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Typical Democrats

Started by Hazard, November 11, 2004, 09:26 PM

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I suggest any Conservative or Republican interested in a good laugh try posting something Conservative/Republican or Anti-Liberal/Democrat at the Democratic Underground website. If you merely say anything that in any way, shape, or form rubs any of their extreme liberal views you will be instantly banned. There is a game going on in ProtestWarrior about who can be banned the fastest. I was a member for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but the record is 31 seconds. I think they have moderators sitting full time with their finger on the ban-trigger ready to take out anybody who would upset their world of gumdrop fields and flowing chocolate rivers. Dig it.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


I hate the DU, on November 2nd-3rd they closed it down for non-members. A PW member with an account was posting what they were saying, they were tearing Bush, Kerry, and themselves apart. It made winning much sweeter.  But, yea, they hate any person with an opposing viewpoint whereas PW allows liberals there and if they don't stir a ruckus they're allowed to stay and are usually not messed with.

They claim to be pro-American, pro-Democracy, etc. but it's all lies. They're evil propagandists with anti-American views. After Bush was reelected and 70% of enlisted people voted for Bush, they said they had less sympathy for their troops than before. And what has it got them? It's gotten them reported to the Department of Homeland Security.


I would be very hesitant to label them "typical."  I have many, many friends who are democrats and totally not like that.

The news always carries the most vocal ones, and that's who we read about and who organizes the rallies.  But 75% of the people in the United States are moderates, despite the fact that the parties are relatively evenly-divided.  That suggests that a good two-thirds of the registered democratic population is moderate at least.

Be very careful when using loaded language.  You're going to get yourself discredited.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


I rather agree.

I'd also like to put forward the idea that perhaps they don't *want* heated political debate, and that's why they're banning people? Perhaps it's supposed to be a forum for Democrats to hang out without having to deal with the kind of stuff that's posted here? I haven't visited the site, so I couldn't say, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Besides, it sounds like you're just trolling them anyway.


QuoteI'd also like to put forward the idea that perhaps they don't *want* heated political debate, and that's why they're banning people? Perhaps it's supposed to be a forum for Democrats to hang out without having to deal with the kind of stuff that's posted here? I haven't visited the site, so I couldn't say, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Read maybe five of their posts, I think even you'd be ashamed by that hate filled forum.


I wouldn't say that it is the typical Democrat, it is more so the typical nutjob.  Nutjobs come from all political, economic, racial, and national backgrounds.


The nutjobs that consider themselves Democrats seem to go far more vile in the things they say than any Republican nutjobs I've seen and on a much grander scale.  To graduate from my university (The University of Iowa), you are required to take at least one semester of Rhetoric.  In my class, the teacher said she would like to assassinate President Bush.  It isn't too hard to find other such cases.  A week or so ago, the Daily Iowan (which is funded in part by student tuition I believe) ran a story on the College Republicans.  The headline of the article was replaced to say something along the lines of "College Republicans hold onto their delusions" (I don't remember the exact headline offhand).  (For the record, the newspaper did issue an apology.)

The Democratic party would have us believe that they are the all inclusive party - everyone is welcome.  Why then, is so much hate spewed from them about those who hold different view points?  There was recently a story in the news about a teaching assistant that kicked a student for wearing a College Republicans sweatshirt.  Her apology included the qualifier that she didn't know he was a student at the college where she was employed.  (Which implies that it would have been acceptable otherwise, or what exactly should we get out of that?)

I have heard plenty of sad songs sung about protestors having "protest zones" so that they cannot disrupt events and you know, infringe upon other people's freedom to assemble.  But what about the stories of people being physically attacked if they crash anti-war or Democratic rallies?  I don't think Ghandi would have been impressed with their "pacifism."

John Kerry had the grace to acknowledge that he had lost the election.  He definitely won my respect with how he conducted himself after the election, which is more than I can say for a lot of Democrats.  There's the "the election was rigged" nutjobs.  There's the "I'm moving to Paris" nutjobs.  And the "I hope Bush gets killed" nutjobs.

