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IP Bans

Started by Ryan, January 05, 2003, 03:00 PM

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How long do they last now? Seems like I've been banned forever ^_^


Apparently they last forever, but I was IP banned and it only seemed to last about 2 days... (I'm unbanned now?)


Probably for the better. :)


I think i was told that it lasts 72 hours even though i was banned 3 times since the new rule but now i know what not to do :-P so i don't do it

Mesiah / haiseM

either IP bans are permanent, and the list gets reset every few days magically, or i was correct in saying they arent permanent.
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i agree with mesiah, i don't think it's pernament either, casue some ppl who don't realize of what somethings they do is wrong, like loading on a invalid cd-key, which gets u instant ipbanning ;), i get that alot form forgetting to take invalid keys out of my list.

I think ipbans only last 3-4days from what i know of. If u game jsut move to a diff server till ur unbanned :)


I had a 36 hour IP ban for using an invalid key. I managed to do it again with another key, so I'm about to find out if it is consistent. Still, I never wanted to connect to Asia anyway  ;D
^-----silly Brit


IP bans can last from <b><A>3 hours to 72</A></b> hours depending on how many people are ipban at the moment. Right now it takes about 72 hours because of all the n00bs that are trying to use the floodbot.<br><br><br>
<center><img src="http://top1oo.hypermart.net/images/udead.bmp"></img></center>


Seeing as from what I hear IP banning is not consistent, I wonder whether they just re-set the servers every so often...it would explain why some people get different lengths of bans <shrugs>
^-----silly Brit


OK, I tested this theory.I got myself an IP ban on three Gateways, on 3 different days (two were intentional, one wasn't!)

This morning my IP ban was lifted...from all the gateways. So for similar 'offenses' I had IP bans ranging from 24 - 72 hours, but it was lifted at the same time on each Gateway...

^-----silly Brit


I'm not too sure if this is what u ment, but maybe this shows that all IP bans are lifted about every 3 days? This would explain why there is no set limit on how long people are being IP banned for.


I guess that is what I am saying.

Mind you, when the new system recently came in, I did manage to get a ban that lasted about 5 days. Maybe the 'outcry' made them modify things...who know's.

Anyone else got any other theories, or are we all just bored of this topic <raises hand>
^-----silly Brit


QuoteAnyone else got any other theories

don't get me started on theories... i'll have you pages of essays on what this new ban method could be :-/
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I've been banned (and unbanned) from the same gateway three times today alone. Something definitely is screwy here.
Quote from: iago on February 02, 2005, 03:07 PM
Yes, you can't have everybody...contributing to the main source repository.  That would be stupid and create chaos.

Opensource projects...would be dumb.


The situation as I understand it atm is that you get a certain number of IPBans before it becomes permanent. We don't know how many yet.

This, however, could also have been discontinued without us knowing :)