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I need help converting code

Started by botmaster, July 20, 2004, 03:42 AM

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// iid.h

// Original code is from ackmed's pickit module.
// Main.h
// [email protected]

// Modified for my needs (blue mind)

#pragma once

DWORD Debug;
char DebugBuffer[1024];
extern FUNCTIONENTRYPOINTS      *server;

#define      VERSION_MAJOR         0
#define      VERSION_MINOR         4

#define      DEBUG_OFF            0
#define      DEBUG_USER            1
#define      DEBUG_DEVEL            2
#define      DEBUG_PACKET         3

// defines
#define      ITEM_MESSAGEID_DROP            0x9C
#define      ITEM_ACTION_NEW_GROUND         0x00
#define      ITEM_ACTION_PICK_UP            0x01
#define      ITEM_ACTION_DROP            0x02
#define      ITEM_ACTION_OLD_GROUND         0x03
#define      ITEM_ACTION_TO_STORAGE         0x04
#define      ITEM_ACTION_FROM_STORAGE      0x05
#define      ITEM_ACTION_TO_STORE         0x0B
#define      ITEM_ACTION_FROM_STORE         0x0C
#define      ITEM_ACTION_PLACE_BELT         0x0E
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_HELM            0x00
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_ARMOR            0x01
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_WEAPON         0x05
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_BOW            0x06
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_SHIELD         0x07
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_EXPANSION         0x0A // heads
#define      ITEM_ITEMTYPE_OTHER            0x10

#define      ITEM_LOCATION_STORED         0x00
#define      ITEM_LOCATION_WORN            0x01
#define      ITEM_LOCATION_BELT            0x02
#define      ITEM_LOCATION_GROUND         0x03
#define      ITEM_LOCATION_TOHAND         0x04

#define      ITEM_LEVEL_INFERIOR            0x01
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_NORMAL            0x02
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_SUPERIOR            0x03
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_MAGIC            0x04
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_SET               0x05
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_RARE               0x06
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_UNIQUE            0x07
#define      ITEM_LEVEL_CRAFT            0x08

#define      ITEM_INFERIORTYPE_CRUDE         0x00
#define      ITEM_INFERIORTYPE_CRACKED      0x01
#define      ITEM_INFERIORTYPE_DAMAGED      0x02

#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_AR            0x00 // attack rating
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_MAXDMG         0x01 // max damage
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_AC            0x02
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_AR_MAXDMG         0x03
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_DUR            0x04
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_DUR_AR         0x05
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_DUR_MAXDMG      0x06
#define      ITEM_SUPERIOR_DUR_AC         0x07

#define      ITEM_GOLDSIZE_12BIT            0x00
#define      ITEM_GOLDSIZE_32BIT            0x01

#define      ITEM_UNSET                  0xFF
/*enum IBOOL {
}; */

// item struct
typedef struct ItemStruct_t {

  BYTE   MessageID;
  BYTE   Action;
  BYTE   MessageSize;
  BYTE   ItemType;
  DWORD   ItemID;
  // flags
  BOOL   isSocketsFull;
  BOOL   isIdentified;
  BOOL   isEthereal;
  BOOL   isSwitchin;
  BOOL   isSwitchout;
  BOOL   isBroken;
  BOOL   fromBelt;
  BOOL   hasSockets;
  BOOL   isJustGenerated;
  BOOL   isEar;
  BOOL   isStartitem;
  BOOL   isMiscItem;         // unverified
  BOOL   isPersonalized;
  BOOL   isGamble;
  BOOL   isRuneWord;         // unverified
  BOOL   isMagicExtra;      // unverified

  WORD   MPQVersionField;
  BYTE   Location;
  BYTE   BodyCode;
  WORD   PositionX;
  WORD   PositionY;
  BYTE   StorageCode;
  char   ItemCode[5];
  BYTE   Ilvl;
  BYTE   ItemQuality;

  // gold specific
  BOOL   GoldSize;
  DWORD   GoldAmount;

  // ear specific
  BYTE   PlayerClass;
  BYTE   PlayerLevel;
  char   PlayerName[16];

