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Started by SPY-3, August 23, 2004, 05:07 AM

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I need some examples of code that would make it so ÁQ would be colored.
ÁQ grey
ÁR green
ÁY red
ÁV blue
ÁP white
ÁZ yellow
and all in one message cause most time people wont just use one color in there messages. i also want to add diablo ones but i could figure it out from the code to do sc so can someone post code to do this? :D



myArray = Split(Message, "Á")
For i = 0 to UBound(myArray)
   If IsAColorConstant(Left$(myArray(i), 1)) Then
       DisplayCorrectColor(Right$(myArray, Len(myArray) - 1), AppropriateColor)
   End If
Next i


thank you! :D even though i didnt use it thanks for posting code