow on November 21, 2006, 05:19 PM
because you can do all that while you cannot construct a simple packet consisting of 3 constants, and 3 values retrieved from another packet.

That doesn't mean anything, some people learn better from seeing how something works rather then just reading about it in a book. Parsing IRC, or data that comes off of bnet is by far the simplest thing you can ever do connection wise, theres no "Statstring", or "Product Version", no "CD Key to process" its just data is and data out if say you get 1007 TALK *some user* *some text* well there you go send that in a series of IF's and Select Cases and you have a product.

now second thing is this what you need to change in a BNLS Code?

Case &H1A '&H9 'change
       Version = Val("&H" & StrToHex(StrReverse(Mid(Data, 8, 4))))
       Version = CLng(Version)
       'Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved Version: " & Version
       CheckSum = BNLSChecksum(BNET.Password, Version) 'Val("&H" & StrToHex(StrReverse(Mid(data, 12, 4))))
       CheckSum = CLng(CheckSum)
       'Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved CheckSum: " & CheckSum
       ExeInfo = Mid(Data, 16, Len(Data) - 16)
      ' Debug.Print "&H9 - Recieved ExeInfo: " & ExeInfo
         If Prod = "PX2D" Then
           With PBuffer
               .InsertDWORD &H0
               .InsertBYTE &H2
               .InsertDWORD &H1
               .InsertDWORD Servers
               .InsertNTString Form2.keyimput.text
               .InsertNTString Form2.LODKey.text
               .SendBNLSPacket &HC
           End With
           With PBuffer
              .InsertDWORD Servers
              .InsertNTString Form2.keyimput.text
              .SendBNLSPacket &H1
           End With
         End If
         Debug.Print "&H9 - Sent CD Key info: " & Form2.keyimput.text
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 21, 2006, 05:11 PM
Quote from: topaz on November 21, 2006, 03:23 PM
Quote from: Wolf on November 21, 2006, 12:50 PM
Quote from: Hdx on November 21, 2006, 09:12 AM
You shouldn't need a 'source to learn off of' for something this simple.
All you are doing is replacing your old 0x09 or 0x18 packet with 0x1a
Sending a few diffrent values and parsing it exactly as you would 0x18.
If you can't get something as simple as that, then you are obvioulsy telling us you are leeching code without knowing how it works.
Because seriously this is not the hardest part of the login protcol, and if you can get the other parts then you are obviously doing something right, and should know how to do it again!
Show us what you are doing so we can atleast know you are TRYING.

Hey, I have written bots before without the need of ever using BNLS & BNCS, now that I require its usage, it's different to me. Also, I'm not trying to leach a code; I am trying to do something unusual instead.

I didn't really want to talk about this idea too much because it's kind of like my project, but I am working on a project where can get a single binary bot to work inside a rabbit microcontroller (http://www.rabbitsemiconductor.com/products/rab4000/ info on it is here). I have been working with microcontrollers for a number of years now since I am doing Electronic Engineering at collage, and I have done/seen things with these devices that most people wouldn't be able to think possible. I have seen people make IRC bots out of these, and other devices such as MP3 streaming servers or IRC bots/server, if you can do that, then you can do Chat on bnet (or warnet). If you can do Bnet chat, then you can use BNLS. However this device is somewhat limited to memory usage so I cannot get SC/BW hash files inside the chip, so I require the use of BNLS/BNCS for hashing, no exceptions.

This chip is programmed in Dynamic C (for rabbit), this cannot use Dynamic Link Libraries. In fact it can't use any external code what so ever, but I can gather hash data which is another reason why I want to use BNLS/BNCS. I needed a working code so I can duplicate the principals from one code to Dynamic C, however I need to get it working on PC first. You can't just copy a code and expect it to work, I understand how the principals work just fine, but this is the reason why. If in theory I got this working then I can interface a number of electronic applications to this rabbit development board such as, when a command is given from bnet, I can turn on/off a number of LED's or put a message on a small 16x2 LCD display, the options are limitless. Now I can do this in VB or C++ and I have before with other bots I have made, however this is different. Putting a bot in a microcontroller makes the code run extremely fast (based on what frequency a crystal operates at),. It doesn't require an operating system, and the chip focuses purely on the single program inside the chip. This rabbit has flash memory inside it so I can read from an access list and config file. I can configure it through my browser, and with an LCD connected to the chip, I can read it's IP so I know what to connect my browser window too. I'm not asking for this to go into games or do something extremely complex. My goal is to get it to connect to bnet on useast and have it sit in a channel a listen to what conversations are taking place. That is it. This is why I require a working simple code, no minimize to tray, no graphics, no colors, it can even run in a simple dos consol, Purely simple as simple can be.

Yeah somehow I think you're full of shit.

Explain, how so?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 21, 2006, 12:50 PM
Quote from: Hdx on November 21, 2006, 09:12 AM
You shouldn't need a 'source to learn off of' for something this simple.
All you are doing is replacing your old 0x09 or 0x18 packet with 0x1a
Sending a few diffrent values and parsing it exactly as you would 0x18.
If you can't get something as simple as that, then you are obvioulsy telling us you are leeching code without knowing how it works.
Because seriously this is not the hardest part of the login protcol, and if you can get the other parts then you are obviously doing something right, and should know how to do it again!
Show us what you are doing so we can atleast know you are TRYING.

