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How old are you?

Started by iago, December 10, 2004, 09:36 AM

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What is worrying is there is a guy in a local town on he is plays on bnet and he is like almost 50 =||||||||||||||||


So? There's people on these forums that are nearing that age. Just because people are oldish doesn't mean they can't have fun!


* looks around UR 1 ARNY U DNT DENY IT!



Im guesing he means "Looks around. Your one arnt you? dont deny it.


Quote from: Rince on December 18, 2004, 07:12 AM
What is worrying is there is a guy in a local town on he is plays on bnet and he is like almost 50 =||||||||||||||||

How old do you have to be to stop playing videogames? I don't know about you, but I'll be kicking my grandkids' ass at Halo 2! ;)
- Stealth
Author of StealthBot


Most people when thyey get old play games that they played as kids or tennegaers. My dad plays some tank game that is black and white and looks like it was made with Ascii.


I remember when I was little my dad and I were having a contest to see who could be Mario first on my original Nintendo. I won, and I called him at work to gloat. :)


It's been a couple years since I could really get into a game.  I think it might be because modern games suck.  I never liked FPS games, or 3d games, and everything has moved towards that.  I still enjoy going back and playing my old 2d games sometimes, though. 
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on December 18, 2004, 06:55 PM
It's been a couple years since I could really get into a game.  I think it might be because modern games suck.  I never liked FPS games, or 3d games, and everything has moved towards that.  I still enjoy going back and playing my old 2d games sometimes, though. 
PacMan I love that game. me and my dad try to beat eachothers score on it.


Pacman and Mrs. Pacman are the best arcade games ever invented!
