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for the kerry haters

Started by muert0, August 06, 2004, 12:42 AM

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removed the link.
To lazy for slackware.


Quotehttp://www.consumptionjunction.com/content/detail.asp%3fid%3D37243%26Type%3D3%26Page%3D1%26fav%3D0 has been identified as inappropriate and blocked by your Tennessee Department of Education Internet Usage Policy.

Access to web sites that have been identified as providing inappropriate content will be blocked. This determination is based upon various content categories. Content identified as inappropriate includes:

   *   adult-oriented material,
   *   extremist-militant material,
   *   racist or hate-oriented material, and
   *   incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority (seditious material).

If you have discovered a site that is blocked because it has been incorrectly categorized, please Request a Site Review. You may also access Authorized Override to view the website for a designated time period. A login is required to enter Authorized Override.

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If you feel you have reached this page in error, please contact your local Technology Coordinator.
I don't even live in Tennessee...


Didn't realise it's a porn site someone sent me the link. If it offends anyone I guess a moderator will take care of it.
P.S are you even at school?
To lazy for slackware.
