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Messages - quasi-modo

Quote from: CrAz3D on June 01, 2006, 11:37 AM

heh, werd up.  Kerry was ... I dont know the word for it, dorky with a bit of nerd (not smart kid, just kid no one liked in school)
A fag?
General Discussion / Re: 50 People who matter
July 01, 2006, 11:00 PM
Quote from: Rule on June 23, 2006, 11:21 AM
Quote from: CrAz3D on June 23, 2006, 10:42 AM
Quote from: Topaz on June 23, 2006, 03:39 AM
I'd think he'd be pushing the billions envelope, with the kind of craze that's going on...
$700 mill in the past YEAR>....I'm sure he's worth over a billion by now

Depends whether the $700 million was for him or for Blizzard Entertainment.

Fun Forumâ„¢ / Re: o rly? virus
May 14, 2006, 09:52 PM
ya rly
My reccomendation is acer. I paid 999 about a year ago for my acer aspire. It has been great. It has 512 pc-2700 ddr, a 80gig hd, and 1.6ghz Amd Turion Proc (1mb l2 cahce). This laptop can't game too much because it is running SiS integrated graphics, but for all general computing it performs as well as my desktop (p4 2.6 w/ ht). It has been a wonderful little laptop. It is fairly light so it's not bad to take to class, though I do kinda wish I had gotten one of those really tiny laptops just because they fit into a backpack so much easier. I guess when I bought it something with a normal 15 inch screen was more appealing to me. But it has been a very stable system and it performs very nicely. Battery life is 3hrs generally, unplugged clock speed is 800mhz, I never notice a performance difference though since I am not doing anything too intensive on this.
same laptop now one year later with double the ram, a 20gig more hard drive capacitym and the graphics have evolved a bit for the same price - a rebate putting it right at your price range (but that is for today only).
Quote from: Topaz on May 02, 2006, 06:29 PM
Quote from: powered by nissan on April 30, 2006, 11:58 PM
I know theres a few computer guys on here. Ill be needing a laptop for when I go off to college next year. So what are some good laptops I should look into within these boundaries/expectations.

1. MAX budget is 900
2. I want it to be reliable
3. Want something with a good processor
4. at least 60GB of space if not more
5. Good all around notebook to do write papers and stuff on
7. I want it to handle FPS games so anything that can play games such as Unreal Tournament 2004 or Counterstrike CZ on maybe primary resolution and even Half Life 2 on real low settings. I want decent moderate graphics. I dont expect the best but would want to play the occasional games if Im bored.
8. I want new

Does anyone have any evalue codes to use with dell?

If you want it to handle FPS games, it's going to be rather heavy - if you're not planning on bringing it to class, cafes, etc to do work, then get a Shuttle.

Take a look at this, lots of great discounts.
Or just find a good atx micro board and build the thing yourself a nice tiny flex, multimedia, etc case and get the same form factor for fraction of the price.
Quote from: powered by nissan on May 01, 2006, 12:38 AM
Quote from: CrAz3D on May 01, 2006, 12:05 AM
Go to one of those "Build Your Own" sections of Dell or HP (or whoever) and find what best fits you for the best price.
Good idea.
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on May 01, 2006, 12:18 AM
I don't think you can expect to play good FPS games on a $900 notebook.
So all of them with a integrated graphics wont be able to handle FPS games on low resoultion?
All laptops have integrated graphics, when you are working with that much room everything has to be onboard. But you would want something with mobile ati x something, or mobile nvidia or something. But 900 dolalr notebooks come with SiS integrated graphics, and Intel integrated graphics, and you can use them for practical things, but don't expect to game on them. The idea of a gaming laptop is stupid because it is expencive in not very feasible, if you have this burning desire to game youre going to have to spring for the extra price of a sager, or xps, or upgraded msi, asus, or like acer ferrari or something. You wiill have to pay much more than 900 for something like that.
Quote from: l)ragon on April 27, 2006, 09:27 PM
Quote from: quasi-modo on April 27, 2006, 10:49 AM
GM went cheap on that part, but I betcha the lawsuit will not succeded. They'll just argue it wears out like any other part.
The point they're trying to make is that it wears out prematurely.
Yes I know that, but GM will argue that it doesn't. After all, it usually fails between 60 - 70 thousand miles from my experience. About this time your power steering pump might also be worn out, as well as the tensioning pulley on your serpentine belt. If either of these seize up you will be left on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck. I am not supporting GM, I believe they went cheap. The intage mantifold should not be made from plastic, if anything it should be aluminum. But I don't think GM will feel the whole brunt of this.
Politics / Re: The energy crisis
April 29, 2006, 01:37 PM
Let not forget about Iraq. If we can stableize Iraq and they can start really pumping, they have the potential to break up opec. Opec is a cartel, and when one country sells at a lower price it forces the rest of them to lower their prices and then you no longer have a cartel. So if we can get Iraq pumping Opec is going to drop its prices or disinigrate.

