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Started by Turin, June 26, 2004, 09:22 AM

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Little stumped on this, how would I set a message when someone enters the channel? Not User-Specific, but just a generic name.


Type some stuff into the textbox and hit enter. ;)


You need to do 2 things:
a) name which bot you're using
b) next time you post a thread, you need a better subject.  "Question" doesn't attract much attention :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


It depends which bot you're using.  If it's EternalChat, you can write a script for it.  See scripts.txt -- there's even an example greet there.

If it's SphtBotv3, you may be able to do it with the DMBotOp plugin, but if not you could write a plugin to greet people (or get someone else to write it).  I wrote a plugin to add support for reading ZeroBot/NBBot/EternalChat script files, but it isn't totally complete so I never published it.  I may finish it sometime.