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New Office

Started by Thing, October 26, 2004, 09:35 AM

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The contractor guys are busy working on our new location in McKinney.  Here are some action shots:

1. http://forum.valhallalegends.com/files/newoffice/frontdoor.jpg
This is a shot of the front door.  We have paper covering the windows and door to prevent spies from stealing our secrets.

2. http://forum.valhallalegends.com/files/newoffice/lookingin.jpg
This is a shot looking in from the front door.  Larry the sales whore will hang out here.  Behind the wall is where the PFY and I wil hang out.

3.  http://forum.valhallalegends.com/files/newoffice/workbench.jpg
This is the secret area behind the wall.  The PFY and I will be doing evil deeds in this area.

That reminds me...I need to get a new PFY.  The next time I go out there, I grab some shots of the kitchen, phone room, etc.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


looks nice man, btw what do you do? never really asked before . is this a lot more space than  before for you? whats better abotu this office, is the location placed in a good area to get sales? or something


Quote from: Thing on October 26, 2004, 09:35 AM
Here are some action shots:

I am disappointed at the quality of the "Action" you promised.  I see little to know action occuring.

<edit> Incidentally, for anybody who doesn't know, PFY is a reference to BOFH (Bastard Operator From Hell), which is Thing's life story (I think).
I believe the PFY first appears in the 1996 vintage ones.  But who knows?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quotewhat do you do? ...
I do things for sheeple lusers and they give me money.  This is our second location.  Supreme Headquarters is in Allen.

iago is correct, the PFY did appear in BOFH sometime in 1996.  Simon Travaglia = God.  I have actually used similar BOFH methods to "eliminate" troubles.  >:D 

That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


You have done a lot of things reminiscent of BOFH.  Are all people in your position like this, or did you just model your life after him?
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Quote from: iago on October 21, 2004, 12:27 PM
They DO get logged, though, and reading them is probably fun.  I WILL ADMIT TO NOTHING.

I guess :P


I make a pathetic attempt to be like him.  Nobody will ever come close, except maybe Thing.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


Here are some more pics:
1.  http://forum.valhallalegends.com/files/phone_ass.jpg
This fucker put the fucking DMARC right in the middle of the fucking plywood!  I wasn't able to be there yesterday to hold his hand and show him how to do his fucking job so he want and fucked it up!  Now I have to have them come back and move his shit fucking DMARC so I can mount my other stuff on the board.  FUCK SBC cock smokers!

2.  http://forum.valhallalegends.com/files/kitchen.jpg
This is a shot of the kitchen.  I might actually cook something in here ... probably a fucking SBC employee or two.

QuoteYou have done a lot of things reminiscent of BOFH.
Ask Userloser about the last thing I did.  Better yet, ask him about what he did.

QuoteAre all people in your position like this, ...
Yes.  I'm not as bad as I used to be since I spend all of my time actually working these days.  When I worked at the college though, I had waaaay too much time and computing power on my hands.

QuoteThey DO get logged, though, and reading them is probably fun.  I WILL ADMIT TO NOTHING.
After you've grepped the mail queue a few times, you learn who has the best email ... right iago??
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


The only time we get email going through us is when it has an exectuable double-extension or otherwise suspicious attachment.  If it's internal, I only see very stupid people who don't realize that .exe bounces off most mail servers and probably won't make it past our gateway.  On the external, I get to see what filenames viruses are trying, help!.txt.exe, etc.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:



SBC finally moved their DMARC.  The guy I talked to on the phone said they were going to charge me to move it.  The rest of the conversation went something like this:

him: We might have to charge you for moving it.
me:  Good luck.
him: Is there anything hooked up to it?
me:  Yes, your 25 pair and a ground.
him: You haven't hooked up your phone system to it?
me:  Let's try this again, the only thing hooked up to it is your 25 pair and a ground.
him: So you haven't hooked anything up to it?
me:  I can't hook anything up to it because your tech mounted it in such a way as to make it impossible to mount anything else to the board.  I have a nice photo that I can email you.
him: I will need to send this to engineering and have them look at it.
me:  Do I get a free toaster with this?
him: I don't understand.
me:  Thanks, have the engineer call me.
him:  Thank you for choosing Southwestern Bell.

blah blah blah

Yep they moved it and I wish they would send me a bill.  I have everything documented and have photos.  I've already won 1 complaint against Allegiance Telecom with the Public Utilities Comission who sent me a nice letter which I framed.

Repeat after me ...
Everyone is stupid.
Everyone is stupid.
Everyone is stupid.
Must get fully automatic weapon.
Must kill SBC employees.
Must kill SBC employees.
Must kill SBC employees.
That sucking sound you hear is my bandwidth.


Quote from: Thing on October 27, 2004, 05:02 PM
QuoteYou have done a lot of things reminiscent of BOFH.
Ask Userloser about the last thing I did.  Better yet, ask him about what he did.

I thought it was all supposed to be secret :p  What'd I do anyways? :)