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Decompressing a 24-bit TGA file.

Started by BinaryzL, May 16, 2004, 05:21 PM

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I am looking for VB6 code that will decompress a 24-bit tga file if anyone has it can you please post it.


Thought I told someone you can find it on Google, because, I know I did!

Private Function DecompressTGA(RLEStream() As Byte, Bits As Long, Höhe As Long, Breite As Long) As Byte()
Dim InitSize As Long
Dim Temp() As Byte
Dim n As Long
Dim K As Boolean
Dim B As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim fertig As Long
Dim z As Long
Dim Länge As Long
Dim Byteanzahl As Long
   Byteanzahl = Bits / 8
      InitSize = CLng(Höhe * Breite * Byteanzahl)
   ReDim Temp(0 To InitSize)
   Do While fertig < InitSize
   If l > UBound(RLEStream) Then GoTo Ende
       z = 0
       If RLEStream(l) > 127 Then
           n = RLEStream(l) - 127
           For B = 0 To n - 1
           CopyMemory Temp(fertig), RLEStream(l + 1), Byteanzahl
                          fertig = fertig + Byteanzahl
           Next B
       K = True
          n = RLEStream(l) + 1
          Länge = n * Byteanzahl

           CopyMemory Temp(fertig), RLEStream(l + 1), Länge
           K = False
           z = z + Länge

           fertig = fertig + z
           End If
           If K = True Then
               l = Byteanzahl + 1 + l
               n = z + (n * Byteanzahl) + 1
               l = (n * Byteanzahl + 1) + l
               n = z + n
           End If
   DecompressTGA = Temp
End Function


Hah thanks I looked and couldn't find anything, I guess my google searching skills are bad.

For the people wanting to use this:

Höhe is Height.
Breite is Width.
Fertig is Finished.
Länge is Length.
Byteanzahl is actually byte amount.