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Started by Celica, December 27, 2002, 04:56 PM

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MiLF! I'm Abnormal! When are you going to finish that name? Remember our deal? {bA}~DeMoN_@$$! for Abnormal winbotted...that was the deal! when r u going to do it! i've still got the name....

Mesiah / haiseM

milf, you dont stay connected to bnls, once your logged into battle.net, you have no reason to stay connected, so you disconnect from the bnls.
]HighBrow Innovations
Coming soon...

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I let my connection time out. ;)


You could stay connected to BNLS, its pointless tho. And are there records of how many times a bot has logged on under a certain BNLS id?


QuoteYou could stay connected to BNLS, its pointless tho. And are there records of how many times a bot has logged on under a certain BNLS id?
Yes.  These are accessible to authors who are connected to the BotNet, have a unique BotNet account name, and have requested an administrative password for their BNLS account.


skywing. The reason our server goes down is because were on a reseller account server. Plesk actually restarts apache and at that point it's unavailiable to anyone. The new version fixes if it can't connect it wont disconnect. Still has some bugs with that though.

As for a collocated server I've been looking into it but don't have funding myself for one.


Quoteskywing. The reason our server goes down is because were on a reseller account server. Plesk actually restarts apache and at that point it's unavailiable to anyone. The new version fixes if it can't connect it wont disconnect. Still has some bugs with that though.

As for a collocated server I've been looking into it but don't have funding myself for one.
Suggest not kicking users off if they can't contact it for a short period of time after already logging on then -- maybe if it's unreachable for an extended period of time, but it seemed to be initiating the disconnect from everything sequence on the first failure to communicate.


Celica = erbvile = "deam"
He told me that i was not supposed to say who he is, but since the way he acts on AIM, and says that all battle.net people and all these clans (vl, fe, ect.) are all stuck up and think they know everything there is to the world...
He made "Celica" because he had a bad reputation on the other name...


BSD said his bot, bsdbot, the non-spam one, can connect to 3raw w/o bnls. Inother words he claimed he hashed war3. I cried. :P


QuoteBSD said his bot, bsdbot, the non-spam one, can connect to 3raw w/o bnls. Inother words he claimed he hashed war3. I cried. :P
Bsd says a lot of things.  Incidentally, he's got a BNLS account...