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Creating Authentication Systems

Started by Mephisto, December 12, 2004, 05:49 PM

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Four things. EDIT: Five.

QuoteI completely agree, some things are destructive.
My point is that keeping stuff private is stupid.
I think he forgets pretty fast, if you ask me.

FoFoBot, although RaBBiT already said. ^^

Mephisto: I would have a list of authorized names somewhere and then access that list, and if CrLf, the name, and then CrLf is in the list, then their authorized. I know its easily crackable, but its what Stealth uses, plus checking for the end of his lines. I haven't tried, but from seeing the StealthLock code, you could pass the authorization by using the middle of an authorized name as your name, unless he upgraded it to check for vbCrLf's too.

RaBBiT: I'm guessing your saying "Heres FoFoBot, now crack it. See if I care.", right?

Fifth and finally, page break!
Quote from: brew on April 25, 2007, 07:33 PM
that made me feel like a total idiot. this entire thing was useless.


Pretty much, considering I set the auth to a BNLS similar way (before BNLS converted).  If your info works, you get a valid logon response.  If it doesn't or is just completely absent you get the "I don't give a fuck, logon anyways" message.


Quote from: rabbit on January 29, 2005, 05:54 PM
Pretty much, considering I set the auth to a BNLS similar way (before BNLS converted).  If your info works, you get a valid logon response.  If it doesn't or is just completely absent you get the "I don't give a fuck, logon anyways" message.

Which means that to "hack" your bot, you'd make an entry in the hosts file?


And people always tried decompiling.  The simplist method usually works best :)


There is one way, making a seperate bot connect on form_load with the user not knowing, and if you see its somebody you dont know, make it shutdown, and the way you can do that is

Make the bot look at a website with a txtdocument with something like "DOWN", if its there, bot will stay up, if it isnt the bot will shutdown, easy ?

Soul Taker

Quote from: QwertyMonster on February 04, 2005, 08:32 AM
There is one way, making a seperate bot connect on form_load with the user not knowing, and if you see its somebody you dont know, make it shutdown, and the way you can do that is

Make the bot look at a website with a txtdocument with something like "DOWN", if its there, bot will stay up, if it isnt the bot will shutdown, easy ?
Then all someone has to do is change their hosts file so the bot will use a text document on localhost rather than your website.


Hmm, this may be a bad method since it will consume bandwidth and time, but to me it surely sounds safe if you understand what I'm trying to say :)

User gets the executable which is scrambled based off of a unique key decided from program which gets info about the user's computer.  The executable is compiled like normal & server adds this version of executable into it's database, then using another application it scrambles all of the contents except the code which grabs the unique key for the user's system.  The executable contains no decryption, unscrambling, scrambling, or encryption code at all.  The executable is forced to connect to the "auth server" which everything is done.  The executable sends the server the key, and the server unscrambles the defined executable (gets the file contents from the database) based on the key sent, and then the server sends back all of the unscrambled data (valid or not) to the program and it just writes over the useless scrambled junk.  Continue execution of program.

So pretty much there is no way to unscramble any of the code (it's basically just dummy bytes that will get overwritten) unless you connect to the correct server.  The server cannot be rerouted (nobody will know how to write a server which performs the required tasks), modifying hosts file will not help in anyway, so that's good i guess.


Write a hook function that intercepts the area of the executable where the decrypted code is received and written to memory. Save the decrypted code along with an offset that defines where it goes. Start replacing encrypted sections with the decrypted data, without removing the decryption mechanism on areas that are still encrypted. Use the program thoroughly. Eventually, all sections should be decrypted.

Alternatively, make a list of all encrypted sections and the encrypted data, write a client for the auth server, request that it decrypt all of them, write them to the .exe, and bingo.

Soul Taker

If your secure executable is being replaced, UL, wouldn't the original leaker just leak the already descrambled version?

Banana fanna fo fanna

How about this:

Your app is a device driver. When it smells trouble (debugger etc), it does some whacko hardware error so you can't debug it. Ensure it's always in memory and locked in the filesystem, too.

Soul Taker

Quote from: Banana fanna fo fanna on February 05, 2005, 02:28 PM
How about this:

Your app is a device driver. When it smells trouble (debugger etc), it does some whacko hardware error so you can't debug it. Ensure it's always in memory and locked in the filesystem, too.
Lots of games do something similar to foil people using virtual drives to play the games.  All of them that I've played have been cracked irregardless though, and most Softice detecting stuff has been foiled too.


Hmm i have another idea.

Ask Stealth How he makes hes bot show its time for update when outdated, but switch it around to see when an invalid user connects (One you dont know) and make it shutdown.

But maybe Stealth will be mean and not tell you, but worth a try? :/


i am pretty sure they already know how to do that if they know winsock and it be pretty easy to bi-pass it all u need to do is put a jump where it checks the website


Quote from: QwertyMonster on February 06, 2005, 12:45 PM
Hmm i have another idea.

Ask Stealth How he makes hes bot show its time for update when outdated, but switch it around to see when an invalid user connects (One you dont know) and make it shutdown.

But maybe Stealth will be mean and not tell you, but worth a try? :/

That system and the beta authorization system have almost no security at all to them. They can be hijacked with a simple hosts-file redirect or a variety of other methods.
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


The fact that non beta users dont have SB Beta and he only picks honest people is  most likely the reason he wont break his back writing a good Authentication system.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?