// function definations
//extern char Sections[9][9];
// total amount in Sections[] - 1 (subtracting all).  
//Mainly use with <= SECTIONSNUM for testing for a section
//#define SECTIONSNUM 8
ITEMSTRUCT *ParseItemDrop(BYTE *Packet, DWORD Length);
void DebugItemBits(BYTE data, BYTE size, DWORD pos);
DWORD GetBitField(BYTE* data, DWORD pos, DWORD len, DWORD max);
BOOL PRIVATE Invert(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE ShowAll(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE ShowStatus(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE ShowConfig(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE StartStop(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE LoadConfig();
BOOL PRIVATE AddItem(char** argv, int argc);
BOOL PRIVATE Reload(char** argv, int argc);
INT PRIVATE GetSection(char*** argv, int sub);

// from mousepad with some small mods (by FallNAngel ?)
struct BitFields {
  BYTE *data;
  DWORD pos;
  DWORD max;
  BitFields(BYTE *d, DWORD mx) {
     data = d;
     pos = 0;
     max = (mx * 8);  // convert to max bits
  DWORD GetField(DWORD len) {
     return GetBitField(data, (pos+=len)-len, len, max);

DWORD GetBitField(BYTE* data, DWORD pos, DWORD len, DWORD max) {
  // trying to read beyond the end of the packet

  if(pos + len > max) {

     // if we are already at or beyond the end of packet, return 0;
     if(pos >= max) {
        return 0;
     // otherwise adjust len to all remaining bits
     len = max - pos;

  return (DWORD)(*(unsigned __int64 *)(data+pos/8)<<(64-len-(pos&7))>>(64-len));

ITEMSTRUCT *ParseItemDrop(BYTE *Packet, DWORD Length) {

  BitFields iPacket(Packet,Length);  

  // dump the packet
  item->MessageID = iPacket.GetField(8);

  if(item->MessageID != ITEM_MESSAGEID_DROP)
     delete item;
     return NULL;
  item->Action = iPacket.GetField(8);
  if(item->Action != ITEM_ACTION_NEW_GROUND && item->Action != ITEM_ACTION_DROP
     && item->Action != ITEM_ACTION_OLD_GROUND && item->Action != ITEM_ACTION_TO_STORAGE
     && item->Action != ITEM_ACTION_TO_STORE) {
     // we dont handle parsing these packets.
     delete item;
     return NULL;

  item->MessageSize = iPacket.GetField(8);
  item->ItemType = iPacket.GetField(8);
  item->ItemID = iPacket.GetField(32);

  // flags
  item->isSocketsFull = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isIdentified = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isSwitchin = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isSwitchout = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isBroken = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->fromBelt = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->hasSockets = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isJustGenerated = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isEar = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isStartitem = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isMiscItem = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isEthereal = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isPersonalized = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isGamble = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->isRuneWord = iPacket.GetField(1);
  item->MPQVersionField = iPacket.GetField(10);

  item->Location = iPacket.GetField(3);
  switch(item->Location) {
     case 3: case 5:
        item->PositionX = iPacket.GetField(16);
        item->PositionY = iPacket.GetField(16);
        item->BodyCode  = iPacket.GetField(4);
        item->PositionX = iPacket.GetField(4);
        item->PositionY = iPacket.GetField(4);
        item->StorageCode = iPacket.GetField(3);

  // isEar need to return now, until ear packets are decoded  
  if(item->isEar) {
     item->PlayerClass = iPacket.GetField(3);
     item->PlayerLevel = iPacket.GetField(7);
     BYTE nextchar=0,i=0;
     //for(nextchar=iPacket.GetField(7);nextchar!=0;i++) {
     for(i=0;i<16;i++) {
        item->PlayerName[i] = iPacket.GetField(7);
     return item;

  // read in itemcode, its a string;
  item->ItemCode[0] = iPacket.GetField(8);
  item->ItemCode[1] = iPacket.GetField(8);
  item->ItemCode[2] = iPacket.GetField(8);
  item->ItemCode[3] = iPacket.GetField(8);

  // chomp off the space if it exists
  if(item->ItemCode[3] == ' ') {
     item->ItemCode[3] = '\0';
  } else {
     item->ItemCode[4] = '\0';

  // gold is a special case
  if(strcmp(item->ItemCode,"gld") == 0) {
     item->GoldSize = iPacket.GetField(1);
     if(item->GoldSize == ITEM_GOLDSIZE_12BIT) {
        item->GoldAmount = iPacket.GetField(12);
     } else {
        item->GoldAmount = iPacket.GetField(32);
     item->ItemQuality = ITEM_UNSET;
     item->Ilvl = ITEM_UNSET;
     return item;