Examples like these do not go unnoticed by the American public.  These loud mouth nutjobs have become the face of the Democratic party, which is truly sad.  The real Democratic party that wants to help the poor and provide freedom to all (things Republicans wish to do too, we just disagree on the methods) gets buried in the mud.  As stated earlier in this thread, the majority of Americans consider themselves moderate.  So as long as the face of the Democratic party is Hate, it's really no surprise that Republicans keep picking up wins.  Until someone in the Democratic party puts down their foot and says enough is enough, I don't really see a change to this trend in sight.


QuoteIn my class, the teacher said she would like to assassinate President Bush.


QuoteJohn Kerry had the grace to acknowledge that he had lost the election.  He definitely won my respect with how he conducted himself after the election, which is more than I can say for a lot of Democrats.

John Kerry won the respect of a lot of Republicans, and he lost the respect of lots of Democrats. The people that once supported him are now totally against him. That's what you he gets for facing the truth, that he overwhelming lost, but you know the left doesn't like people who like the truth.


Quote from: DOOM on November 12, 2004, 03:32 AM
To graduate from my university (The University of Iowa), you are required to take at least one semester of Rhetoric.  In my class, the teacher said she would like to assassinate President Bush.

If it's a class on rhetoric, arguing something insane is nothing strange. The focus is on the rhetoric, not the subject. Making the subject insane helps maintain the focus.

Quote from: DOOM on November 12, 2004, 03:32 AM
The headline of the article was replaced to say something along the lines of "College Republicans hold onto their delusions" (I don't remember the exact headline offhand).  (For the record, the newspaper did issue an apology.)

If that's an article written by someone who thinks the Republicans have delusions, I see nothing wrong in that headline in itself. It all depends on the purpose of the article, if it's supposed to be neutral, etc, though.


QuoteIf it's a class on rhetoric, arguing something insane is nothing strange. The focus is on the rhetoric, not the subject. Making the subject insane helps maintain the focus.

I don't think the class objective is to study rhetoric, but rather that the teacher is like the thousands of other college professors who instead of teaching the subject they decide to indoctrinate their students with their leftist propaganda.

His story made me think of the Arab students at the San Francisco State University who obviously think they're still in jihad and that all Christians and Jews want death to them.
Here is an article on it. Remind me again why jews overwhelming support the left who hate them so much?


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 05:13 AM
QuoteIf it's a class on rhetoric, arguing something insane is nothing strange. The focus is on the rhetoric, not the subject. Making the subject insane helps maintain the focus.

I don't think the class objective is to study rhetoric, but rather that the teacher is like the thousands of other college professors who instead of teaching the subject they decide to indoctrinate their students with their leftist propaganda.

Umm, if the class is on rethoric, why would your first assumption be that the class objective is not to study rethoric?

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 05:13 AM
His story made me think of the Arab students at the San Francisco State University who obviously think they're still in jihad and that all Christians and Jews want death to them.
Here is an article on it. Remind me again why jews overwhelming support the left who hate them so much?

Well, nazis are far right...

Was that even at the University covered by any more mainstream and less "mud sling" sites? 


QuoteUmm, if the class is on rethoric, why would your first assumption be that the class objective is not to study rethoric?

When I read his post I thought he was referring to a teacher that does nothing but indoctrinate the entire class. I said that in my last post. Now that I reread his post I think that this might actually be a  rhetoric class, but I'm not sure.

QuoteWell, nazis are far right...

Nazism has it's roots in Fascism which started out far left. Do you think it's a coincidence that 'Nazi' is just short for 'Nationalsozialismus' (National Socialism.)

QuoteWas that even at the University covered by any more mainstream and less "mud sling" sites?

It was covered on my local news, that was just the first relevant article on Google News so I posted it here so you'd know what I was talking about.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 10:21 AM
When I read his post I thought he was referring to a teacher that does nothing but indoctrinate the entire class. I said that in my last post. Now that I reread his post I think that this might actually be a  rhetoric class, but I'm not sure.

