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Started by Vicious, May 13, 2004, 10:19 PM

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Have you ever had an injury? Like a broken leg or something?

I've had a few. I was in a car crash when I was a little baby. I don't think I was injured though. My dad broke his back. A stupid drunk driver his us. >:(

When I was 7 or 8, my mom got me a skateboard. I didn't really know how to ride one, so I like sat on it and rided it down a hill. I tried riding down the sidewalk hill on my stomach, and my chin got caught underneith the skateboard and rubbed against the cement. I had to get some stiches, and I have a scar on my chin now.

A couple years ago, I had a blue mountain bike. My sisters and their kids and me were going to the park, and I was riding on the sidewalk on my bike. When I was riding my front tire went inbetween the grass and the sidewalk, so I lifted the front end of my bike up. The tire came off, and the front part of the bike hit the sidewalk and the back end fliped forward. I landed on my face. I blacked out for a few seconds. I remember pushing myself up and feeling my face. It was all bloody. My hands were really messed up too. Two of my teeth were crushed against the cement. My mom took me to the emergency room, and they made me wait a freaking hour, so we just gave up. My mom works at the hospital so we just went upstairs and got some bandages. Now I have scars all over my hands, especially my right knuckles.


Rough.  ^^

As active as my outdoor life is (hiking, backpacking, sports, biking, snowboarding/skiing, etc.) I am happy to have never experienced any kind of injury other than a little cut or something.  I've never broken a bone, and I've only sprained my finger once when I ran through a hallway and hit my finger on the side in between the open door.  It hurt like a bitch.  :P


Hmm, I don't spend much time outside at all, or play many sports, and I have never injured myself (go figure!).  I have a scar on my nose, though, from when I fell down the stairs as a kid and landed on something sharp.
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I broke a couple bones in my arm, radius and ulna I think they're called, when I tried jumping to a monkey bar that was too far away. I would jump past the first 4 or 5 monkey bars and see the furthest one I could reach..... well it ended badly one day  :o
اگر بتوانید این را بهخوابید ، من را "پی ام" کنید


In 5th grade I fell off a roof and broke my jaw. In 6th grade I rolled a four-wheeler and broke a rib that punctured my lung. I also broke part of my back (luckily I can still walk). In 8th grade I wrecked my bike and ripped just about my entire right shin off. In 9th grade some guy who had a point to prove stabbed me in the stomach. In 10th grade I got a couple of my teeth broken out because I wouldn't back down to a bad ass and his friends. From there I mainly just got arrested a lot. Last Halloween I got arrested for two counts of 2nd degree assault with a deadly weapon. Fortunately for me I got the charges dropped to two gross misdemeanors, possession of a weapon. Last Christmas I got hit in the head with a beer bottle, and I now have a nice scar on my right cheek.

I have had many accidents in between the ones I just stated, but I don't feel the need to share them.

Now I go to work, hang out with the few true friends I really have, and spend my spare time on my computer talking to you wonderful folks. ;) I would rather be alive than dead. I have since learned I do not have to be cool. Instead I choose to use my brains a little more often, and stopped trying to prove whatever point I happened to be fighting for.
Quote"Pray not for lighter burdens, but for stronger backs." -- Teddy Roosevelt
"Your forefathers have given you freedom, so good luck, see you around, hope you make it" -- Unknown


You should be a stuntman.
Quote from: Mangix on March 22, 2005, 03:03 AM
i am an expert Stealthbot VBScript. Recognize Bitch.


Quote from: Tuberload on May 14, 2004, 02:47 AM
Now I go to work, hang out with the few true friends I really have, and spend my spare time on my computer talking to you wonderful folks. ;) I would rather be alive than dead. I have since learned I do not have to be cool. Instead I choose to use my brains a little more often, and stopped trying to prove whatever point I happened to be fighting for.

At least you learned from it.  Well, eventually :P
This'll make an interesting test for broken AV:


I was playing catcher in one of those middle-school P.E. classes.  We were playing softball.  When one of the guys hit the ball, he accidentally flung his bat backwards.


into my face.  It hit right above my left eye, like right on the eyebrow.  I didn't really feel anything hurt, but blood started dripping down onto my shoe.  It was weird - my head was ringing, I felt really cold, and the blood felt strangely warm.  Then I waited like 6 hours in the emergency room for it to get stitched up.  The guy who did it was the father of one of my friends, and he would *tap* on the exposed bone to make sure everything was intact.  I ended up getting like 30-something stitches.

All my minor injuries seem to be from baseball, also.  Like, a concussion (well, besides the one mentioned above), I got run over at home plate as catcher two years ago.  The guy was a real chunker, like 250lbs (mind you, I'm pretty small for my age).  So, completely disregarding our league's rules, he ran me over, and I hit my head (whiplash) on the ground, real hard.  The cool thing though was, he was out at the plate (I held onto the ball) and he also got ejected.  Our pitcher and cleanup hitter both came out to help me up, then our pitcher threw at the next guy.

Then there's the really minor, nagging injuries such as scrapes and cuts from spikes, running into guys in the outfield, foul balls off the foot/ankle, etc.


Dislocated shoulder. Many teeth through my lips. Broken teeth. Concussions. Missing part of my eyebrow from when I scraped it on the road.
As far as I can tell, my bones are unbreakable.
Eibro of Yeti Lovers.


Never brocken anything, a few sprains and pulls here and there. The most serious one was this year I think when I tried to bench 155 for the first time, and something in my shoulder screwed up and I almost dropped the bar on the top of my chest/throat (aye, spotting is good). I was fine in 2 days and trying it again.
QuoteAnyone attempting to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin
John Vo


ew, you punctured your lung?   :o


I've never broken a bone, but I have had a big metal clamp fall on my foot in 7th grade!


I've had my nose broken by a golf club, and I've broken my elbow from falling backwards out of a tree.

I skateboard now... I can only wait...


I've sprained my neck pretty bad when I was sleeping in the car for three hours and my head was against the window.


I attribute some injuries to bad luck. I mean, some people trip on roller blades and break their wrists and forearms, and I've fallen from nearly two story rock walls and had no injuries whatsoever.

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." --John Wayne