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cant play sc behind my smoothwall

Started by picklefromhawaii, January 13, 2003, 12:45 PM

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Can anyone help me with this?  I running smoothwall with a 300mhz machine with 64M of ram.  I can connect and join games fine.  But when the game starts I either get discontected (actually it looks like the host left) or the game is so slow that its unplayable.  I opened up tcp and udp ports 6112 and still doesnt help.  Has anyone tried smoothwall before?  Does smoothwall just suck or what?  Any info would be helpfull.



Where does it say that this is somehow a Blizzard games tech support forum? Why would you ever come here and ask us a question that relates to a Blizzard games?

You posting something like that upset me very much.  >:(
My anger can only be relieved now by kicking you in the mouth... but since I can't do that; from now on please use Blizzards forum and their tech support for questions like those!


I can see that I am rubbing off on the forum moderators. tsk tsk.


I made those comments as a joke; I also told him where he can get some help.


Invert, your comments even though meant as a joke is very inappropriate.  I made a simple post, I did flame or anything.  There is no need for a response like that.  As for the reason why I posted my question in this forum is because in the past valhallalegends was more than helpful in any questions i had about starcraft.  And as the first post states reguarding the rules of this forum:

"This forum is for general computing, gaming, and [vL]-related issues (Anything else might get deleted)."

I am clearly within these guidelines.  I have searched bnets tech support.  And thier official stance is that they dont support playing sc behind a firewall or router.  I also contacted smoothwall and they wont give me any support.  So if you dont want to help me thats cool but I think I shouldnt be flamed by the moderator.

I hope in the furture [VL] will hold there own members to the forum rules.


nah, Invert can do whatever he wants.


Yes, picklefromhawaii is forgetting another rule!
Members may otherwise do as they please. The clan puts no requirements or demands on them other than stated here.

Which overrides forum guidelines.


What's a smoothwall?

SC doesn't always use port 6112. Try enabling all UDP. Or disabling the "smoothwall" while playing.


Spht, close but no cigar :)

The forum is just a bonus.  The clan doesn't guarantee it as a right to members, any more than the web page, FTP, email, etc.  But that doesn't change that Invert can do whatever he wants :)  It's just cause I said so, not because he's vL!  On the other hand, DarkMinion cannot do what he wants.  He has to pay me $5 each time he wants to do something.


iirc, Smoothwall is a linux distribution used for firewalls.


No, I think I'm just rubbing off...


picklefromhawaii: why are they inappropriate? I believe I may joke in any way I please, thanks.

Really, if your post was not ok with me I would have delete it.

 ;D <- before i kick you in the mouth.
 :D <- after i kick you in the mouth.


Thanks Yoni for responding to my issue :).  I got the port number 6112 straight from the bnet web site.  Unfortunately smoothwall doesnt have the feature to just turn off the firewall and I dont want to open up all the ports since that would kind of defeat the purpose of having a firewall in the first place.

Anyone else playing sc behind a firewall?


Try another firewall?


QuoteThanks Yoni for responding to my issue :).  I got the port number 6112 straight from the bnet web site.  Unfortunately smoothwall doesnt have the feature to just turn off the firewall and I dont want to open up all the ports since that would kind of defeat the purpose of having a firewall in the first place.

Anyone else playing sc behind a firewall?

Why don't you just open up all the UDP ports while playing Starcraft, and close them afterwards?  At the very least, you can see if that IS what's causing the problem :)
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV: