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Started by Meh, December 12, 2004, 02:00 PM

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OK, I am british as you all know, and want this game.My dad has a friend with an American wife so he has a greencard. hes going over just before christmas, Hes getting me an iPod as theyre cheaper but I want WoW. What I need to know is, if he buys it are there any restrictions to me singing up? What I mean do I have to state my country when I register and If i said USA will it make a difference. I got a credit Card so paying isnt a problem, just if it will let me register. If anyone has a screen shot of registration that would be awsome! Thanks.


Toys 'R' Us told me WoW isnt being released in europe for another 4 - 6 months T_T
I can get a direct copy of WoW from the states, but to would like to know if i will have problems signing up!

Thanks in advance!



Isnt that what I asked?


I would imagine you would still be able to connect to american servers, althought it could be laggy.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


OK, but when you sign up it wouldnt ask for a Country or anything to restrict me from signing up?


Quote from: Meh on December 14, 2004, 09:47 AM
OK, but when you sign up it wouldnt ask for a Country or anything to restrict me from signing up?

This is a matter of money.  In matters of money you should not rely on second-hand advice.  Go to the source, Blizzard, and ask them.  Theirs is the only voice that counts since they are a fee-for-service organization, wrt WoW.

However, in terms of your credit card, when you purchase something over the internet, the mail address you provide the vendor is part of the authorization required by the card clearinghouse.  Thus if you put a different mailing address than your credit card has registered, the clearinghouse procedurally denies the charge, to protect you against fraud.  Thus if your card says UK mailing address and you try to sneak in a USA address, the card will be denied and Blizzard will shut you down.  OTOH, if you put your correct address as UK and Blizzard maybe has a filter only allowing USA address at the moment, they'll shut you down.  Lose lose.

But there is an alternative.  You can purchase those playing-time cards (whatever their official name is) from someone in the states, have them mail to you for your use.


I recieved this back..

Thank you for emailing with your concerns. We have recently been contacted by people with questions about regional restrictions and access for accounts in World of Warcraft.

Quality and customer service are the highest priorities for Blizzard Entertainment.   Because we cannot guarantee a positive gaming experience for users connecting to servers outside their region, we are not initially permitting users from outside North America to play on the North American servers upon release.

In other words, players in one region of the world will not be able to play on alternate regions at the launch of the game.  We do plan on adding this functionality in at a later time, but unfortunately do not have specific information on subscription policies or when this will happen.

However, we strongly suggest you purchase the version that is localized to you.  If you happen to have purchased a US version, please keep in mind you will need a US address and a US form of payment in order to play the game. The US version will connect ONLY to US servers. Whether or not the account/characters will roll over to your localized region at the time of its release, that has not yet been determined.

The World of Warcraft team has posted the FAQ on this topic to the official support website:

We recommend that you continue to visit www.WorldofWarcraft.com for the latest announcements and updates on this and other World of Warcraft features.

-clint r.
Billing Representative
Blizzard Entertainment
I will wait for feburary