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World of Warcraft

Started by Spht, November 16, 2004, 09:57 PM

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Anyone else think this is the best game ever?


Except the servers lag to hell.


its ok. those RP servers are goofy as hell. bunch of dorks on them. lol.
they got mad because my name was "doodoo."


Quote from: warz on November 16, 2004, 11:43 PM
its ok. those RP servers are goofy as hell. bunch of dorks on them. lol.
they got mad because my name was "doodoo."
It's a great way for a bunch of losers to do some "social interaction".
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


Spht I love it, preordered it too. Going to pick it up on Monday. What level are you? What race? I'm an Orc Hunter and Shaman. Today my buddies and I were out killing some Aliance dicks. Stupid Humans! Harr!!!


I played this game all week and did bad on my exams.

Now look at my pretty screen shot:


Kaegan (level 21 Dwarf Hunter) and Wiggles enjoy the scenery in the highlands.


This character was in memory of my stress test character, Xy, who oddly enough also retired in Westfall.

Say hello to Xy, the Night Elf Hunter.

Xy likes to mingle with the ladies.

When Xy's not doing that, he enjoys fishing with strangers.

Xy has a pet cat named Yoni, which he found in Darkshore, Kalimdor.

Xy enjoys travelling with Yoni.

One day, for no particular reason, Xy decided to go for a little run.  So he ran to Ironforge.

And when he got there, he thought maybe he'd run to Stormwind.

And he figured since he ran this far, he might as well run to Westfall.  And that's what he did.  He ran to Westfall.

Sure, Xy has killed his share of undead...

And sure he doesn't read road signs...

... Which tends to get him in trouble...

But Xy is special.  He's almighty.  He's undefeatable.

Though sometimes he's sad.

And sometimes he just feels like dying.

But what would World of Warcraft be without jokers like that.

Great game!  Got to level 17 in the little time I got to play.


While I was running through the barrens I saw the giant level 20 kodos / stormheads and thought I would tame one of them as a pet so I abandoned Wiggles.  Unfortunantly the kodos/stormheads aren't tameable so I was left without a pet.  In memory of Wiggles I went back to the Wetlands and tamed another crocilisk and named it WigglesJr.

Anyway, I'm thinking about buying this; what's the monthly cost?


After the initial free one-month subscription ends, players of World of Warcraft will be able to continue playing under one of three different subscription plans.
The month-to-month subscription plan costs $14.99 per month, the three-month plan costs $13.99 per month, and the six-month plan costs $12.99 per month.


I'm not sure I want to pay $77.94 for six months of playing a game, let alone  $155.88 a year. 

Too bad; it's a fun game.  If it were around $8 a month I'd definently subscribe.


Yea, I thinks its a little too much since I don't get that much time to play.


15 bucks a month isn't much. Yeah the Open Beta is OFFICIALLY CLOSED. Now I'm eager to pick up my copy on Monday!


Thought Stormwind was peaceful?  You were WRONG!

Massive Infernals invaded Stormwind today, knocking over statues, bringing havoc to the peaceful town.

I can take him!



I'm getting the game, I thought I would never pay to play a game I spend $50 on. I was wrong. I'll get the 6 month deal for $12 a month, so that is $72 + $50 = $122 for 6 months of fun.

Since I am getting out of the Army in December that means I will have more money and more time, so why not!


* Blaze <3 Spht's story about Xy ;)
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No