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Warcraft III

Started by sOuLz, October 01, 2004, 02:14 AM

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I have a huge problem.. it probably will get thrown in the trash can forum but thought i would give it a shot.  Does anybody have an extra Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos CD-Key.  I recently baught the game, started playing it, but now it says CD-Key is in use by "SphtBotv3". :(  If anybody would be nice enouph to let me use or have an extra CD-Key they may have that'd be great and you would be my hero.  Please look into concideration.


Did you use the key with spht bot? if so make sure you have loged out of bnet on spht bot.


No. :( I load one bot that's logged on Broodwars.  I never planned on using my Warcraft III key to load a bot because i didn't wanna risk getting my key muted or suspended.  All i do is wanna game. :(  thanks for responding though trying to help.  I appreciate it.


Get in touch with blizzard. They have a webpage with support for stuff like that. If you contact them and they believe you maybe they will give you a new key.
To lazy for slackware.


You bought the game, the CD-key doesn't work, so you immediately look for a pirated CD-key?  Shouldn't you complain to the store instead?  Ask for a refund?

I think Blizzard technical support are the best people to ask about why your Warcraft III CD-key doesn't work on Battle.net... not Valhalla Legends.

They can give you a replacement CD-key if you prove you bought the game within the past 90 days.


Was this a new copy of the game you "bought" or did you buy it used?  If you bought it used, then you have pretty much no chance of getting on bnet.  If you bought it new (and it was recently) bring it back to the store and tell them the CD-Key was invalid, they should switch it with another copy for you.


Quote from: Spht on October 01, 2004, 01:18 PM
You bought the game, the CD-key doesn't work, so you immediately look for a pirated CD-key? Shouldn't you complain to the store instead? Ask for a refund?

I think Blizzard technical support are the best people to ask about why your Warcraft III CD-key doesn't work on Battle.net... not Valhalla Legends.

They can give you a replacement CD-key if you prove you bought the game within the past 90 days.
I wasn't complaining to Valhalla Legends.  I thought i'd put a question out in the open, and see if somebody would be kind enouph to help me.  Yeah, I now feel ripped off 31.68$ (Total including tax) that could have went to something more useful.  I can prove I did buy the game, but by the way you said it, i would have to put more effort into proving to you that i baught the game then i would just saying screw it.

Quote from: muert0 on October 01, 2004, 12:29 PM
Get in touch with blizzard. They have a webpage with support for stuff like that. If you contact them and they believe you maybe they will give you a new key.

Blizzard said i would have to send my box and receipt and pay 10$.  I'm not paying for another CD-Key that could possibly be gettin used the 2nd day I get the new CD-Key.

Well, thought i could get some help here, thanks anyway. ---- Spht i'm gonna see if its possible if i can borrow a friends camera to take a picture of my receipt and the game and the box and the Walmart bag it came in.  Thanks


If you gave your key to anybody, you're screwed.


Quote from: sOuLz on October 01, 2004, 06:24 PM
Blizzard said i would have to send my box and receipt and pay 10$. I'm not paying for another CD-Key that could possibly be gettin used the 2nd day I get the new CD-Key.
The only way it can be "in use" after getting a new key is if you give it out or do something else stupid that can get your key stolen. If you get a new key, install warcraft3 with the new key and never touch it again you should be fine.

edit: Click
Should be able to find a key/game for the same price as sending it in to blizzard, and alot faster.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


See what you all don't understand, I didn't give out my Warcraft III CD-Key, and now i'm pissed cuz i somehow got jacked, I dont know how, but it kinda pisses a person off when you buy something, play the game legit, and then all of a sudden somebody's on your only CD-key 24/7 logged onto a bnet.  All i wanna do is play Warcraft III, and then i'll be quiet.  ::(


Quote from: sOuLz on October 01, 2004, 06:24 PMI wasn't complaining to Valhalla Legends.  I thought i'd put a question out in the open, and see if somebody would be kind enouph to help me.

I gave you several suggestions for what you should do.

Quote from: sOuLz on October 01, 2004, 06:24 PMYeah, I now feel ripped off 31.68$ (Total including tax) that could have went to something more useful.  I can prove I did buy the game, but by the way you said it, i would have to put more effort into proving to you that i baught the game then i would just saying screw it.

Huh?  You're going to prove to me that you bought the game?  You said you bought the game, so I'm giving you suggestions for what you should do about the bad CD-key.  I don't personally care if you lied about buying the game, but if you did, that was a stupid thing to do since the help I provided was for someone that actually owns the game...

Quote from: sOuLz on October 01, 2004, 06:24 PMBlizzard said i would have to send my box and receipt and pay 10$.  I'm not paying for another CD-Key that could possibly be gettin used the 2nd day I get the new CD-Key.

Blizzard is going to generate a new CD-key for you that has never been printed on a Warcraft III case, nor ever will be.  But if you don't want to pay, I strongly suggest bringing the game back to where you bought it.  I wouldn't let any store get away with selling me a faulty copy of any product.

Quote from: sOuLz on October 01, 2004, 10:27 PM
See what you all don't understand, I didn't give out my Warcraft III CD-Key, and now i'm pissed cuz i somehow got jacked, I dont know how, but it kinda pisses a person off when you buy something, play the game legit, and then all of a sudden somebody's on your only CD-key 24/7 logged onto a bnet.  All i wanna do is play Warcraft III, and then i'll be quiet.  ::(

Why are you still complaining?  I would've had my game refund long ago...


They probably won't give him his money back but they sure will give him another copy.
To lazy for slackware.


I hope your just not acting nice or you JUUUUUST need another cd-key so u can have a bot and play wc3...And if you really reallllly reaaaalaY need to complain about your cd-key being hakd then talk to the wc3 suprt team its so simple its like this with starcraft too i mean how n00b can you get?


That also happend to me.  >:(  So I switched to west, simple.