Ah. My interpretation was that his rhetoric class teacher at some instance argued for killing Bush. Which seems like something someone might reasonably do to show how good rhetoric is about how you say things, not about what you say. Let's drop it anyway, since we don't know what it's really about :)

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 10:21 AM
QuoteWell, nazis are far right...

Nazism has it's roots in Fascism which started out far left. Do you think it's a coincidence that 'Nazi' is just short for 'Nationalsozialismus' (National Socialism.)

I recognize that name, but every time the nazis here are doing something, they associate with the right. They're for closing the borders, restricting the rights of immigrants, strengthened police and military forces. There's a group called "White Arian Resistance" here that's very close to them.

When there are nazi demonstrations, the ones protesting them the most (sometimes violently) are far left, such as the youth section of the left-party communists. Whom also associate with vegan movements, animal activists, anti-globalization movements & co.

Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 10:21 AM
It was covered on my local news, that was just the first relevant article on Google News so I posted it here so you'd know what I was talking about.

Hmmk. Well, when I post links to articles, I try to avoid picking links that go to leftist sites. It'd help if you'd do the same for yours :)


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on November 12, 2004, 10:21 AM
QuoteWell, nazis are far right...

Nazism has it's roots in Fascism which started out far left. Do you think it's a coincidence that 'Nazi' is just short for 'Nationalsozialismus' (National Socialism.)

Actually, Nazism is far right, and always was far right.  Take it from someone who certainly knows what he's talking about in this regard (by the way, I made that syllabus, it is not a curriculum set by the University).

Hitler was drafted by the military (not conscripted) after the Treaty of Versailles because of his excellent oratorical skills.  Over time, he gained prominence among the military leaders, and was asked to spy on some political parties.  One of these parties was the Socialist Workers' Party, which, at the time that Hitler was attending the meetings, had approximately 9 members.

Hitler's oratorical skills impressed also the members of the SWP, and shortly thereafter they asked him to chair the party.  It was then when he began his work.  He shortly after renamed the SWP to the "National Socialist German Workers' Party" (because that sounds nice) and was the utter opposition to the Communist party, which was in fact far left.

If you read Mein Kampf, you'll see that Nazism has no roots in Fascism (which is also not far left); both are rooted in a totalitarian form of government that combine some aspects of Leviathan and ideas of racial dominance.

By describing Nazism as far right, I am not suggesting that they mirror many, or even any, of the same values of the American right.  Conservatism would be no ideology if you had nothing to conserve.  Originally, conservatism reacted to classical liberalism (Lockean, such as those principles outlined in The Two Treatises of Civil Government), trying to retain the value systems of the day.  Eventually, however, liberal ideology won out, and now (American) conservatism is actually defending the values of the classically-liberal ideologies where the (American) liberalism is supporting a more socialist view.

Nazis are considered "far right" because they supported an idea of ethnic cleansing (conservation of their ethnicity), racial superiority (conservation of their heritage), etc.

By the way, I think DOOM hit the nail on the head: while there are extremist nutjobs on both sides of the coin, I think he's right -- democrat nutjobs tend to be more vocal, more hating, and more repulsive (although I hesitate to use that word).  I also think the Democratic party tends to support that kind of activity more than their Republican counterparts.  I know when the College Republican then-treasurer, now president here at ASU defaced a bunch of Democrats' primary campaign signs last year, I boycotted the club and a lot of students became disenfranchised with it (he only was elected president because apparrently nobody ran against him).  We tend to disdain that kind of political activity.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Read "Mein Kampf" before you start acting like you have any idea what Hitler and Nazism was about. Nazism in and of itself was and is a left-wing movement. Hitler himself said that this was true.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: Hazard on November 12, 2004, 11:54 AM
Read "Mein Kampf" before you start acting like you have any idea what Hitler and Nazism was about. Nazism in and of itself was and is a left-wing movement. Hitler himself said that this was true.

Then why did Hitler hate the political left?

Actually, why don't you actually try to break down my argument?  I have read Mein Kampf and whether or not Hitler thought that it was left-wing is inconsequential to whether or not it actually was (he was somewhat delusional -- you may have noticed that he was the leader of a "master race" that had all the traits that he lacked).
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.