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Bush '04

Started by jigsaw, October 15, 2004, 08:28 AM

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I just don't understand why anyone would vote Kerry.... please explain.


cauze he isnt a retard (in contrast with bush)
cauze he isnt a war-monger



Because he won 3 purple hearts. </sarcasm>

Because he wants to undo Bush's tax cuts. The tax cuts suck.


Quote from: jigsaw on October 15, 2004, 08:28 AM
I just don't understand why anyone would vote Kerry.... please explain.

Trick question. Nobody would vote for Kerry!

Bush '04, Kerry is a fairy.


I'm all for Bush... I just don't like how Kerry holds himself. He doesn't seem honest at all...  Even if what he says is at points true... I just don't get a good vibe from him. He seems cold, and untrustworthy... BUSH/CHENEY '04.

vote based on this lol ;)
funny stuff.


Isn't Bush just promising the same shit he promised 4 years ago? If he couldn't get any of it done in the last 4 years why would he get it done in the next four.
To lazy for slackware.


Quote from: vonLandenhausen on October 15, 2004, 08:31 AM
cauze he isnt a retard (in contrast with bush)
cauze he isnt a war-monger

Honestly, if you're going to post on a serious forum and are going to spew off such lible, please back it up. Please, show medical records that Bush is a retard, please. I'm assuming you're talking about his way of being inarticulate at times. Well, in contrast to that - he was extremely articulate in his 30's, so I'm doubting he has a form of retardations. On the other hand, you could say that it's because of his college grades - he had a high C, little did you know - Kerry had a low C average. So, apparently, that argument you have is completely retarded (as you'd say.)

He's a warmonger? Please explain. He found somebody to be a threat (as did Kerry) and he removed him from power? He eliminated Al-Quadea (sp?) and now Afghanistan is able to have elections. The United States, since it's become a world power, has done a ton of humanitarian aid in other countries, so this isn't anything unusual. Clinton bombed Kosovo and other areas a good amount - why isn't he a "warmonger?" Is use of military force only permitted when a liberal is in office? In addition, Kerry is on the Senate Intelligence Committee - he saw the exact same intelligence President Bush saw, and he voted to go to war. Under the War Powers Act the President can only move troops, and that can only last ninety days. Thus, Congress would be your warmonger since only they can officially declare war. Maybe you'd rather call him a conflict-monger? Kerry also has a foreign policy plan that involves sending over fourt-thousand troops out around the world and also thousands of special forces personel.

Adron: You're undoubtedly one of the most intelligent people here, and I respect almost all of your comments/opinions/etc. However, I don't see how you can go so low as to agree with such an unfactual, mindless post such as that.

QuoteBecause he wants to undo Bush's tax cuts. The tax cuts suck.

Kerry wants to raise taxes on the rich, and lower taxes for the poor/middle class. Bush wants to lower taxes for the rich, poor, and the middle class. I don't see how that's bad; however, I also don't see how punishing somebody because they make a good living is a good thing either. The top 20% of Americans pay over 80% of our taxes, they fund welfare, the horrible thing we call the UN, schools, police, etc.

QuoteIsn't Bush just promising the same shit he promised 4 years ago? If he couldn't get any of it done in the last 4 years why would he get it done in the next four.

No, he's not. He's, of course, promising to continue with what he's been doing and put his policy into full effect. Policy isn't fully implemented over night you know, it many times takes well over four years, in some cases it's taken decades for a law that was passed to actually be implemented.


Quote from: muert0 on October 15, 2004, 12:13 PM
Isn't Bush just promising the same shit he promised 4 years ago? If he couldn't get any of it done in the last 4 years why would he get it done in the next four.
Also, at least bush is making promises he can keep. Kerry is not going to be able to keep all of his economic promises. Its not feasible... at all. He is lowering corporate income tax, he is lowering taxes on just about everyone and only raising two tax brackets. He also said something to the extent that he will not create new taxes. How is he going to fund all of his programs, including raising funding to the schools which are apparently under funded (when school spending is up about 50%) and cut the deficit in half? The numbers just do not add up. The income of two tax brackets is not going to cover it. But he is going to tell everyone it will because it makes a vast majority of the people happy. Let a few rich people pay for it all, most of the voters are not rich so they will go for it.
Quote(00:04:08) zdv17: yeah i quit doing that stuff cause it jacked up the power bill too much
(00:04:19) nick is a turtle: Right now im not paying the power bill though
(00:04:33) nick is a turtle: if i had to pay the electric bill
(00:04:47) nick is a turtle: id hibernate when i go to class
(00:04:57) nick is a turtle: or at least when i go to sleep
(00:08:50) zdv17: hibernating in class is cool.. esp. when you leave a drool puddle


Quote from: vonLandenhausen on October 15, 2004, 08:31 AM
cauze he isnt a retard (in contrast with bush)
cauze he isnt a war-monger

President Bush graduated Magna Cum Lauda from Harvard. He's not a retard. If you're going to elect the next President based on who is a more eloquent speaker, God help you, and God help America because that is just plain retarded.

