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eternal catching and displaying whispers

Started by HoRuS, September 16, 2004, 04:19 PM

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about a year ago, i had the eternal bot.
the eternal bot is a cool bot, but what made it even cooler was when other bnet players came to me and wanted a copy of my eternal. when i informed them on where to get it they didnt want to get it from [vL]
the reason they wanted mine is simple, somehow it could catch and display things it shouldnt have.
such as if someone in the same channel would type flist. then my eternal would catch that and display that persons flist for public view in the channel. also  when someone whispered to someone else from the channel my eternal was in, eternal would catch the whisper they made and display it publically.

this made people affraid to whisper from our clan channel. well to cut this story short, my eternal was shut down due to new version coming out. :(

the new version never did what the old did!
but ya, thanks for the bot while it lasted.

i wish i still had the old version...........