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Question about TCMonitor...

Started by SyntaxError, July 05, 2004, 09:22 PM

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hi, a while ago..i came on the forums cuz i had a gay trojan and blah blah blah and you guys helped me out..-_- thx..now my new question is..i have tc monitor..and now everytime i open aim it says the following..

An alarm has gone off on the following item. This mean the data within the item has changed. What would you like to do?


Then it has two buttons:

Examine or edit the changed data
Ignore this alarm and accept the changes

then.....i click on examine or edit and it takes me to this other window...and it has on the top box.."Expected data" and theres nothing in it...
and in the bottom box.. it says .."Actual data" and theres one thing in there...and its:

Aim=C\Progam Files\AIM95\aim.exe -cnetwait.dl

what should i do? -_- i go to lauch editor...and delted everything in there, and nothing happens...i think =/ maybe im doing something wrong? doesnt anyone know how to work this, or have any suggestion.? =/ thanks :D


My shortcut is just "E:\Program Files\AIM\aim.exe", try removing -cnetwait.dl.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


okay i followed that directory....C:, program files, aim95, then i looked for cnet wait and it wasnt in that folder...then i went to search for programs and folder and typed in aim.exe. and delted them all..and also looked for "cnetwait"..and "-cnetwait.dl" and it didnt find both...RAWR....im going to try and run the cleaner again....

i remember my friend gave me this program that specifically targeted aim trojans and/or hacks....does anyone know of this?


by the way, i already tried reinstalling it :P


What I meant was to remove it from the shortcut path, when you go into properties.

Are you sure that isn't supposed to be ".dll"?
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


hmmm, i went to properties on the aol icon :) and found out Thats "aim.exe" lol, god im so computer illiterit..okay anyways..i  made mistake man..its acutally:


oops :P now, where is this Shortcut you speak of?


well i just found out something rather interesting....
so i deleted it....and here i am thinking im all cool chatting on my un-freezable aim...and all of a sudden BOOM. the bitch freezes again...and when i start up aim again...that fucking shit is back! dude, when i delete it..it fucking comes back. god, why me?


TCMonitor, afaik, is trojan/spyware/malware.

I've seen several times at work.

Format and reinstall everything.
That fixes EVERYTHING! :D

Windows mentality: Format frequently, defrag often.
Unix mentality: Fix it yourself. (?)
Technodev.org (future project) / UnixPartisan.org
Future dictator


ugh, i think i do need to format...unless anyone has anything else to say? better go by some black cds..

and joker, thanks for your help...for you, i give this..

thanks :P