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Style Script Documentation

Started by Spht, September 03, 2004, 09:00 PM

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(not fully documented yet)

Use 'copy' trigger to make "shortcuts" to text (most useful for colors).
Colors are in blue green red order (hex).  Put &h infront of 6-digit color identifiers.
&hNAMECO is a special identifier for other user's name, which will display color based on flags.  Specify flag colors with 'nameco' trigger.

Variables (used in 'event' trigger):
%1 - Event id
%2 - Name field of event
%3 - Text field of event
%4 - Product for showuser, join; otherwise blank
%5 - Parsed stats for showuser, join; otherwise blank
%6 - Flags field of event
%7 - Flags field of event (in hex)
%8 - Ping field of event
%9 - Ping field of event (in hex)
%10 - Described channel flags


Supported by SphtBotv3 build 267 and up:

- Ability to change background color of main dialog window.
- Ability to change background color of channel name box.
- Ability to change foreground color of channel name box.
- Ability to change background color of user input box.
- Ability to change foreground color of user input box.
- Ability to change font name of user input box.
Example of all this:
mainwindow backcolor /BLACK/
mainwindow channelnamebackcolor /BLACK/
mainwindow channelnameforecolor /WHITE/
userinput backcolor /BLACK/
userinput forecolor /BLUE/
userinput fontname Courier New

Latest script created emulating the old DMBinBot using these updates

- Event ids >0x7f are now used as internal event identifiers.  Currently, user update (0x80), stats update (0x81), duplicate user (0x82), hex (0x83), and encrypt (0x84) display is supported.  Example:

event &h80 /yellow/User update: /name/%2/yellow/ now has flags %7.
event &h81 /yellow/Stats update: /name/%2/yellow/ is using %5.
event &h82 /red/Duplicate user /name/%2/red/ is here using %5.
event &h83 /white/</yellow//name/%2/white/> /darkgreen/(Hex)/white/ %3
event &h84 /white/</yellow//name/%2/white/> /darkgreen/(DMEncrypt)/white/ %3

Edit: Internal event id codes have been changed.


- Hex and encrypt internal event ids are now 0x83 and 0x84.  0x80 is now used for user update, 0x81 for stats update, and 0x82 for duplicate user.  See above post.


- Added comment trigger.  Comments are displayed when a style script is loaded, and may contain color identifiers.