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Half-life 2 tonight!

Started by Wish, November 15, 2004, 11:14 PM

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so valve will be opening the authentication servers for hl2 tonight, who will be playing?
this is great, i have the next 3 days off from work! :D
it will be unlocked at 12:00AM GMT tonight..finally@#$!@


is the game even retail yet?


aparently yes, its in stores. however you must activate it online - an anti-piracy counter-measure of course.


Finally something my time. Well i guess its activated now. I dont know wehter to get it now or wait for christmas. I really want CS Source from it.


I'm installing it right now!!!

I feel like a kid at christmas  8)


Just bought it. I went to Tesco during ym break from college and it was all gone. I asked at customer services when they would have more and she said a deleviry was due today. I couldnt decide wether to go back at lunch just before going back to college and I was like, yea OK. Went there and got there as they were putting more out. Installing it noe. Cant wait!!! ;D


So are the graphics awesome?


Extremely. Very nice graphics. I am sopleased I got it. I am considering setting up a server for special tournaments etc, if anyone is intrested? Just say I! or PM me or something.


Set up a CS:S server while your at it. =)
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No


i give this game a 15/10.

it fucking rocks.

excellent voice acting, EXTREMELY realistic visuals, especially the shadows, they're soft, and fade out with if the object is pulled further away from the light-source, far better than doom3.
water effects are jaw-dropping, nothing else like it
very, very detailed cut scenes, the facial expressions npc's make are amazing.

but don't forget, TEH PHYSICS!@#$@!
holy fucking shit, i've never had so much fun throwing trash and shooting barrels into people.

i was completely emmersed in this game within minutes. i've never felt so "there", if you will.

if you haven't gotten it yet, you're either dead, dead poor, or a retard. GO GET IT NOW!@#$


Quote from: Meh on November 16, 2004, 04:50 PM
Extremely. Very nice graphics. I am sopleased I got it. I am considering setting up a server for special tournaments etc, if anyone is intrested? Just say I! or PM me or something.

oh yeah, I!


Great, so Blaze and Wish I take it your both up for it. Arta what about you?Any one else? Say I and ill post some more. I got some college buddies in aswell.


how bout that server Meh?  ;D


I set up one on my computer but my P keeps changing. Me and some friends at college are going to rent one soon. Illpost when I know more details.Ill be seeing them in about and hour.


How did it turn out? btw, Static IP's are great!
Mitosis: Haha, Im great arent I!
hismajesty[yL]: No