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Proxy Support

Started by Wolf, July 21, 2004, 06:11 PM

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Hey, my question is simple...
How do I program a socket connection to allow my bot to load Starcraft//Warcraft 2 bne//Chat on Battle.net and/or XGN through a proxy?
Seen as +i!+Wolf+i!+, (i!)~Wolf~(i!)


That site doesn't work   :(
Seen as +i!+Wolf+i!+, (i!)~Wolf~(i!)


Please use the search feature. This question has been asked (and answered) hundreds, no thousands, of times!


Quote from: Wolf on July 21, 2004, 11:32 PM
That site doesn't work   :(

Well when it comes back up, go to it. There's a detailed document on implementing Socks 5 support.