War monger? Moron. I'd rather have a President that stomps out a problem before it has a chance to escalate than a liberal pussy who will wait until we are SCREWED to attack.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: muert0 on October 15, 2004, 12:13 PM
Isn't Bush just promising the same shit he promised 4 years ago? If he couldn't get any of it done in the last 4 years why would he get it done in the next four.

Four years just isn't enough. You can't turn a nation like this around after such serious devestation to all the parts of our lives on 9/11 in just over 2 years, and thats a fact. Listening to campaign promises is not the way to go, you have to look at the pricinples of the two individuals. When you do, you'll see that Kerry's principle is "Save your own ass, don't say things that will make people not like you."

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne

Banana fanna fo fanna

Quote from: quasi-modo on October 15, 2004, 04:19 PM
Quote from: muert0 on October 15, 2004, 12:13 PM
Isn't Bush just promising the same shit he promised 4 years ago? If he couldn't get any of it done in the last 4 years why would he get it done in the next four.
Also, at least bush is making promises he can keep. Kerry is not going to be able to keep all of his economic promises. Its not feasible... at all. He is lowering corporate income tax, he is lowering taxes on just about everyone and only raising two tax brackets. He also said something to the extent that he will not create new taxes. How is he going to fund all of his programs, including raising funding to the schools which are apparently under funded (when school spending is up about 50%) and cut the deficit in half? The numbers just do not add up. The income of two tax brackets is not going to cover it. But he is going to tell everyone it will because it makes a vast majority of the people happy. Let a few rich people pay for it all, most of the voters are not rich so they will go for it.

Not to mention universal health care, which is one of the most retarded ideas on the planet.


The end all be all of the matter is that:

- I know exactly where President Bush stands on all the issues.
- Right or wrong, he stands by his convictions and stands by his decisions.
- He is a PROVEN leader in times of great moral crisis.
- He is a PROVEN war-time leader.
- We have been safe ever since that horrible September morning.
- National pride is at an unprecedented level.
- I don't put a plug nickel's worth of trust in Senator Kerry.
- I trust the judgment of President Bush on what is best for the nation. If it includes war, so be it, I'll go myself.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on October 15, 2004, 01:45 PM
Adron: You're undoubtedly one of the most intelligent people here, and I respect almost all of your comments/opinions/etc. However, I don't see how you can go so low as to agree with such an unfactual, mindless post such as that.

Well... My view of Bush is that he is some kind of war-monger, because his administration has pushed false evidence in order to start a war with someone for very unclear reasons. I'm doubting his intellectual capabilities because of his trouble with unexpected questions, and in speeches.

In my eyes, he hasn't made a good impression at all. He seems to lack in knowledge (as shown in interviews) and in personal courage (evaded possibility of serving in armed conflict). He may have some good advisors filling him in, but I'd really rather see someone who knows things himself in that position.

I also don't like the way he's been presented as regularly praying / listening for advice from his god. People who believe there is a god who might command them to do things are completely unreliable. They can be persuaded to do anything without feeling personal responsibility for it - if god commands it, it's right.

The reason for the single "yup" btw, was that this topic comes from the fun forum, and that seemed like the least serious way of responding to it.


Quote from: Adron on October 17, 2004, 05:12 AM

Well... My view of Bush is that he is some kind of war-monger, because his administration has pushed false evidence in order to start a war with someone for very unclear reasons. I'm doubting his intellectual capabilities because of his trouble with unexpected questions, and in speeches.

This is why I am so glad that you don't even have a vote. If you're going to decide you're vote over who is a slicker speaker, you've got problems. Also, you have no evidence that the President or his higher administration knowingly manipulated the facts to push his agenda. For all you know, it was just an intelligence failure.

Quote from: Adron on October 17, 2004, 05:12 AM

In my eyes, he hasn't made a good impression at all. He seems to lack in knowledge (as shown in interviews) and in personal courage (evaded possibility of serving in armed conflict). He may have some good advisors filling him in, but I'd really rather see someone who knows things himself in that position.

Again, making your decision based on public speaking rather than core values and principles. Big mistake.

Quote from: Adron on October 17, 2004, 05:12 AM

I also don't like the way he's been presented as regularly praying / listening for advice from his god. People who believe there is a god who might command them to do things are completely unreliable. They can be persuaded to do anything without feeling personal responsibility for it - if god commands it, it's right.

But you like the way that Senator Kerry attempted to do the same thing? He has never told people that God commands him to do what he does, he prays and reflects on things and comes to conclusions. Billions of people do the same thing.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne
