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Idle Messages

Started by titan0060, August 22, 2004, 04:33 PM

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Does anyone know how to make an Idle/Greet message on a CSB?


Put a Timer on your form.
When the Timer runs out of time
Send a Message.
Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: titan0060 on August 22, 2004, 04:33 PM
Does anyone know how to make an Idle/Greet message on a CSB?



Quote from: titan0060 on August 22, 2004, 04:33 PM
Does anyone know how to make an Idle/Greet message on a CSB?

Answer #1
Set the timer to an interval of what you want, 1000 = 1 second
Every time the timer fires do something like CSB.Send "Idle Message"

Answer #2

CleanSlateBot1_UserJoins(Username As String)
CSB.Send "/w " & Username & " Hello " & Username & ", I think you are hot"
End Sub

Edit: Of course you will probably want to implement some sort of queue system, which I will not provide, that will prevent you from flooding out. You can probably get some help here


Wow dude, I agree with Stealth you really need to learn or re-learn VB because If you keep posting like this people are going to get annoyed.

Try to think of things logically at least...and search the forum.


Networks wut do u think the forums r for.......


Quote from: Yegg on August 22, 2004, 05:13 PM
Networks wut do u think the forums r for.......

Us to make fun of people.


Quote from: hismajesty[yL] on August 22, 2004, 05:44 PM
Us to make fun of people.

For example, Spht and Userloser like to make fun of me.


Enable a Timer on Logon.
Set the Interval to whatever you want
Send Message


'Not sure what CSB Logon Event is called so Ill make one up :P
'You should know what this is
Private Sub CleanSlateBot1_OnLogon
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

When the Timer Fires

Private Sub Timer1_Timer
CleanSlateBot1.Send "Wow Warrior is l33t!"
End Sub

Quote from: effect on March 09, 2006, 11:52 PM
Islam is a steaming pile of fucking dog shit. Everything about it is flawed, anybody who believes in it is a terrorist, if you disagree with me, then im sorry your wrong.

Quote from: Rule on May 07, 2006, 01:30 PM
Why don't you stop being American and start acting like a decent human?


Quote from: Yegg on August 22, 2004, 05:13 PM
Networks wut do u think the forums r for.......

The forums aren't for you to learn how to program.  This is a *basic* and *menial* task.  They're here for reference and help on information specific and relevant to Battle.net bot making.  Having a timer fire so that you have an "anti-idle" is not specific to that, even if the end result is used on Battle.net -- perhaps the VB forum would have been better.
QuoteEvery generation of humans believed it had all the answers it needed, except for a few mysteries they assumed would be solved at any moment. And they all believed their ancestors were simplistic and deluded. What are the odds that you are the first generation of humans who will understand reality?

After 3 years, it's on the horizon.  The new JinxBot, and BN#, the managed Battle.net Client library.

Quote from: chyea on January 16, 2009, 05:05 PM
You've just located global warming.


Quote from: titan0060 on August 22, 2004, 04:33 PM
Does anyone know how to make an Idle/Greet message on a CSB?
The simple answer (which everyone should have said previously): Yes.

Soul Taker


Quote from: Yegg on August 22, 2004, 05:13 PM
Networks wut do u think the forums r for.......

Not for asking questions like: how Do progRAM in vB?

If he doesn't understand how to use a timer obviously he doesn't know VB enough. Learn the language or look up something relavent before asking questions. We aren't your professional technical support for VB everytime you have trouble for something. At least search the internet... It's like your teacher says try it before you come to me. Most of us are simply asking for that much at the least. It's like me asking you what 9 / 3 is 15 times every week.

There was a time I didn't know either but I read books and  experimented heavly on my own. Don't give me that crap. I started learning VB just last summer and I think I've come pretty far without coming to the forum every 10 minutes I can't get something to work or I don't know how to do.

I am suprised even 3 - 5 people here have the patience to help these people who don't even attempt to help themselves.

And for god's sake at least ask a friend above anything else for help if it's every 10 minutes. Don't post a million times at the forum for simple things you SHOULD know if you know VB...


Wow. This kid asks for alot of code. I say everyone should give him advice, not the actual coding. Let him try to put it together by himself

Banana fanna fo fanna

I say we give him psuedocode and see what he does.

Funny, if I had said it anywhere except here, it wouldn't have been a joke.