  // more special cases need to look into properly decoding them
  if(strcmp(item->ItemCode,"ibk") == 0 ||
     strcmp(item->ItemCode,"tbk") == 0 ||
     strcmp(item->ItemCode,"key") == 0) {
     item->ItemQuality = ITEM_UNSET;
     item->Ilvl = ITEM_UNSET;
     return item;

  // packet not long enough to read ItemQuality
  if(iPacket.pos + 14 >= iPacket.max) {
     // causes way to much spam
  /*   if(Debug == DEBUG_DEVEL) {
        server->GamePrintInfo("ParseItemDrop: Return before ItemQuality");
     item->Ilvl = ITEM_UNSET;
     item->ItemQuality = ITEM_UNSET;
     return item;

  item->Ilvl = iPacket.GetField(7);
  item->ItemQuality = iPacket.GetField(3);
  return item;

void DebugItemBits(BYTE data, BYTE size, DWORD pos) {
  BYTE n;

  if(Debug == DEBUG_PACKET)
     server->GamePrintInfo("In DebugItemBits");
     sprintf(DebugBuffer,"%d: ",pos);
     if(size > 8)
        size = 8;
     if(size != 8)
        data = data<<(8 - size);
     for(n = 0;n < size;n++)
        if((data & 0x80) !=0)
        data = data<<1;

What I am really trying to figure out is this part

item->ItemID = iPacket.GetField(32);

return (DWORD)(*(unsigned __int64 *)(data+pos/8)<<(64-len-(pos&7))>>(64-len));

Trying to get the item name such as clb,gld there are many many more if anyone could help with this or even send me in the right way that would be every so helpful. Or if anyone can make this into a dll that visual basic can use that would be very helpful aswell.


Something like:

whatever = CLng(CDbl(ShiftLeft(Mid$(Data, (pos / 8), 4), ShiftRight(64 - len - (pos And 7)), (64-len))))

You'll have to create your own bitwise shift functions, ShiftLeft (<< C++ operator) and ShiftRight (>> C++ operator) functions.

If you need help on bitwise shifts, see this page.


Heh, my C++ book says that shifting is essencially 2 to the xth power, where X looks something like ## <</>> X :

i.e 2 << 2 == 2 * (2*2)

Correct me if I read incorrectly ><
- Newby

Quote[17:32:45] * xar sets mode: -oooooooooo algorithm ban chris cipher newby stdio TehUser tnarongi|away vursed warz
[17:32:54] * xar sets mode: +o newby
[17:32:58] <xar> new rule
[17:33:02] <xar> me and newby rule all

Quote<TehUser> Man, I can't get Xorg to work properly.  This sucks.
<torque> you should probably kill yourself
<TehUser> I think I will.  Thanks, torque.


Most of these conversions can be easily figured out by searching Google

Some you may have a little trouble with, but if you get a basic understanding of the C++ operators from here, you shouldn't have too much trouble.


I would like to thank all of you that are helping me I found some bitshifting code on psc

Public Enum dcShiftDirection
   Left = -1
   Right = 0
End Enum

'     ==========
'Public Function Shift(ByVal lValue As L
'     ong, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long,
'     ByVal lDirectionToShift As dcShiftDirect
'     ion) As Long
'Author: Donald Moore (MindRape)
'E-mail: [email protected]
' Date: 06/16/99
' lValue as Long
' lNumberOfBitsToShift as Long
' lDirectionToShift as Long
' Long - shifted value
' Shift the given value by the given num
'     ber of bits to shift in the given direct
'     ion.
' Shifting bits to the left acts as a mu
'     ltiplier and to the right divides.

Public Function Shift(ByVal lValue As Long, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long, ByVal lDirectionToShift As dcShiftDirection) As Long

   Const ksCallname As String = "Shift"
   On Error GoTo Procedure_Error
   Dim LShift As Long

   If lDirectionToShift Then 'shift left
       LShift = lValue * (2 ^ lNumberOfBitsToShift)
   Else 'shift right
       LShift = lValue \ (2 ^ lNumberOfBitsToShift)
   End If

   Shift = LShift
   Exit Function
   Err.Raise Err.Number, ksCallname, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
   Resume Procedure_Exit
End Function

'     ==========
'Public Function LShift(ByVal lValue As
'     Long, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long
'     ) As Long
'Author: Donald Moore (MindRape)
'E-mail: [email protected]
' Date: 06/16/99
' lValue as Long
' lNumberOfBitsToShift as Long
' Long - shifted value
' Shift the given value by the given num
'     ber of bits left

Public Function LShift(ByVal lValue As Long, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long) As Long