I don't neccessarily believe there should be an income tax, I am a proponant of a national sales tax, but that is a different story too.
GM went cheap on that part, but I betcha the lawsuit will not succeded. They'll just argue it wears out like any other part.
We had this problem, its plastic and will crack areound 60k miles generally. It is on the buick park avenues, but so far i have not had the issue on my lesabre, I believe the mantifold on the two is different. But I was driving my dad's park avenue when the thing finally died on me, I had to pull over before the car over heated and I had steam coming from my exhaust. But it was only a 350 - 400 fix because I'm not a dumb ass and when I felt the car not running smooth and saw the temp climbing I pulled over at the nearest conveiniant spot so as not to over heat the engine.
General Discussion / Re: Aim on PSP
April 25, 2006, 08:40 PM
aim express is good on pc now. Its just as good as regular aim IMO except for the occasional lag. Theyve made a ton of improvements. I use it from time to time here because one of the 'localized' wirless networks on campus has chat services blocked because people chatting in class became an issue.
The morning after pill is like a big dose of hormones that flushes you out before conception can occur pretty much. It only works within 72 hours. The abortion pill on the other hand is different, it prevents the placenta from forming so the fetus starves / suffocates. It only works within the first trimester.
Quote from: UserLoser on April 22, 2006, 12:15 AM
Accidental babies (i.e. condom breaks, etc)
That is why there is such a thing as emergency contraceptive, aka the morning after pill. Taken within 72 hours it can reduce the chance of pregnancy by about 90%.
Quote from: Adron on April 22, 2006, 08:31 PM
Quote from: MyndFyre[vL] on April 22, 2006, 01:53 PM
Accidental babies are a risk you take when having sex; if you don't want the risk, don't engage in the risky behavior.

Yeah, and abortion is convenient birth control; if you don't want to limit births, ban all forms of preventatives and make sex mandatory for all fertile citizens... ;)
400 bucks for the operation and risk of complications is not what I'd call conveiniant. Also, the abortion pill rocks your system a lot more than regular birth control or even the morning after pill. I'd say being smart to begin with and using contraceptive would be the conveiniant way to go. Kids these days are stupid when it comes ot birth control. I know people who actually reguard pulling out as an affective form of birth control. I know girls who have sex regularly but do not take their birth control pills at the same time nightly, or maybe not even nightly, but still expect it to remain 99.9% affective.
Quote from: MrRaza on April 21, 2006, 07:04 PM
USE ERD COmmander holy crap...
seriously. I mean you just boot and reset the password.
Quote from: CrAz3D on April 20, 2006, 04:33 PM
Birth defects fall under special circumstances, no?

Adron, regarding "Going to be done anyway", what do you mean?  Like even if it is illegal people will still do it?
special circumstances should be broken up though. Because there are some special cicumstances, such as maybe a minor disorder where abortion might be wrong, and maybe a major one where the kid will have a painful life that is going to last all of five years at best where abortion might be considered humain. Special circumstances is just a very broad header. Also you have other circumstances like a fallopian pregnancy where the mothers health is at risk.