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Started by MrRaza, September 17, 2004, 06:52 PM

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Can someone tell me slacktech's irc server, amee.slacktech.com or irc.slacktech.com don't seem to work. Maybe it's my connection, but any help is appreicated.


Slacktech irc server was shutdown because xar didn't want clients/friends interacting.

Now that you're back, load your tag. ;)

I'll PM you the new server since it's private.


I have a new msn since my old one expired, [email protected]


I mean private messages on here..


The Slacktech ircd was shut down for a number of reasons, but I run a general use ircd on task.x0r.ca:6667 (port 6668 for SSL). Anybody's welcome...
"This idea is so odd, it is hard to know where to begin in challenging it." - Martin Barker, British scholar


omg I thought it was private (to keep certain people away!) Sorry. :p