   Const ksCallname As String = "LShift"
   On Error GoTo Procedure_Error
   LShift = Shift(lValue, lNumberOfBitsToShift, Left)
   Exit Function
   Err.Raise Err.Number, ksCallname, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
   Resume Procedure_Exit
End Function

'     ==========
'Public Function RShift(ByVal lValue As
'     Long, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long
'     ) As Long
'Author: Donald Moore (MindRape)
'E-mail: [email protected]
' Date: 06/16/99
' lValue as Long
' lNumberOfBitsToShift as Long
' Long - shifted value
' Shift the given value by the given num
'     ber of bits right

Public Function RShift(ByVal lValue As Long, ByVal lNumberOfBitsToShift As Long) As Long
On Error Resume Next
   Const ksCallname As String = "RShift"
   On Error GoTo Procedure_Error
   RShift = Shift(lValue, lNumberOfBitsToShift, Right)
   Exit Function
   Err.Raise Err.Number, ksCallname, Err.Description, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
   Resume Procedure_Exit
End Function

I then wrote this with the help of UserLoser

Public Function doshift(data As String, pos As Integer, strlen As Integer)
Dim whatever As Long
whatever = CLng(CDbl(LShift(Mid(data, Val(pos / 8), 4), RShift(Val(64 - strlen - (pos And 7)), Val(64 - strlen)))))
End Function

This is not working at all if anyone as anymore ideas of what i am doing wrong let me know

9C 02 22 10 B4 BD 81 5D 10 20 80 00 65 0C DE E2 4B 42 2E CD 0D 04 07 2A 00 18 86 85 00 86 00 A8 C0 7F
that is the packet I am trying to decode it should have the item code "clb" in it.

thanks for the help again.

this is what i am trying to get

   item->ItemCode[0] = iPacket.GetField(8);
   item->ItemCode[1] = iPacket.GetField(8);
   item->ItemCode[2] = iPacket.GetField(8);
   item->ItemCode[3] = iPacket.GetField(8);


I went to make it a dll

ITEMSTRUCT  *ParseItemDrop(BYTE *Packet, DWORD Length) {

 BitFields iPacket(Packet,Length);

 // dump the packet

 // read in itemcode, its a string;
 item->ItemCode[0] = iPacket.GetField(8);
 item->ItemCode[1] = iPacket.GetField(8);
 item->ItemCode[2] = iPacket.GetField(8);
 item->ItemCode[3] = iPacket.GetField(8);

 return item;

that is the C++ dll returning the item code

now when i do this in vb I am not sure what I am doing really kinda new to this...

Public Type ItemStruct_t

       MessageID As Byte
      Action As Byte
       MessageSize As Byte
      ItemType As Byte
      ItemID As String
      isSocketsFull As Boolean
       isIdentified As Boolean
       isEthereal As Boolean
       isSwitchin As Boolean
       isSwitchout As Boolean
       isBroken As Boolean
       fromBelt As Boolean
       hasSockets As Boolean
       isJustGenerated As Boolean
       isEar As Boolean
       isStartitem As Boolean
       isMiscItem As Boolean
       isPersonalized As Boolean
       isGamble As Boolean
    isRuneWord As Boolean
    isMagicExtra As Boolean
       MPQVersionField As String
       Location As Byte
       PositionX As String
       PositionY As String
       ItemCode(5) As String
       ItemLevel As Byte

   GoldSize As Boolean
      GoldAmount As Integer
End Type

Public Declare Function ParseItemDrop Lib "d2gs.dll" (ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal strlen As Long) As ItemStruct_t

Dim sString As String
Dim bytStringValue() As Byte
Dim intArraySize As Long
Dim i As Integer
sString = Replace("9C 02 22 10 B4 BD 81 5D 10 20 80 00 65 0C DE E2 4B 42 2E CD 0D 04 07 2A 00 18 86 85 00 86 00 A8 C0 7F", " ", "")
intArraySize = CInt((Len(sString) + 1) / 2) - 1
ReDim bytStringValue(intArraySize)
For i = 0 To intArraySize
   bytStringValue(i) = "&H" & Mid(sString, i * 2 + 1, 2)
Next i
item = ParseItemDrop(bytStringValue, intArraySize + 1)
MsgBox item.ItemCode

I either get a missmatch error or bad dll calling error. Help me out please :(


I believe your For loop should be:

For i = 1 To Len(sString) Step 2
   bytStringValue(i) = Chr("&H" & Mid(sString, i, 2))
Next i