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3 years of vL

Started by [vL]DarkVirus, January 08, 2003, 10:49 AM

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I dont post very often on the forums, but I wanted to post something at the beginning of the year but didnt get around to it  :P Im proud, regardless of the retards who enter our channel asking stupid questions and just being plain annoying, of vL for what they've grown into the past 3 years. Ive never in my b.net or computer life seen a tighter group than vL. Of course there have been a few losses unfortunatley but what vL has gained because of such things, outweighs anything else. Its nice to see there ARE some worth while people who have joined in the recent months, Arta, Cup, Kp and a few others. Your all sexy! But not as sexy as I :P


Fear us old schoolers ;D

Out with the new guys!!! >_<


Thats what i said when you 2 joined.


Blow me Invert, I was always a better member than you were and always will be :P  I always voted to kick you OUT of vL  8)  j/k
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Jizz on you invert!!!  I joined like a couple weeks after you so don't act all big and bad ^_^ ;D


DM: no i joined months before you... ask Grok pls.


I joined in january or feburary... I forget, but you should be raggin on DM invert cause Ive always been better then him!  :P Notice on the xmas note back in december last years how grok put ME in the top 10 first members, not dm :P  hehe 8)
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


I have been in vL for a while and I got to know some of the members personalities pretty well, here is how I would describe the (active) members I know...

Grok - Righteous, Fair, Helpful, Leader.
Adron - Smart, Cunning, Enjoys being right.
Skywing - Bright, Creative
AcidAngel - Mischievous, Smart Ass, Funny
Chewbacca - Lover, Chatter, Scholar
CupHead - Stubborn, Interesting, Fun
DarkMinion - Picky, Sometimes Irrational, Vengeful
DarkVirus - Sociable
Jigsaw - Friendly, Chatter, Gamer
Kp - Scheming, Snitch
Mejal - Nice, Interesting, Friendly
Rebel - Angry, Outcast, Does not care
Yoni - Smart, Smart Ass, Polite

If I missed anyone just ask me what I think of you and I'll tell you  ;)


"Mischievous, Smart Ass"

I guess :P


Yoni is a polite smartass!  :P


Just sociable? hmmm... probably cause no one talks to me that much. Yet again, Im one of those secret mysterious figures who wonders in the dark and is quiet. Its people like me you gotta watch out for 8)
To restrict ones ability to learn based on current surroundings means to never learn anything at all. - DarkVirus


Yeah right...


July 8 2001 - Yoni joins vL, vL instantly becomes amazingly cool and gains world popularity
lolol I was bored so I read the clan history!!




I think I've beaten most of you in terms of length of membership

Activity, however...let's not go there :)