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Battle.Net Channel Ideas

Started by Grok, April 05, 2003, 09:38 AM

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Nothing new here, just commenting.

* Battle.Net ops holder should be able to set a channel greeting.

* Battle.Net ops holder ops commands "ban", "kick", "designate", should be exempt from flood calculations.

* Battle.Net clan channel ops (by namesake, i.e. the '[vL]' user while in channel 'clan [vL]') should be able to assign one channel speaker.

* A clan channel designated speaker should be exempt from all TALK and WHISPER flood limitations, so long as he is whispering people in the same clan channel.


I don't agree with exemptions from flood calculations. Too abusable.

* Server sided wildcard kicks/bans. If not, a way to kick/ban more than one person (i.e. /ban user1,user2,user3).
* Server sided safelist/autoban list. (I doubt this would ever be implemented.)


Quote from: Yoni on April 05, 2003, 12:40 PM
I don't agree with exemptions from flood calculations. Too abusable.

* Server sided wildcard kicks/bans. If not, a way to kick/ban more than one person (i.e. /ban user1,user2,user3).
* Server sided safelist/autoban list. (I doubt this would ever be implemented.)

Abusable how if they only apply to the current channel?


Some people already have abilities to log on many, many accounts at the same time. One could log on a lot of users on a single server, join "Clan <Myname>" on each one, become flood-proof, and spam (whisper self?) enough to drain the server's bandwidth.

I know, it's not practical, and the Battle.net servers have a lot of bandwidth. Still though, shouldn't make anyone totally flood-proof.

Maybe have looser flood rules for whoever is designated speaker. (But not loose enough to do something like what I mentioned above.)


Quote from: Yoni on April 05, 2003, 12:59 PM
Some people already have abilities to log on many, many accounts at the same time. One could log on a lot of users on a single server, join "Clan <Myname>" on each one, become flood-proof, and spam (whisper self?) enough to drain the server's bandwidth.

I know, it's not practical, and the Battle.net servers have a lot of bandwidth. Still though, shouldn't make anyone totally flood-proof.

Maybe have looser flood rules for whoever is designated speaker. (But not loose enough to do something like what I mentioned above.)
Why bother doing that?  Malicious persons in question could just SYNflood the server or do any number of other things much easier and much more efficiently.