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Here's an idea for multi-platform bots

Started by Etheran, April 07, 2003, 06:58 AM

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Banana fanna fo fanna


St0rm, what's wrong with swing (seriously - I don't know enough about it to make that sort of statement)? And what's a good alternative GUI library if swing isn't used?
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.

Banana fanna fo fanna

Swing is SOOOO damn slow, it's sad. I mean truly, it's unbelievable how slow it is.

I also don't like the API. If you want to make, say, a table, you have to create your own new TableModel. It's OOP on Viagra. There's just too many classes, and it slows Swing down. It also uses a wacko threading system and draws its own components in Java...so it's slow and doesn't change with the OS (i.e. winxp).

www.eclipse.org. Check out SWT. It's fast and native and easy.


LOL im with storm, swing is a joke. wx is a real GUI toolkit, and a GUI in GL would crawl =\.



Quote from: Camel on April 10, 2003, 12:30 AMheh, hardware accelerated ui
I beleive Mac OS X has that, for those nice interface effects... uses Quartz, which is hardware accelerated.

Also, using hardware acceleration, it would be one hell of an overdone user interface to have your file system done in a 3d environment, and perhaps tilt your windows, so it looks like you're looking at them from a side, instead of from their front.

Hardware accelerated guis... They're not just possible, they're already here... just not in full use.
Macintosh programmer and enthusiast.
Battle.net Bot Programming: http://www.bash.org/?240059
I can write programs. Can you right them?


Banana fanna fo fanna


having a hardware accelerated graphical server makes sense (like Aqua on OSX, and fresco on unix) because each window is drawn as 1 texture, this is drawing each GUI object as a texture in an opengl window, which would crawl.


Believe me on this, I have experience with GLUI.  It is a great API if you want to add some quick controls to work with 3D OpenGL applications... however, I wouldn't base any program off of it.  For instance, the keyboard focussing is horrendous.  You click on a widget, and it refocusses... then you click in your main gl window... and the widget keeps the focus thus making it impossible for you to easily redirect the keyboard input back to your glut app's keyboard handling routines.

That is just one of the many nasty little bugs (features?) that GLUI has.  Another issue is that of progress/development.  The project seems to have been pretty idle over the last year or so.  Not to mention, have fun compiling it in Visual Studio .NET and/or Project Builder on OS X.  In both cases, it's almost easier to start from scrach with a clean project in order to build anything useful.



Although I've never used GLUI I have used another GL based User Interface called PUI.  I didn't make a program based on it; it was something of a test app so I could experience the api.  According to c0ol, using a GL based user interface would slow you down, but a bot is generally a small program and it wouldn't have that bad of an effect.  Besides, there could be some nice effects to come out of an OpenGL based user interface for a bot.

Just my thoughts,