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Heads-up to fledgling bot developers

Started by Arta, December 17, 2002, 02:51 AM

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Battle.net's IP bans recently became rather more serious. Specifically, they are now permanent and effective across an entire gateway, not just a particular server. I strongly recommend that you locate a copy of pvpgn (www.pvpgn.com), bnetd, or if you're really desperate, fsgs - and test using that. Although all of these emulators have gaping inaccuracies and do in fact suck, in many respects, they'll help you to develop your logons and get your basic packets correct without being banned forever. Obviously this doesn't apply if you have a dynamic IP address or access to "10000 working proxies (;))".

Above all, just be careful! Make sure you get things right before you try to connect to Battle.net for real.


Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


Yes.  You get permanently banned from all servers on the gateway that you got banned from.  The only way to get it reversed is administrative action.



Arta should be keeping up-to-date by visiting there!


Well, I was infact un banned today after doing 0 attempts at asking a administrator to unban me. Not so perminant?


dWere you banned in the first place? And I'm sure the IP bans would NOT be permanent, for a simple fu c k  up in they're own software, could result in an ip ban (which I've seen happen a few times myself with bw)

I'm sure you would just stay banned for 12 hours on the entire gateway, permanent bans would be insane.


Well it's not too insane, this is twice now i've been banned off USEast for no good reason in the last week, last time i couldn't play for three day's! and i got banned again a few hours ago, what is it now? just a week? this is starting too get dumb i'm not doing anything >.<


Hey, I wouldn't have posted this unless I was sure. It has been confirmed as permanent - Although some people seem to have been unbanned when server software was updated a while ago.

Spht: Due to internet wierdness I am unable to vl.com, and vice-versa. Traceroutes from both ends time out at the last hop. :(


I've been permanently banned twice ...so far...Last time I was unbanned on Monday without saying anything. I've been banned again for three days and counting. I'll update you if i get unbanned on Monday again.
(thx for the links arta)


Apparently you now need to be banned a few times before it becomes permanent.

Mesiah / haiseM

Hrmm that explains it...

As for me trying to get myself banned, Battle.net servers are no longer as strict on the banning requirements, ive taken notice, constant flooding, will only get you muted... Constant profile updates only disconnect you, and invalid packets, only get you disconnected...

Depending on the server's stability, this may or may not be the case the entire time, but clearly they have lightened up a bit, i spent an hour trying to get ip banned, nothing...
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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perhaps you didnt try hard enough =\ or try flood bot with mass joins/reconnects that should do the trick

Mesiah / haiseM

Trust me, i tried that times 30
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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What is the fascination with rejoining over and over?  Why am I so clueless to how that can be interesting, stimulating, fun, or whatever?  It seems to be a total waste of time.

What the hell am I missing?

Hope this helps.


In this case I think Mesiah was merely trying to get the server to not like him...

As a more general idea...who knows...probably just because other people find it irritating.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.