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Warcraft III Tournament

Started by Mephisto, June 06, 2004, 04:14 PM

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My apologies for posting this in the wrong forum.  Moderators, please move this to gaming if you see fit to do so.  Thanks!  :)

Note: This was taken from my post on the Royal Council forum boards; http://www.royal-council.com/Forum/index.php?showtopic=5336.  It was thought that some gamers on these boards would be interested in attending this tournament.  Please read on for more information regarding the upcoming Warcraft III tournament.

In an effort to promote activity in among the Royal Council on Battle.net, a Warcraft III tournament will be scheduled.

Important tournament information (Q&A):

What day is the tournament scheduled for?

The meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 13th, 2004 following the RC RT meeting.

What time will the tournament begin?

The tournament will begin shortly after the RC RT meeting approximately 30 minutes afterwards. We will wait for the people who have replied on this thread, and then begin.  The meeting is planned for 3:00PM Eastern, so the tournament will likely begin around 4:00PM - 5:30PM Eastern.

Do I need to register?

No, however, it'd be in your best interest to post a reply on these forums. Doing this ensures that we will wait until you arrive to participate in the tournament. However, if you fail to show up after 30 - 60 minutes, you will likely be dropped even if you should reply to this thread.

What happens if I'm late and you already started?

If you show up during the first round and there are still players left, you will still be allowed to participate. However, after the first round has begun and there are no players left, you will be denied participation in the tournament.

Where is the tournament hosted?

In the moderated channel Op RC-Tournament.

Who will be hosting this tournament?

Myself, Mephisto, aka Vironis.

Are there any rules?

No rules apply other than those stated by the Royal Decree (regardless if it is in fact out-of-date).

How will the winner be determined? What are the brackets? Teams?

There will be no teams in this tournament, though another tournament in planning will be announced in the near future with teams of 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4. This tournament will be solo, 1v1. Brackets will be of 1v1 and proceed to the victors of each match. The winner will be the last one standing in the final match.

An example would be: There are 40 participants. Each is divided up into pairs of 2. Each pair of 2 do a solo match. The victor returns to the channel, so now there are 20 participants remaining. The 20 then divide into other pairs of 2, and the victors return which leaves now 10 participants. And so on...Until there are two remaining, and the winner is the one who wins that match. As you can see, the more participants there are, the more rounds there will be, hence the more enjoyable, and longer, and exciting the tournament will be!

Which map will be used?

You may select whichever map you wish, but it must be agreed upon the two participants matching. If both are neutral, then a random map is selected by the host.

Are observers allowed?

Yes, however, only RC observers will be permitted to view for trust reasons.

Is there a prize?

No, this is for fun and enjoyment. Although, an idea that will be presented to the RC RT meeting will be the suggestion of adding winners to formal RC tournaments to the tournament book of fame. The winner may apply to this, though there is no guarantee.

How are the pairs selected?

Randomly. Although in the beginning people will be matched according to level as presented by the Battle.net leveling system for Warcraft III. There is no guarantee however that you'll be placed against someone around your skill level. Training is ideal if you should win this tournament.

Will the tournament be Reign of Chaos or The Frozen Throne?

The tournament will be Reign of Chaos or The Frozen Throne. This has not been decided yet. However, it will likely be Reign of Chaos because more people would have this than The Frozen Throne, though based on popular demand, one will be selected (This is where replying on this thread would be a good idea).

I'm not in RC, can I still participate?

Yes. This is an open RC tournament.

If you have any other questions of comments feel free to send me a forum PM or reply via this thread. Hope to see you all there!





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General computing, gaming, and [vL]-related issues, and topics that are off-topic everywhere else.
Moderators: Grok, Skywing

Yeah, Why?
To lazy for slackware.


I'll join in a tournament after the next round of hackers are banned


Quote from: Maddox on June 06, 2004, 06:49 PM
Move this to the trash.

because gaming sucks tools

Also why the fuck would u advertise another clans tournament? wtf do u want kudo's points or someshit
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


I think I will be out of town, but if not I will play.
QuoteI wish my grass was Goth so it would cut itself


I haven't seen any of the mods say anything about it. So if you dont have anything decent to say why not shut your hole.

edit: That's all I'm saying about it. Not gonna crap up the forums with any more arguements.
To lazy for slackware.

Soul Taker

I, too, hate when someone is being friendly.


People still play Reign of Chaos? If you make it FT, count me in.


Quote from: Noodlez on June 09, 2004, 12:04 AM
People still play Reign of Chaos? If you make it FT, count me in.

Expansion is the ew


What are you, level 5? :p


Quote from: Noodlez on June 09, 2004, 08:44 AM
What are you, level 5? :p

Level 9,  26/3 or something on solo - just started playing again around June 2 or so (around the day school got out)