Hey, I have written bots before without the need of ever using BNLS & BNCS, now that I require its usage, it's different to me. Also, I'm not trying to leach a code; I am trying to do something unusual instead.

I didn't really want to talk about this idea too much because it's kind of like my project, but I am working on a project where can get a single binary bot to work inside a rabbit microcontroller (http://www.rabbitsemiconductor.com/products/rab4000/ info on it is here). I have been working with microcontrollers for a number of years now since I am doing Electronic Engineering at collage, and I have done/seen things with these devices that most people wouldn't be able to think possible. I have seen people make IRC bots out of these, and other devices such as MP3 streaming servers or IRC bots/server, if you can do that, then you can do Chat on bnet (or warnet). If you can do Bnet chat, then you can use BNLS. However this device is somewhat limited to memory usage so I cannot get SC/BW hash files inside the chip, so I require the use of BNLS/BNCS for hashing, no exceptions.

This chip is programmed in Dynamic C (for rabbit), this cannot use Dynamic Link Libraries. In fact it can't use any external code what so ever, but I can gather hash data which is another reason why I want to use BNLS/BNCS. I needed a working code so I can duplicate the principals from one code to Dynamic C, however I need to get it working on PC first. You can't just copy a code and expect it to work, I understand how the principals work just fine, but this is the reason why. If in theory I got this working then I can interface a number of electronic applications to this rabbit development board such as, when a command is given from bnet, I can turn on/off a number of LED's or put a message on a small 16x2 LCD display, the options are limitless. Now I can do this in VB or C++ and I have before with other bots I have made, however this is different. Putting a bot in a microcontroller makes the code run extremely fast (based on what frequency a crystal operates at),. It doesn't require an operating system, and the chip focuses purely on the single program inside the chip. This rabbit has flash memory inside it so I can read from an access list and config file. I can configure it through my browser, and with an LCD connected to the chip, I can read it's IP so I know what to connect my browser window too. I'm not asking for this to go into games or do something extremely complex. My goal is to get it to connect to bnet on useast and have it sit in a channel a listen to what conversations are taking place. That is it. This is why I require a working simple code, no minimize to tray, no graphics, no colors, it can even run in a simple dos consol, Purely simple as simple can be.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 21, 2006, 09:02 AM
Quote from: Ersan on November 21, 2006, 12:47 AM
That's a bot... written for you.

May I suggest that you use my bot and write a plugin for it to do what you want.  It's similar to cleanslatebot in that there are events raised on specific battle.net triggers and the connection portion and packet parsing is already done for you.

README with SDK: http://ersan.us/multibot/README.txt
Sample Plugin Source (VB6): http://ersan.us/multibot/bc-1012-src.zip

That was really nice of you to do that, thank  you very much. However that is a good temprary fix, but I still need to figure out how to use BNLS the proper way. Like i have read that document from top to bottom on how the BNLS and BNCS operate about 3 times over, and for the most part I can get it working using the old method which doesn't work anymore. Now I need to learn how to get all this to work with the versioncheckex2 (0x1a), which there is no source code out there to learn off of, C++ or VB will do I don't care what the language is based on, but thats more what I require.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 19, 2006, 03:57 AM
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on November 18, 2006, 04:43 PM
Quote from: Wolf on November 18, 2006, 04:39 PM
Thats nice that they do that, but is there any example source codes that would help get me started when working with the BNLS stuff? (considering isn't there some new Auth. protocal to use when you want to log on with SC or BW?)

You know what, why don't we all just write your bot for you?

Hey, I wasn't asking for that.

I was just asking for something related to this: http://www.zeroforce.net/bnet%20source%20code/simpleBNLS.zip except with a more up-to-date configuration and much simpler design (without all the extra functions) to actully "see" how it all works in and out, not just told what to do and why.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 18, 2006, 04:39 PM
Thats nice that they do that, but is there any example source codes that would help get me started when working with the BNLS stuff? (considering isn't there some new Auth. protocal to use when you want to log on with SC or BW?)
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 06, 2006, 11:29 PM
That is exactully what I ment. You can't just put anyting in there, but if the ocx doesn't work due to lock down, then whats the point right?
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 05, 2006, 03:09 PM
Even if Cup is around, the object file still requires a stupid login user/pass to use, and they never seem to be around to give you that login account needed to use that component anyway
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 04, 2006, 08:17 PM
oh ok, that would be nice, thank you
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 04, 2006, 07:46 PM
actually I forgot to mention, is there a substitute? I was trying to use that BNCSutil.dll library with various example source codes to get a feel for how that library is constructed works and none of them work (big surprise). I tried working with the library file version that came with the Stealth Bot (the version now that can only log on Diablo 2/Expansion and WarCraft 3 at this moment due to changes on battle.net), and I would like to know what was changed in that file so I can use it.
Battle.net Bot Development / Re: CleanSlateBot2.ocx
November 04, 2006, 06:04 PM
I was serious, and second of all thanks